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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    In the options menu turn on AoE Loot on Interact and Autoloot: Autopickup.

    Done that the first 10 minutes after creating the characters.
    Doesn't have much to do with the problems I have with the visibility of left loot.

    As a ranged type you aren't automatically in range of looting and not to forget the moving while in battle or image the labyrinth (I think I lose about 50% of loot there - but that's more due to movement than visibility).

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  2. 8 hours ago, Dayra.7405 said:

    Make them tradable I want to sell the over 1000 charges I don’t need anymore.

    That's how it is now. 

      Hide contents

    you just need to gear up to legendary 🙂


    Yeah I know. I thought it fancy at first but then noticed that legendary equipment itself acts like a skin. You can't put it in the inventory. I noticed that too late, would have focused a different type/class and not the heavy type.
    Image a warrior wanting to swap weapons (since he can use quite a lot of them) and having to create your weapon from scratch every time -.- (or you u start micro-managing several equipm. slots).
    It's crazy that I have to go back to ascended just to be able to switch out weapons.
    I don't always need a rifle, but when I do, I just want to drag the whole thing into a weapon slot and not create it.

    • Confused 1
  3. On 10/25/2023 at 1:23 AM, bullsxtwo.1027 said:

    Hey, look an actually well-thought-out counterargument.

    No it's not since you can, at any time, switch to another map and open all the doors.

    Does anyone actually do that?
    I mean sure an entire squad wont, but there surely are enough greedy players that would if that means more profit. So are there players doing that?
    I doubt that there is more profit.
    There exists a fixed labyrinth rotation, if followed then there is always loot.

    I sometimes switch maps, depending whether I want all doors or only green doors.
    And today I switched around several map ips to finish the carving achievement.

  4. On 10/25/2023 at 5:11 PM, Casepb.5104 said:

    Bag of Coins has both a limited and unlimited option.  Why not transmutation charges?  Just add an option and make them cost 30 acclaim like the unlimited Bag of Coins.  I know there's many ways to get transmutation charges but what's the harm in adding in another for those that want it?


    Remove the transmutation system entirely.

    Is a skin unlocked in your account?
    Then just add it to your equipment. No extra item needed.

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  5. On 10/19/2023 at 8:00 PM, Chichimec.9364 said:

    And the various tasks have taken me back to maps and metas I haven't played in a while.

    Opposite for me. Since I cannot choose my tasks-mix from wvw and pve anymore, and pve forced hateful tasks like hearts on me, I only activated wvw and thus am not in pve anymore.  None of my accounts. Wvw is so much easier and more fun (except for the shrines/ruins ones)

    With the old system I sometimes did pve when there was the 5 events task on certain maps (not all), mostly did the harvest one (had a char parked for that in every common area) and sometimes planned it around pve events like the Skritt queen (when I'm on that map anyway, why not do the Skritt queen, or when I'm in the Silver Wastes why not do the meta) and so on. I found reasons around the old daily system to spend more time in pve.

    But that isn't meant to be a complaint towards the new system.

    I'm fine with the new system. (I was fine with the old one too)
    I like how it boosts my new account. Not even 3 weeks old and I have like 300 gold (but that's also with support from labyrinth farming) and an ascended weapon, without help from my main account xD

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  6. Hello

    I created another account about 2-3 weeks ago. It really takes a long time to activate automatic looting in PVE.

    For those who do not remember:

    1. first you have to level up to level 80 so the XP you earn goes into a mastery path instead of level-up.
    2. Then you need a lot of XP to level up the paths
    3. and 19 Tyrian mastery points which are mostly only available through achievements (there are only a few insights).

    All 3 of these take a lot of time.

    In the meantime you have to loot manually. There is a visibility issue here. If anything is displayed at all, it's a very slight glint. This is very easy to miss, depending on the graphics settings and map. Sure in dark areas at night it is easier. Also, not every corpse is lootable and sometimes the corpse disappears immediately after death even though you can still loot. So there are hardly any good visible clues.

    But there exists a system which makes everything well visible. In WvW. Loot lies there in the form of bags on the ground, they are labeled as such and are therefore very visible.

    It would be really helpful to implement this in PvE.


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  7. I was just about to open a thread myself about this skill. Asking if there is a reason that I can't move, or more specifically that the skill is cancelled when I move?
    It makes no sense, especially compared to other weapons and even other classes. The only other class I play that has such a non-move skill is the Ranger with the 5 on bow. But that's ok, it has a wide range and feels faster cast than Hundred Blades.

    (My main class is Rev and he has no such handicap.)

    I rarely play warrior and I find the behavior very disturbing and not useful. It reduces my usefulness to a team.

    Yesterday I played the end of the dragon meta, and to fight the dragon I have to move after the enemies, but my second best skill (I consider F1 the best on GS) becomes a liability because I can't follow the moving enemies and my damage goes down.
    (And I don't want to switch to axe meta because that's what I usually do on warrior and I wanted to play hammer + GS because it's fun).

    Please make it a moving skill.


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  8. 12 hours ago, Caelin.9167 said:

    I don't post often, so this will be long.

    You should change that.

    Another theory: people have shorter attention spans and a wall-of-text discourages many from even getting past the first paragraph.
    So if you want a lot of people to read, give feedback, keep it short.

    Spread it out over several topics, one by one.

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  9. How the heck shall GW2, a game with complex controls, work on a mobile device? With what, something like a control pad? 4 buttons?

    PC players will always be the win then and mobile players the losers, that no-one wants in the party.
    All they may be able to play properly is their home instance.

    I'm the opposite, I dropped pc games entirely because they got adjusted too much for the mobile market and that was bad for the pc experience. Like Gems of War - rip.

