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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. The Magnanimous Choir Bell does work. The Unbreakable Choir Bell does not, though.
  2. As others already said, it was likely other people in the squad inviting you.
  3. I just got the node yesterday. Got five chilis from it yesterday and two today. It'd be nice if it had a set number (that was more than one).
  4. Either Demmi or Eir. Or maybe Corporal Beirne so he can be reunited with Deborah and Allie. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corporal_Beirne
  5. That's an old guide video from the original version of the map.
  6. Thanks for the tips here. I didn't even notice that path to the right and kept banging my head against the wall failing at the "main path" on my necro.
  7. Oh gee, why can you buy that t-shirt when you get it from that collection as well? That doesn't make sense. Should have been a different reward IMO. I am pretty sure the one you buy after finishing Master of Ceremonies has the Metal Legion logo on it and the one from Merchandise Collector is blank. Not 100% sure because the dyes on my chest armor on the alt that did the most previewing blacked out the logo, it was only when I happened to check on another alt I realized the logo was even there.According to wiki anyway, it's the exact same shirt. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Metal_Legion_Band_T-Shirt_Skin
  8. Yeah, that is what I meant that I don't have somewhere to upload them. I don't have accounts with any of those forms of social media and don't think it is worth getting one just for this. But thank you for the suggestion I think you can upload to imgur without having to make an account. At least I think that's what I've done in the past, anyway.
  9. You can upload the screenshots to a site like imgur and link that way.
  10. I was coming here to post the same thing. I bought the shirt this morning, but I just now noticed that I am not at 200 chilis for the achievement.
  11. That's on the racist side, yeah. But I was mostly talking about a bit of ambient dialogue I happened to notice here and there. Heh, there was even one exchange between a human and an asura, where the human even starts saying "I'm not racist, but..." and basically says something like "This one charr is alright, not like these other savages."
  12. Yeah, I did notice a slight increase in how often profanity was used. There were several uses of the popular curse word used for someone born out of wedlock, as well as the D word. However, it was still very mild, even for a T-rated game. It's really nothing to fret about, especially when a good chuck of the story is our character observing other characters getting totally kitten-faced drunk, occasional racist conversations/rants, and the usual violent elements of games.
  13. I'm gonna need a real copy of Destiny's Pledge . . . for science.
  14. It's entitlement. Someone is getting something that someone else didn't get so they're upset. Where were all of the "I'm disappointed!" threads when the expansions went on sale? Nowhere. I have a Guildie who JUST bought the expansions 2 nights ago. Tell me. Are they Entitled to be upset that Anet gave no hint to this change? Are they entitled to be upset that they just dropped $120 on content that is now set to be free very soon? No, your friend isn't entitled to be upset that a business changed their price without notice. However, your friend DOES probably have a good chance at getting a refund if they contact support ASAP.
  15. Just a quick note: The thread linked above is for sharing the current gem store sales/items returning. The gem store request/suggestions thread is: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again/p63
  16. Gaile doesn't work for Anet anymore. And yes, all you can do is wait for support to get to your ticket. Hopefully they'll get to it soon.
  17. I say "By Ogden's hammer, what savings!" when I see a good sale.
  18. No, that shouldn't happen, in my opinion. You don't always know the quality of character of the people you're playing with. You shouldn't be forced to keep Random Person if he/she starts ranting and raving at others, saying awful things, goes afk for the entire Fractal, tries to troll the run, etc. And the rest of the group shouldn't have to completely reset their progress just because Random Person was a jerk and got kicked.
  19. LS1 is not playable in the game anymore. You'll be able to watch a short video recap in-game.
  20. I made my Ramona yesterday. Thanks to Chelsea and Nanya for this adorable rabbit and the beautiful story behind its creation. Also, thanks to the person(s) who discovered and shared the recipe. I'll be helping my kids make the mini on their respective accounts, too, so they can also keep the memory and love of Ramona going.
  21. They're not going to agree to wipe your account clean (they might not even be able to do such a thing). If you want to start from step one, you'll need to make a brand new account (a free account would give you what you're wanting, but with the free account restrictions). As for your wait time for your ticket, you've only been waiting two days so far. Try to be patient.
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