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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. You have to spend your Mastery points to progress to the next tier or switch to a different Mastery.
  2. As the others said above, it has to be the GREAT (exotic) version of the statue. You're currently wearing the normal back item, OP.
  3. I don't think your ticket is being "ignored". I think they're most likely just busy and haven't gotten to it yet.
  4. Just to toss in my own anecdotal evidence: I've only ever had pleasant and completely competent CS reps when I've had to contact support. I also see far more positive reactions from those who have had to contact support than I do negative. So, I have to disagree with the notion of Anet's CS being "infamously horrendous". That being said, I obviously haven't had interactions with every CS rep employed by Anet. So, there could definitely some language barrier problems happening that I just haven't personally seen.
  5. Really? Then why are the spaces between objects to jump different lengths? If you only jump the same distance each time then spaces would have to be the same distance and not longer or shorter between objects, every space would need to be the same. You jump different lengths based on your forward movement (the W key or whatever key you're using to move forward). If you don't press the forward movement key, then you'll just jump in place (even if you hold the space bar down, you'll still jump in place). If you hold down the forward movement key as you're starting your jump, your jump will move forward until the jump ends or until you stop using the forward movement key.
  6. As we've already said, holding down the space bar does not make you jump farther. So, there's no need to try to hold it down longer to jump farther because it won't help anything.
  7. But which reason should we choose on the list to report AFK players ? Use the "Botting" option. That's what Anet has told us to use when reporting AFK farmers.
  8. I'm not against a glider toggle switch. But, as Nokomis said, holding down the space bar won't make you jump farther. It's the forward movement (or lack there of) that will determine how far your jump goes. So, while a toggle would be nice, in the mean time you could try to break the habit of holding down the space bar when you're jumping.
  9. Not quite true. As long as you're level 80, you have a (very very rare) chance to get ascended boxes from exotic quality champion bags, world boss chests, and generally any chest found in the open world. One of the only ascended boxes I've received was from a champ bag I got from doing some world boss event.
  10. I don't think there was anything in this fight that was particularly difficult, once you've figured out what to do. However, it does have waaaaaay to much HP, in my opinion. I also hate forced invulnerability phases, especially when they're done multiple times (like in this particular boss fight). The HP could do with some tweaking.
  11. Pandaria and Cantha are both based on a mashup of Asian cultures and landscapes, but that's really where the similarities end.
  12. They won't...If you notice, you don't even need the keys anymore. I Got the stashes and then opened the box before i actually made the key from the 4 pieces, and ended up with them in my bag. You still need a completed key to open it (the message pops up saying so). You might have just already had a completed key on you and didn't notice.
  13. Like I stated earlier though, there's such an easy fix to it.You don't have to balance aerial area for where the jumping puzzle is and not for mount use. Now that ls4 is dropping, I can see there are other priorities, but after they've finished dealing with that, I hope they fix this.For me jumping puzzles are one of the main elements in this game. And they shouldn't neglect parts of the community because some deem other things to be more important to fix. I get that stuff like ls4 and new content for the game is definitely a priority over this, but in the meantime jps that can be cheesed with mounts should be a priority high up on their list. "There's such an easy fix to it." I'm sorry, but come on now. When it comes to things that involve changing how part of the map works, it's never an "easy fix". Regardless of that, though, you are not forced to do that JP with mounts. You can do it the intended way if you so choose (I do it about once a week just because I enjoy it). Nothing is being neglected here. And almost all JPs in the game have always been easily cheesed due to mesmer portals. If people want to go the easy route and take a portal to the end chest or even use a mount or glider to make it easier, I'm fine with it. Their choice to do that doesn't affect my ability to do the JP the standard way, and it's not like they're getting some special loot or anything that I can't get myself.
  14. 6974 hours and only two ascended boxes ever for me. :p So, yeah, I think it's normal. But, as crosknight said, your best chance at getting ascended box drops is t4 fractal dailies.
  15. "Aid for the city of Lion's Arch! Please give so we can rebuild!" - Lionguard Lyns Repeat until you run to the other side of Lion's Arch so you won't have to hear her anymore.
  16. I didn't say I hated it, though? Sorry, that's not what I meant. :S I meant everyone loves Canach's quotes. I didn't mean to sound like I was accusing you of hating it. I'm sorry, let me edit my post to clarify.Ohhhh ok. I see. :) I agree; what's not to love about Canach and his awesome sass?
  17. Canach as Caudecus: "I need at least six reliefs of my face. No, no, bigger. Like eight feet tall. Something that really captures my essence: a catastrophically misguided, swagger-sodden plague sore."
  18. How do you create a squad without a commander tag though? The same way you create one with a tag. Press P and click on "Create Squad". It creates a squad with no commander. When I do that it makes me a commander automatically. I tested it out on my vanilla GW2 account (no commander tag or mentor tag, for the record) to verify what I said above. If you don't have a commander tag applied to your account, it just creates a squad with no commander.
  19. How do you create a squad without a commander tag though? The same way you create one with a tag. Press P and click on "Create Squad". It creates a squad with no commander.
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