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Everything posted by lothefallen.7081

  1. Please make this armor set available to players. https://imgur.com/a/WwpHRMx Thank you!
  2. The relic changes feel awful too, my characters feel less powerful....I feel like I paid to regress the game. The rigidity of the daily system and the removal of wvw/pvp potions makes me not really interested in logging back in. I think I will severely cut my playtime down to 0 until they meaningfully fix what was working and didn't need to be changed.
  3. I play WvW pretty regularly and raid casually in WvW with my guild zerg and even I know this is not how players actually play WvW. There's very little overarching incentive to protect dolyaks on a mechanical and structural design level in the game mode. The mode encourages zerg-like play. It feels like the people they put in charge of designing these features were severely out of touch with how the players in their game actually play the game. Now I'm wondering.....should I set my content preference to PvE only to avoid having to do ridiculous weeklies like this and minimize my time investment for maximum reward? This system had a lot of promise to fill in gaps in the way content is played and make the game feel more robust, but instead im stuck xíng out of the WV interface for fear of making a selection that will doom me to really bad objectives.
  4. I found 3/4 on my main playthrough and it bugged. Now on my second character playthrough and I was excited to finish this, but it bugged. Arenanet, can you please fix this?
  5. You're not wrong, but also, consider levers of power. The individual player matters very little, especially in context of a business model built on microtransactions. As long as the majority of whales are captivated by new skins and the like, ArenaNet doesn't have to go as far to keep every individual player satisfied. Their model is built to appeal to a wide demographic. It's not the same business model as WoW for example where each subscription matters in a horizontal way. Ultimately, ArenaNet is in the position of power, and the ideology of capitalism that drives the production of the product will always dictate that they produce what the majority of their paying customers are after in order to sustain their model first and foremost. They are likely not too concerned with a few players complaining that they have to work to obtain currency for exclusive fishing skins. That's an externality for them. They include a multitude of carrots in varying contexts for different people to chase. It's only going to affect their bottom line if complaints mount beyond their ability to drive profit, which is highly unlikely. But go off, I guess.
  6. I know that this topic has been absolutely beaten to death and ArenaNet has said that they will likely not implement Tengu as a playable race, but seeing all of the different NPC models (Crane, Owl, Sensali, Caromi, even the guild hall NPC) for Tengu and all of the individual customization options that ArenaNet has already implemented for Tengu as an NPC race, it really seems strange that out of all NPC races, they have invested the most care and time into displaying the variance of Tengu physiology. I know people are absolutely tired of talking about this and there are tons of other topics, but I really think it's an absolute shame for ArenaNet not to take advantage of the opportunity to add Tengu as a playable race with all the given information above. The main complaint and counter point that I always see from people who speak out against this potential implementation is that it would be too difficult to model existing armors on the Tengu rigging, but is it 100% necessary that the Tengu have access to all the old dungeon armors for example? There's no reason why ArenaNet couldn't just release them as a playable race with less armor options at the start then build on that base with EoD releases. To me, that's such a weak reason not to implement a playable race that most people would absolutely love. Others complain about animations, but there are NPC Tengus with bow, sword, etc animations already in the game. ArenaNet could easily implement them if there was a will to. It would bring people back to the game. It would increase the number of players that play alts, it would give people tons of options for fashion wars, and it would be a great opportunity to revitalize the starting zones by bridging the Dominion of Winds' story into the starting areas and funneling them to EoD then whatever is beyond that. This would increase the amount of veterans playing in old areas which would also be great for new players to the GW2 community. I'm sure there are many more reasons, but really, I want to know from ArenaNet a simple outright "No" if there will never be plans to implement them as a playable race since I've been holding out on making alts of certain professions in the event they ever become playable. TL;DR: Please, ArenaNet. Can we just get an outright "No" at this point if playable Tengu are completely off the table? Cheers,
  7. I don't understand how people always seem to fail to consider the development and design perspective for reward implementations. An important part of game design for an MMO that is essentially driven by microtransactions is keeping the player in the game. More time spent in the game, higher probability that they will spend in the cash shop. Also, when you consider that the endgame of GW2 is primarily fueled and driven by aesthetic (horizontal) progression and much of the end game is based around creating alts to experiment with new classes and builds, it makes sense from a design perspective to do things like; 1. Make specialty items and prestige items costly to both offer incentive for new players and provide a resource sink for veterans. 2. Make the elite specialization weapons require story completion to add replay-ability and incentivize alts. 3. Ensure that through both of those above, there is a sense of longevity and replay value baked in to the zone design. 4. Keep a healthy population of players spread across zones to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for players. 5. Keep you logged in and chasing that carrot, which statistically makes ArenaNet money. I remember when ArenaNet introduced the Requiem armor set and all the outrage that came from the market manipulation of prices for the sigil of nullification. Now, the sigils are extremely accessible as the market has balanced out and players have moved on to newer content. When the average player is thinking in terms of instant gratification, it's important to temper expectations by remembering the game is designed as a system with specific desired outcomes, processes, and flows. The developer is always going to design content to give players something to work for. What's great about GW2 is that the fishing hat and vest are purely aesthetic and players that feel like the reward is worth the invested currency or time can go after it. Those that don't feel like the reward is worth the invested time or currency can move on to other things. Cheers,
