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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. If your friend still doesn't see an email after checking the Spam folders, the ticket might not have gone through or might have gone to the wrong email address (typos happen sometimes).
  2. They don't ever make outfits that are "male only". They make both a female and a male version. Humans, Norn, and Sylvari all get both male and female versions every time, with the male version going to male characters and the female version going to female characters. Charr and Asura, however, sometimes only get the male version and sometimes get both the male and female versions. It's quite inconsistent.
  3. Raiment of the Lich looks ridiculous on female Charr and Asura (uses the male version). There are some others I don't care for on female Charr and Asura, but Raiment of the Lich is the worst one.
  4. They have responded to such things in the past. If they responded to this one, they'd just be repeating what they've already said about the topic.
  5. Double check your email's spam folders and such. If you still don't see a confirmation email, then the ticket didn't go through properly.
  6. I know it's offtopic, but his reasoning was stupid. High Elves deserve to be playable in WoW. I don't know. I don't think WoW really needs yet another playable elf race or allied race. Between races and allied races, we now have Blood Elves, Night Elves, Void Elves, and The Nightborne. So, while adding High Elves would satisfy some people (including myself, from a lore standpoint), it would just be yet another elf race and would be nearly indistinguishable from the already-playable Blood Elves. As for the main topic at hand: GW2 definitely doesn't need high elves or any other kind of elves. We have the Sylvari, and I like them as our version of elves.
  7. Did you receive the near-immediate automated reply? If not, check spam/junk folders; if so, has it been more than 10 days? Spam filters show nothing. Not even a search in email shows any responses. Some people are not getting help from the tickets they are putting in. Period. If you didn't even receive the automated reply, then your ticket didn't go through or you put in the wrong email address. That's not an issue of support not replying. I have the screenshots of the tickets, while putting them in and the acknowledgement online from the website. Period.I'm not saying you didn't go through the process of making a ticket. I'm saying you have not received the automated confirmation email, which means that something has gone wrong there. If the ticket did fully go through, then you should have received the aforementioned email. If you don't have it, then you either accidentally put the wrong email address in your ticket or your spam filters are catching the emails from Anet.
  8. Did you receive the near-immediate automated reply? If not, check spam/junk folders; if so, has it been more than 10 days? Spam filters show nothing. Not even a search in email shows any responses. Some people are not getting help from the tickets they are putting in. Period.If you didn't even receive the automated reply, then your ticket didn't go through or you put in the wrong email address. That's not an issue of support not replying.
  9. A quick repost of an earlier comment: "A reminderThis is not a discussion or request thread but a gemstore announcement thread. Please do not post to ask questions or make a request. Posting requests, questions, comments, etc makes it harder for people to find the gemstore announcements due to clutter. If you have a question you should make another thread. If you want to request an item please use the stickied Gemstore items new/returning thread. Also, please refrain from answering questions on the thread. You can private message the person instead if you wish to reply.Thanks"
  10. They would do well to take the age rating up a notch Nonsense. TERA is also 12+ and has tonics that let you walk around in actual lingerie, visible to everbody. Blade & Soul is 12+ and has some very skimpy outfit; not to mention the overly sexualized species you can play there. There are a ton of other examples. Adding some decent bikinis really wouldn't be a bad thing. It's not like people want to run around like a lady of the night.TERA and Blade & Soul are both M (17+) here in the US.
  11. There aren't HP trains in every map, and HP trains are honestly not needed in most of the maps in the game. I think OP is just talking about the regular HPs and stuff that can easily get overwhelmed by nearby mobs or the occasional ones with the more difficult fights. then start one.. u get 3-4 ppl in mere minutes... its not rocket scienceOr they could keep doing what they're doing and occasionally get help from passersby. This is just a thread praising and thanking people who do stop to help, not a demand for help.
  12. There aren't HP trains in every map, and HP trains are honestly not needed in most of the maps in the game. I think OP is just talking about the regular HPs and stuff that can easily get overwhelmed by nearby mobs or the occasional ones with the more difficult fights.
  13. In my case, I use outfits on my non-80 characters because then I'm not having to use up transmutation charges to make their new armor pieces match the rest (which, for me, is a must because Fashion Wars). So, I'm saving them up until they hit 80, get them "permanent" gear, and then use the wardrobe to put on different armor skins.
  14. So, the mini skirt, garter belt, and high heeled boots on the heavy Phalanx set are going to protect the wearer?
  15. We've had this honest conversation about it quite a few times in the past. Some people like outfits, and some people don't. Anet will continue opting for outfits for the gem store because of several reasons they've cited in previous discussions on this.
  16. Living World works like this: When an Episode is released, all players unlock it for their account by logging in during that release period (which is anywhere between around 2 months to 4 months). If a player doesn't log on during that time, then they have to unlock the Episode by buying it from the gem store. So, it sounds like you weren't playing when Season 4 Episode 1 was released, which means you have to pay for that one.
  17. There is a cap of 15000 points, combined from Dailies and the old Monthlies. You probably reached that cap.
  18. As was indicated above, GW2 is already very solo-friendly (and some would argue that it's too solo-oriented). I, personally, really liked the Heroes/Henchmen of GW1, but I don't think adding them to GW2 while it's still very active would be the best thing for the game.
  19. Yeah, it'd be a nice feature to have. But, as Inculpatus said, they can't/won't develop that feature just for a few items.
  20. You get mounts once you have at least one level 80 character who starts playing the PoF storyline. You get the first mount in the opening instance of PoF's story. The others are obtained from specific vendors in each of the PoF zones. Oh, and once you unlock a mount, you can use it on any and all of that account's characters, even non-80s.
  21. I did it with the gem store unbound magic tools and got it my first try. So, I don't think the tool you use should matter.
  22. Back items are considered to be the same as trinkets, rather than a piece of armor or a weapon. I assume that its designation as non-armor and non-weapon is why it can't be stat changed in the forge. Maybe one day we'll get a way to stat change them, but at least we have many, many options for ascended backpacks.
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