    (If you really love the game you wouldn't have left)

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  10. With all the constant complaints, I miss topics where the great things are also listed, not only the errors and changes and disimprovement.

    What delighted me lately is actually a really small change: In the trading post you can now click that only locked items are shown. :classic_happy: I think that's so great, I tried it on all categories and was very surprised how many blue and green weapons and armor I was still missing and I've been playing again for 3-4 years. In my other accounts I find this totally useful with colors and have spent some good gold on them lately.

    Things I never get tired of and still fascinate me even after years: The Raptor (still the best and sweetest) and various landscapes in different times of day.
    I sometimes just stand there, turn off the UI, and enjoy the view.

    Or the conversations of some NPCs. I linger with them and listen to everything.

    • Like 6
  11. 7 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

    That's when the fun begins

    Bay, underwater, was the only time I, all alone, managed to kill a thief 😄
    (on the surface they either kill me/chase me to death or escape with their better mobility and stealth 😞)

    I like underwater with rev but while my breather is lvl 80 (dunno what color though) it doesn't share the same rune anymore. I only crafted 6 leg. runes because fk the breather xD
    But speeding up, hm. I wonder. My rev has already the speed relic, I doubt breather speed does increase that.

  12. 22 hours ago, server st anne.8750 said:

    It really conflicts when I change builds on a character.

    Easiest solution: ignore it entirely.

    So you swim around in wvw with a level 1 starter-breather without any upgrades, so what?
    You shy away from the intense under water battles in wvw? Or anywhere in open world?

    I remember just 1 place in that proper underwater gear was important and that was a path in the koda dungeon.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/12/2023 at 11:27 AM, Kamu.6039 said:

    Does ruins of surmia has active wvw players? Or is gandara better?

    Many server have active wvw players (if you mean the masses). You need to specify what content or playstyle you want. How organized and out for meta classes and gear adn setups, or more loose and cloudy, more voice chat needs or just running along,...

    What time of day (everyone uses the prime time but what appart from that?)
    E.g. Gandara has much activity till late in the night/very early morning. But lacks in the morning and often lose a lot then.

  14. On 10/24/2023 at 6:45 PM, Riba.3271 said:

    isn't it little bit too easy to hold or upgrade


    I'm linked to Fissure and they're known SM lovers who have a queue for ebg when I come home from work at around 3-4 pm. Today it was 40 for ebg, 0 for the borderlands.

    And they've lost SM this week too.

    If Anet wants to change anything, just bring back supps for defense event and ppl will drain SM again and it'll be harder to keep. And other ppl, having trouble with defense events because of their random variables, will be happy too.
    Actually everyone will be happy.
    Except for the SM defenders.

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  15. 18 minutes ago, xKya.4126 said:


    it always annoyes me and some of my friends, when you want to craft a legendary, you have to get into WvW to get your Gift of Battle. 

    How about changing that and make it buyable with other currencies?

    For the raid people, make it cost 200 magnetite shards?

    For the open world people, make it cost 100 provisioners tokens?

    For the pvp people, make a PvP reward track for them or use PvP currency to buy it?

    Of course you can adjust the prices more, but its an example of how it could work.


    So everyone can get a Gift of Battle in his favourite way to play the game? Without being forced into WvW and just leeching it or being afk flipping a camp every 5 minutes not to lose the parcitipation.

    But first GoB still has to be completed n wvw.

    In the other thread about it, one suggested it can be crafted via the mystic forge.

    Which is ok, the recipe can be unlocked once the first GoB track got completed in wvw.

    Same ofc with the GoE, right?

    • Confused 2
  16. On 10/25/2023 at 10:37 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

    So before refresh make sure to save up 1,300 to carry into next season for a head start.

    If you're already out of useful things to buy and are now just buying 30AA gold every day that is.

    I think it doesn't matter anyway. Because youll end up buying everything useful and be next rotation where you are now. So whether you spend those 1300 aa now for the 1 gold (or whatever you buy to get rid of the aa now) or next rotation, no change. Unless you're keen to have the next leg box asap.

  17. Why would recipes be useful for a new account?

    Buying armor is cheaper than crafting armor and trading armor is cheaper than crafting armor.

    For my newest account I bought the berserker armor from the tp.
    I could go to Orr and trade it for karma too, but I was too lazy to explore all the way to Orr.

    As for a weapon, trade the Astral Acclaim (daily/weekly reward) for the ascended weapon chest.

    A new account will need gold to buy most fancy stuff from the tp, since its faster than anything else. And who wants to wait and throw gold into crafting to level it up just to throw even more gold in to crafting at then end?
    The gold you get for AA too.

    The new daily/weekly system is THE boost for new accounts.

    Another fancy thing for newbies and beginners is the stats select equipment you get from a wvw vendor. But you actually need to play wvw then to get badges of honor. And people who play wvw get stats selected armor chests through reward tracks (e.g. the desert track) and as drops/reward anyway. But a new account in wvw is a *!#@ in the kitten. No warclaw, no autoloot (like in pve too but in pve you dont see the missed loot, in wvw its like a track behind you -.-), minimum gliding. The lack of warclaw was the worst for me.

    I think as a new player you are better off playing HoT, get the mao currency and level the masteries and buy the stats select armor from the frog vendor.

  18. I like pistol thief that does dmg and dies less than any thief I tried before (except staff daredevil but that one is too high maintenance for me, or specter that's too much clicking for my taste for not enough dmg output).

    I wish thief was dead in wvw. Or reduced to stealthless thief.

    All kidding aside, my deadeye thief is the most valuable character on my account (according to gw2efficiency). It stores all my fish and bait and stuff. I had no idea it made my thief so valuable.

    I think we should switch to ele. Look this ele rules them all in pvp:


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