  8. Looking for Aurora cape and toxic cape to come back in either gem shop or for black lion statuettes...any ideas?
  9. I'm happy to hear that GW2 will be available on Steam in November. With this recent news, I feel that there are a few things that need immediate attention in order to ensure that new players acclimate to a coherent game-play experience. Because the game has been out for almost a decade, people can tend to overlook major structural issues with the way content progression is set up in the vanilla game mode. It's obviously in the best interest of both ArenaNet and the greater GW2 community to have a game play pipeline that is easily communicable and understood by new players. With this in mind, I intend to start a conversation to allow ArenaNet to get feedback about infrastructure changes that could mean the difference between player retention or a missed conversion. In my opinion, ArenaNet needs to correct some fundamental game-play design and implementation flaws as follows: Dungeons in GW2 are defunct content. They used to be difficult before the power creep of HoT and PoF and they were an integral part of gear progression in the vanilla game. Often, a player will play through to level 30-40 and the first time they hear about a dungeon is through the mail system - this is a pretty significant problem and makes the content feel arbitrary. They're told to go to the dungeon, but find that the content is pretty much abandoned as there are copious other ways to acquire exotic gear that may even be easier than dungeons. Seeing as this is an MMO, people want to jump into group content and get a feel for what GW2 has to offer on that front. Right now, I feel like the current content pipeline and implementation for dungeons makes them incoherent and an after-thought. New players coming to the game to experience group content are going to see that there's no coherent dungeon progression, they're going to get told that end game content is fractals and raids and then never learn how to properly play their class in context of group content. TL;DR: Dungeons don't provide reliable instruction on how to approach group content. They should be re-tuned, overhauled, and new rewards provided so that dungeons become an important part of vanilla progression for newbies. Gearing up in GW2 can be really confusing for new players because of the steep curve in progressing from full exotic to full ascended. Not only this, but the lack of clearly defined roles means that players need to have a strong understanding of end game content and classes to be able to understand how best to gear their character. This creates a culture of elitism because there's so much additional research a new player needs to do just to play the game properly and in most cases, that information that they need is external to the gameplay process, only on the wiki, or just plain not communicated to the player in a clear or concise manner. Coupled with the issue above, some players just don't socialize and get the information they need to take their gameplay to the next level because the content design is inherently anti-social and co-operative rather than requiring players to learn the depth or complexity of their class or combat in order to excel. This results in an extremely stratified player base that often excludes inexperienced players from participation outside of the open world. TL;DR: ArenaNet needs to create a more coherent pathway for new players to gear to full BiS (best in slot) ascended, change their build, and experiment without the sunken cost of having to have a bunch of legendary items or multiple sets of ascended gear. The actual gameplay needs to teach players how to play the game properly. Right now, the new players can't learn all they need to know just by playing because the game doesn't encourage depth of strategy in group content prior to level 80. Do more to allow the game to teach players through consequence. Right now, the game's reward systems are super homogenized. Everything is channeled through the cash shop. New skins feel like less of a reward for good game play and achievement and more like a transaction. Players need to feel rewarded with cool and interesting items for excelling at the game. Blue, green, yellow loot mostly just exists to be salvaged. Loot often feels like a byproduct of the system rather than exciting and rewarding like GW1. ArenaNet needs to use new incentive structures when addressing the above two major issues and think about how they can re-tool old content to bring freshness to the whole community and coherence to new players who are making a decision to either play and spend money in GW2 or play something else. TL;DR: The game itself should feel rewarding and coherent to play on its own merits. I'm sure there are tons more structural issues that people have identified with GW2 that will probably limit how long the game stays relevant. If you have anything to add to this discussion for the above stated purpose, I would love to get your feedback too. Thanks!
