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Everything posted by Razor.6392

  1. 1. LIGHTNING FLASH A STUN BREAKER AGAIN. 2. REVERT UPDRAFT AND MAKE IT INSTANT AGAIN. 3. MAKE THE RECENT PHOENIX CHANGES PVP-READY TOO. 4. IMPROVE SWORD WATER#2 AND EARTH#2 COOLDOWNS IN PVP. 5. REVERT METEOR SHOWER OR CHOOSE EITHER BETWEEN DIMINISHING RETURNS OR "Can only hit once every 0.x seconds". 6. REVERT ARCANE FURY AND ELEMENTAL SURGE. 7. BUFF ARCANE UTILITIES DAMAGE, THEY LITERALLY DO NOTHING EXCEPT DAMAGE. 8. REVERT OBSIDIAN FLESH COOLDOWN OR GIVE IT SOMETHING. Elementalist has been nothing but different builds getting stuff nerfed across the board for everybody else (with ZERO COMPENSATION BUFFS everytime). It's been 10 years. Whether it's the tanky bunker ele getting obsidian flesh nerfed for every other build, or fire ele getting sword #2 cooldowns increased by 100% in pvp for dps or other builds, or raid DPS getting staff shafted for WVW, this pattern has never once stopped. We have splits now, use them. Revert the bad changes over the years and maybe then some players might come back to this game. I can only speak for myself though, but so far the game remains uninstalled unless at least 3 of these make it in.
  2. Dude this has been going on the last 10 years lmao. If there's ever an overperforming ele build, the braindead balance team will whack-a-mole around it and destroy every other build alongside the problematic stuff. They never just target the build itself, they would rather nerf everything else around it. Whether you were a fresh air player who got affected by the arcane fury, weaver dmg nerfs, obsidian flesh, signet of resto nerfs, arcane utility nerfs just because other builds abused these. Or an off hand dagger user who got hit by cele ele nerfs. Or a wvw ele that got hit by the raid diminishing returns meteor shower nerfs or lava font nerfs (NO PVP SPLIT BTW). Or a DPS sword weaver that got hit by water#2 and earth#2 cooldowns doubling because cele ele was too good. Or a regular conjure user that got several skills nerfed to oblivion over the years. I lose count. It's been too many times, too many years. The people balancing this game are as clueless as they were day 1. If you haven't yet realized this then you should by now. It's time to move on, this will never change. Everytime there's an elementalist build that seems viable and on par with other classes (has a room in the pve or pvp meta) it gets nerfed immediately, and alongside every other less popular / gimmicky builds that also relied on the same skills / traits. A tale as old as time. Do not give any more of your time or (gasp) money to this company.
  3. So I stopped playing this game because of the infuriatingly AWFUL balancing. But every now and then checked the notes in hopes of finding anything interesting. Indeed it was very interesting how after TEN years, ANet trash balance team thought it was necessary to nerf not only meteor shower (which was already nerfed for PVE but there was no split for some reason) but also FGS! The 180 seconds cooldown conjure! I'm blown away. How can someone be so incompetent and still have a job? What's the metric, where do you see the numbers? Where do you see that these skills that have been around for a kittening decade are now too overpowered? Especially when there's 9 new specs that were only just released and surely have stuff that is clearly over/undertuned. The game stays uninstalled, and it looks like it will remain that way for good. Absolute clowns lmao. This is one of the many reasons why your game is dying.
  4. Expecting any sort of compensation from any kind of nerf shows that you must be new here. For years- no, a decade now, ANet has taken away stuff that is also used by other builds, just because 1 specific build excelled with it, and nerfed it to oblivion while giving zero compensation buffs. Occasionally they will give some worthless buffs to skills or utilities that nobody ever uses, but in the rare case that one of them becomes viable, they will see nerfs that will leave them worse than they were before. This is a PVE game, but not even that they can get right. Move on and play a different mmo - it's been working well for me.
  5. Game is a joke, and has been for years. Just go play something else, from a dev that cares.
  6. Lol just checked the patch notes and of course, no major changes. Was updating the game but really there's zero interest to log in.
