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Everything posted by RoseofGilead.8907

  1. Once you've completed all Masteries in a region, you'll receive a spirit shard every time your character "levels up." If you have any Masteries that aren't completed (with the exception of raid Masteries), your exp will go towards Mastery lines.
  2. I was coming here to bring up both of those things. In my (sadly, failed) run with a squad earlier, champ one took a very long time. But then when the second group went in, that champ melted in about 30 seconds. We failed before we got to champ three. And I seriously don't get why we have the green fields during the last 15-20 seconds of a burn phase. By the time the fields have been absorbed by players, there's only one or two seconds to actually try to hit Drakkar with the buff before he goes back in the ice.
  3. Did you read it? Oh, you know I did. I mean, spooky bear-men telling me to read a spooky book? Of course I'm gonna listen. And then all the Kodan disappeared.
  4. I'm not sure what made him appear for me at the shipwreck. I finished some event nearby, and then I left and kind of went through the ship when I noticed him there. There's also a creepy circle of kodan that I came across somewhere, too. They're all sitting around a "Precious Book," and they keep saying things to encourage you to read the book.
  5. I've jumped there twice and once was immediately attacked. Not many examples, so when I read this I went there again. I did some logging very close by and was attacked by a caster. After which I killed another caster within shortbow distance of the scroll spawn point. I would guess that there are multiple ways to get attacked there. You’re ported into Jora’s Keep. It’s generally safe there so I don’t see how you’re getting attacked. The only time I have ever seen an enemy is when someone dragged one in during the meta. Once you've started the newest Living World stuff on the second part of the map, it no longer ports you to Jora's Keep. Instead, it ports you to an open area in the second part of the map. Or at least that's what happens to me ever since Tuesday's patch. I tested it just now and it ported me to the entrance of Jora’s Keep. This is on a character that has completed the story on the new part of the map. I tested it just now, too, and I was ported to right outside the tunnel that connects the east side of the map to the west side. This was also on a character that has the story completed. Edit: And then I checked on an alt who hasn't started the newest story and was ported to that same place, outside of the tunnel. Edit 2: Maybe it has something to do with the portal scroll being in the new scroll tome. Mine is in the tome.
  6. I've jumped there twice and once was immediately attacked. Not many examples, so when I read this I went there again. I did some logging very close by and was attacked by a caster. After which I killed another caster within shortbow distance of the scroll spawn point. I would guess that there are multiple ways to get attacked there. You’re ported into Jora’s Keep. It’s generally safe there so I don’t see how you’re getting attacked. The only time I have ever seen an enemy is when someone dragged one in during the meta. Once you've started the newest Living World stuff on the second part of the map, it no longer ports you to Jora's Keep. Instead, it ports you to an open area in the second part of the map. Or at least that's what happens to me ever since Tuesday's patch.
  7. It is kinda weird that it doesn't drop you in the "safe" area, near a waypoint.
  8. What email? I think aspirine was telling OP that they should have read the in-game mail everyone has received explaining the reason for the shirt outfit OP is talking about.And what they're talking about is the free outfit on the gemstore.
  9. I'd like a new one just because it bothers me that the patcher and character select screens don't match.
  10. Doesn't this already kind of exist? Hide the UI (ctrl+shift+H), and then just turn the camera and zoom in until you're close enough to see the face? I'm not sure how close you can get that way, though.
  11. Like a couple of others, it misses the mark for me due to the 10 minute defense portion. If that were cut down to 5-6 minutes, with some other small event thrown in after, to lead into the next one, then I think it'd be a pretty great meta chain. The visual clutter can be annoying, too, though.
  12. TheQuickFox means log out of GW2, not quit the game. Relogging GW2 usually fixes it just fine. Sometimes you do have to take the extra steps of logging into GW1,, as well, but it's usually not necessary.
  13. I'm not able to stay in-game long enough (DCing every 5 minutes or so) to try them.
  14. I mean, last year I sometimes experienced sync issues in one particular instance of the JP. But that only happened in that one particular instance, and I haven't experienced it yet this year (even after doing 20+ completions of the JP this year).
  15. It's a bug that happens on occasion (when GW1 is having server issues, I believe). Just waiting and/or relogging will fix it.
  16. I noticed one yesterday between a Sylvari Pact member and a Charr cub. I can't remember the exact text now, but the gist is that the cub is telling the Sylvari that he (and the rest of the Pact/other races) are dangerous outsiders and mentions that Aurene is a danger to all, despite the Sylvari assuring the cub that Aurene is one of the good guys.
  17. You can still buy the recipe(s) from vendors for karma and trade contracts, though. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Page_of_Spearmarshal_Coat_Recipes
  18. Runecrafter: "Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of salvaging upgrades." Silver-fed: "Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 25% chance of rarer materials. 80% chance of salvaging upgrades."
  19. Jackal costs 20g, and OP said they didn't have very much gold to spend.
  20. I definitely wouldn't call it obscure, but I very strongly doubt that the majority of players use the build templates from ArcDPS. I'm sure the majority of the hardcore fractals/wvw/pvp players do use it, but the majority of players in the game wouldn't be in those hardcore groups.
  21. Yeah, that's a pretty bad difference there. For once I agree that refunds should be granted, if the chair can't be changed so that charr actually have the pose in the pic (and have a chair that is to the proper scale).
  22. Kaineng City is awful. I hated playing through it, and I still hate it. But the starting area, the Echovald Forest, and the Jade Sea are all beautiful areas. I also really enjoyed the story for that campaign, even though I developed a deep hatred for Mhenlo after he got stuck so often for me.
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