  10. I find opinions like this often come from people who have no connection to the first game at all. Who else would feel threatened by GW fans enjoying some franchise nostalgia? It would be great to have a content release where we get Fissure of Woe and The Underworld as raids or some kind of strike. I'd really like to see a sink for Obsidian shards since I don't really care for most legendary weapons. Obsidian armor should be available in a way similar to the Runic set, but it costs ecto and obby shard just like in GW.
  11. Remember, this game is monetized mostly by cosmetics so ArenaNet really doesn't have to design content in the same way that a sub game like woW has to just to keep people logged in playing for as long as possible. It actually makes a lot of sense for ArenaNet to invest into the fashion wars endgame by making a new race to market cosmetics for in the cash shop. You have to think about their monetization structure -- they are going to build features and systems that help them sell cosmetics to excited customers. And playable Tengu is exciting because Avian races are not really common in MMOs plus GW lore potential for the race means many, many different possibilities for story-telling.
  12. PvP and Fractals are some of the most fun, repeatable content in the game. I'd honestly urge you to take a different approach to them. Maybe you dislike them for the wrong reasons and should give them another shot. By far, they offer some of the best rewards in the game for your time invested. I can't imagine being someone who refuses to purchase the expansions, yet complains there's nothing they like to do in the game.
  13. I'd like to see: Ele - Greatsword (Ranged AoE)Warrior - Scepter / Focus (Alacrity support build)Necro - Rifle or Longbow (Fast ranged AoE DPS)Revenant - GreatswordGuardian - 2H ShieldRanger - Rifle or Pistol (Fast ranged AoE DPS)Mesmer - Main hand focusThief - Longbow (Fast ranged AoE DPS)Engineer already gets offhand pistol, let's give them a staff and make them a Robomancer with Quickness support so Warrior and Engineer break up the FB/Rene monopoly. +1 to playable Tengu!
  14. I'm not a developer, that's not my job. These are things that most people who play GW2 have told me they want or posted about constantly on Reddit, this forum, etc. Expansions sell incredibly well for GW2. We're long overdue for one.
  15. When players see investment into systems that create longevity and meaningful group experiences, they're more likely to spend on the gemstore. Plus, lock elite specs behind a $60 expansion and market it well, they'll easily have players banging down their door to give them money.
  16. -Cantha expansion -Playable Tengu race -New elite specs -Demonetize build templates -Overhaul core dungeon explorable paths with strike mission mechanics and add incentives for vets to help new players learn how to play properly with achievements and rewardsDungeons are the first group content that the game encourages players to check out. Right now, the dungeon system in this game is a liability. It scares more people away from the game with a dead LFG when these instances could be used to teach new players how to play correctly and create a pipeline to fractals and raids. When you get a mail as you're leveling to check out these dungeons, make an automatic group finder for them. Get these new players learning break bars, cc, and dodging instead of roaming an empty overworld for 80 levels. New players won't stay for the current experience. You need to think about how your game should be designed to bring players into the fold, not alienate them because the first group content they touch is atrocious and no longer supported development. You need to fix this system. It's absolutely dire. -Allow LWS1 to be playable so new players can actually orient themselves in the world and feel attached to the story instead of just watching a cinematic with 0 information. -Stop the drip feed saga story focus. REPEATABLE CONTENT. REWARD SYSTEMS. GET PEOPLE PLAYING TOGETHER MEANINGFULLY -Refocus on guild content and guild cohesion. We need more types of guild missions, more rewards, GvG, bonuses for clearing daily fractals or raids with guilds, come on. -Stop putting all the flashiest rewards in the gemstore. Monetize your expansion. Reward players for playing the game first, then try to milk them on cosmetics and QoL second. Any other ideas, feel free to add to the post. -GW player since 2005
  17. I've been playing the Guild Wars franchise since 2005. What I'm most disappointed about with regards to this recent announcement is how ArenaNet doesn't seem to try at all to innovate anymore. It seems like the developers have settled into a formulaic pattern of behavior that gets the best results for their bottom line rather than trying to invent ways to deepen the player experience. Some of this blame rests with management and some rests with capitalism as a system of production that gives incentives for companies to actually ignore consumer feedback as long as they're still making money from gem store sales. I waited excitedly for this announcement and when I checked reddit this afternoon at work to see the details and community reaction, I was severely let down. It honestly ruined my entire day to hear pretty much exactly what we expected; a new living