  7. You didn't just call this version 'more versatile' aka better right?
  8. DX11 runs just like the DX12 mod just with some annoying crashes with sparkly animations, but then I turned those to low and it didn't happen again. DX9 on my old pc (4th gen i7) is downright atrocious. 15 FPS vs 30-40 with the beta mod.
  9. Explain to me how it works then please. Are the numbers lying to me? I made a full glass cannon core mesmer and mindwrack was doing 2.5k damage each while people hit me for 6-10k.
  10. This is hilarious, so a spec that heals to full effortlessly, permacrits and has perma stunbreaks is underpowered or something? Absolute joke of a game.
  11. I wonder why I play this game when my 'nuke' spells do 2k damage and a true shot with zero effort behind does 10k on a 4ish seconds cooldown.
  12. Wait is bladesworn supposed to be weak? LMFAO
  13. I'm aware, this isn't about guild halls though.
  14. Has this ever been suggested? To have the ability to set up race markers in a squad or maybe as a guild activity? The world of gw has a lot of neat locations to build racing or even flying courses. Would it be too hard to implement in a expansion?
  15. Again, core and tempest (soon catalyst) will continue being easy versions. OP wants to change even Weaver.
  16. The people who aren't having fun can play other classes. No need to come change already existing stuff as the post suggest ("I truly believe ele needs a massive tweak to being it in line with other classes"). Now, I'm not against easy mode new specs but Tempest already exists so... a bit confused there. What does that have to do with Weaver requiring 'piano' mechanics? To some, even core ele is too difficult because you get 2x more abilities than regular classes, so to some extent you could keep up back then but refused to improve later on. It's not rocket science, and I don't believe pve stuff requires more proficiency than surviving in pvp.
  17. By now it's clear that weaver has a happy accident. A fluke if you will.
  18. Then we have rebound lol. The main point is that it's impossible to reduce their cd and it's far too long. Shouts, conjures, stances and now augments. Fgs could see a 150s reduc, weave self 80s for the nature of its duration and this new one needs to be scrapped entirely or get rid of the "1 second" interval. I tried to aoe golems with meteor shower hoping I'd get at least 2 meteor showers off in quick succession but no, interval lmao. It's an ELITE SKILL for crying out loud, it gives you a pitiful boon and 8 seconds cd reduction. That won't be enough to refresh any ability from the 3-5 slots lol. Anyway sorry for the rant XD
  19. The elite is par for the course for elementalist elites. Long cooldown, does little to nothing, cannot be reduced with traits. Spinny hammer 3 things reactivation is too kitten long for what it does. Spinny hammer 3 does way too little for how much it requires you to put at least 1 more attunement on cooldown. Lots of hammer abilities have long cooldowns with pathetic damage. Like look at hammer rev. Long windup timers but can nuke for 8k damage or higher if you get hit. On a good day, air 2, earth 5, fire 5 will do 5k damage. Augments should be instant to activate. The fact they have a 0.75 cast time is puzzling. THREE aura oriented traits with minimal rewards when the Hammer can only use 1 from weapon skills and situationally. Same goes to the "elemental empowerment" traits. They seem boring and unimpactful. The Jade Sphere should be an instant cast and have a bigger AoE depending on energy levels. Overall the hammer abilities look fine visually, and the jade sphere abilities are incredibly lacking for a profession oriented mechanic. They do no damage and provide minuscule buffs in a tiny aoe.
  20. Preach. This whole "screw everyone who is having fun, I WANT to have fun" mentality is often overlooked and not seen as extremely vile and disrespecful, because that's all it is.
  21. Not even Melandru with Dwayna and Lyssa fused are going to change ANet's vision on Staff.
  22. Not gonna disagree that Ele needs buffs but come on now. This is how the class has been for years, how come on release you were fine with it but now not anymore? Core still exists and so does tempest. I can do it, you can do it too. It's all about practice. If you spent as much time trying to learn something instead of writing walls of text you'd be a master weaver by now! Yes, other classes can get by with WAY LESS effort, but if we liked that then we'd be playing those instead.
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