story season and promises of un-released features. Strike missions are basically re-branded bounties, masteries aren't even a real progression system since you unlock them so quickly while playing and there's no consistent sense of accomplishment with them. The players want new, exciting features that actually add longevity to their game play experience while convincing them to actually interact with the community as well. Living story updates create a formula where players log in briefly to consume the very small amounts of content produced then log off for 3-4 months until the next announcement. I enjoy the GW2 story for pure nostalgia purposes at this point, but I know for a fact that this game could be thriving so much better if the content development focused on replay-ability, challenge, and actually rewarding player accomplishment in the course of the game, not just developing the best rewards for the cash shop alone. What's worse than ArenaNet development being so severely out-of-touch with player expectations and desires is the fact that the marketing and management is even more severely out-of-touch with reality to the point that they would hype an announcement like this that basically told players nothing we didn't already know or expect. Tons of marketing and advertising effort wasted -- but that's what ArenaNet has become. A game company that over-hypes and under-delivers, always. In my opinion, ArenaNet needs to focus on real expansion-level features for announcements in lieu of continuing to produce actual expansions. These features should be: -New playable races-New weapons-New elite specializations-Expanding GW lore-Focusing on content that isn't just braindead open world zerg meta events-Make the game challenging and focus more on how your systems teach new players to play correctly. The role system is so poorly defined based on early game play design.-Focus on challenging content like fractals and raids, less on world meta events that become obsolete and dormant unless they are the top tier farm spots. You'll never balance the game properly and distribute player population evenly if you continue down this formulaic route.-Creating a coherent pipeline for new players to become involved in fractal and raid communities by reducing unnecessary grind and making the content accessible-Actually incentivize pvp. Make some actually cool, exclusive skins for sPvP. Like seriously, put tons more exclusives in modes you want more players to congregate in-Oh, and put the damn gift of battle in sPvP reward tracks, but make it quicker to get in WvW. Until I see some commitment to changing the formula, I won't be logging in much and I won't be spending money in the gem store. Good luck, A seriously disappointed fan of GW for nearly 15 years.
  18. I love the skins for my guardian. Have the greatsword and it's my favorite. Goes really well with class theme and complements some skill animations!
  19. I would tend to disagree. This game has one of the most extensive, well-curated, and vast achievement systems on the market. In addition, one of the most extensive carrot-on-a-stick systems for acquiring skins, trinkets, ascended armor, and legendary weapons. It's uncommon for players to just settle on one aesthetic, but you might be an outlier. Dailies, fractals, sPvP, WvW, raids, alting, challenges / activites in HoT, jump puzzles, guild missions and activities, dungeons, WvW. There's tons of stuff to do if you play alts like me. Experimenting with builds on different professions and mastering them provides countless hours of engaging gameplay alone. Collecting skins and outfitting characters is a long term goal that keeps me playing. Also, with legendary weapons, there's almost always something to strive for - even though I don't personally like any of them enough to spend that much time or effort. There's crafting, gathering, making money, etc. If you don't want new armor, new weapons, new skins, don't enjoy sPvP, WvW, guild socialization, or daily activities, playing through the open world, you may just not like this game? I don't think I would play this game if the only thing I played it for was to go through the Living Story. There's never been much vertical progression and the basis of the gameplay hasn't changed much from launch. Might just be time to find a different game or take a break. I took a break for two years and now I'm playing consistently for hours a day.
  20. I'm a huge GW1 fan and a veteran player of 7+ years. I worked hard and long on my HoM rewards out of love for the first game (which honestly, at it's peak, was a better game mechanics and combat system-wise than GW2) and I don't think those rewards for veteran players should be obtainable any other way because it would cheapen my (and others' ) loyalty to the franchise. I highly encourage trying GW1 though if you're dedicated to working for the mini. It requires 21 HoM points, which will probably take 6-18 months for you to accrue given the current state of the game.
  21. I would spend more $$$ in the gem store if I could hide the gloves / shoulders on outfits. As a long-time GW1 player, I have a tendency to want all my characters to have chaos gloves because I spent so much time getting them for all of my toons in the first game.
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