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Everything posted by Delrago.2098

  1. no cele change is the best thing to happen to wvw 🙏 i love cele making e v e r y o t h e r s t a t s e t t r a s h i n a n y t h i n g l e s s than 15v15
  2. There’s kinda a lot of things in the air but this sounds like you were dueling a defense breaker and I’m not really sure what build you have. Warrior only has shield block with that build and the f2 full counter. Your clones will proc this full counter with auto attacks, giving the warrior some stacks of adrenal health, condition removal, and a stack of stability making them immune to a single cc (f3 staff 5 gs 5) I find it best to use great sword 2 when ever you see them use shield block because it is unblock able, then try to shatter or cc them. If you use the interrupt mantra in your build you can work on interrupting a warriors heal skill to make the fight go a lot better. Your damage probably feels low because defense warrior has a high health regeneration rate, warrior can easily kill your clones with out trying, lowering your power damage and the amount of conditions you apply on shatter ,so it’s best to shatter them rather quickly, and yes staff is not really gonna help in the situation.
  3. Must be some missing changes because I don’t see a celestial change. Obviously anet knows about it by now right? They just forgot to put it in the patch notes right?
  4. So can people play how they want or not…? Does forcing people to fight make sense, no. How ever intentionally messing up people trying to improve in a competitive game mode in a way you don’t agree with isn’t any better. That’s just WvW, there’s fight zergs PPT zergs GVG guilds roaming guilds people who duel that’s how wvw has been always.
  5. i mean are we playing the same game here? youre not timing ur burst around weakness is a 1v2, ur not winning a 1v2 on full glass mes unless the people are bad or are not paying attention. Even if you do win 1v2s you cant 1v3 unless u oneshot at least 2 in the first second of the fight. Forcing yourself to "choose your fights" because you die to half the meta off rip doesnt have anything to do with skill its your build. no matter how perfect you play as soon as u fight some one with half a brain on a dom illu core chrono or virt build you are a free kill. Its not crutches if your self nerfing your ability to win anything. If you want to gank new players in under 10 seconds sure play this. If you want to roam actually improve and push power mesmer you need resustain. telling new mesmer players to play full glass in this meta is what makes people go straight to cele mirage.
  6. Inspi gives Mesmer some of the best if not the best condi clear in the game and has been like that for years. You dropping inspi to do more dmg does not make sense in a meta where everything applies weakness. Doesn’t matter how much dmg you do if off rip you have to stop mid burst to clear ur weakness with cleansing or if you full burst with weakness it’s a waste. Mesmer is now one of the slowest classes in the game so you can’t kite. You can’t dodge every condition applying skill and if you get condis on you and have to back off now you’re taking longer to kill a player than if you had just taken Inspi. You still oneshot on Inspi you still oneshot on chaos, not everything but most things. on top of it all, if you run into two players now you just die because of your build. I understand running full glass is fun and it feels good to hit big numbers. Unfortunately the meta is cele with high mobility and a full glass build is just ineffective and being ineffective isn’t fun especially when a new player is trying to learn the class. Maybe my idea of roaming is different. Maybe people don’t want to go out and try to 1v2,3,4 people. That’s just simply not something a full glass Mesmer can do anymore.
  7. Please take a defensive trait line, you need something for condi clear every class and almost every spec has a cele build. Unless you just want to gank low ranks and people who are half afk, but is that really roaming? you need some form of condi clear. Torch 4 and a cleansing sigil isn’t enough.
  8. You got a few options. Virtuoso is your most simple straight forward spec but doesn’t really translate to the other specs because they don’t play the same. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABw+trlVwUZJsLGKm2XtxKA-zVhYVB5vFBjZ0TSYD1WwZkpqqXpgFnF9nBAA-w If u want power just swap the middle trait in illusions either of the other options work, and you can drop scepter for gs. Chrono is probably your best 1vx at the moment. You can get perma improved alac with some diviners pieces, and with Inspi you can survive most cele players. This is what I mainly run http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx7lVwoYJsLWJOqS7tOA-zVhYBRNIGBP4gWmDiuMCsAyMDUbAA-w The sigils are pretty interchangeable strength, draining, severance all work well I’m not the best mirage player but I know most people run something similar to this. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx3lRwkYJsLmJOqK1vKA-zVZYBR9IG8cYnRmS1eVVKeW0fGAA-w mirage also plays a little different because you want to hold onto clones while you ambush with gs then shatter.
  9. This would be true if vigor, energy, and dodge food didn’t exist. It’s definitely something that shouldn’t have been put in competitive modes at least. I don’t see a world where a 1200 range daze that can cast up to 4 times ( you + 3 clones) or a melee daze that removes boons not to mention the boon removal from domination will be balanced.
  10. Would love for disenchanter to be a multi hit, maybe 3 total, with the last hit removing an extra boon or two. Not really sure what they could do for defender tho.
  11. ah yes u are correct i didn't realize i had that in there should be energy/cleanse energy/cleanse
  12. because how much dmg you can push out is reliant on how much u can dodge and block. Aegis you get from shattering some times get used before the icd of the trait pyschic riposte is off cooldown. Also both distortions make a lul in the fight where ur not putting out any damage because your not blocking or dodging. Using blink also means your not doing as much dmg because melee classes won’t proc block. hope that helps!
  13. virtuoso is very good for roaming right now. i normally use two slight variants of the same build. power virtuoso: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABgqtzlVwUZJsLGKm2XpxKA-zVZYBhtFzcwnRmSreVBWcW0fGAA-w Hybrid virtuoso: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABw+trlVwUZJsLGKm2XtxKA-zVhYVB5vFBjZ0TSYD1WwZkpqqXpgFnF9nBAA-w both revolve around blocking/dodging an attack to build blades then shatter to regain aegis again, then rinse and repeat.
  14. From a competitive side it’s a lot more healthy for the game. I think a lot of players are upset about it because charging mantras is something that takes a lot of game knowledge to charge safely at the correct times. How ever I will say they could use a little tweaking mostly heal mantra and power mantra( range and target requirements hurt power mantra a lot) as there’s really just not a good reason to take them right now. The charge times can be a little long specially if you have slow or chill but If the charge time stays the same it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
  15. Coming from a solo roamer, mantras a fine for the most part. Do the cd nerfs feel bad, yea sure. Is there still pretty much no reason to take pain mantra yes, but Mantras needed to be changed. no counter play to the instant mantra heal or 1200 range instant rupt wasn’t healthy. How ever most players I see use the last charge of their mantra and hyper focus on trying to charge it as fast as possible. No decision making, no waiting for the opponents burst, if it gets rupted or canceled they instantly try to charge it again. It’s a big long animation and no one talks about how much you can use that to ur advantage. Players see the animation and try to capitalize on that and leave themselves open more times than not. I’m not going to say mantras are easy to use still because they are not, counter-play for them exists again but they a definitely not unplayable.
  16. If you’re looking just to rip stab from said target before u burst I would suggest either sw3 imob into f2 to benefit from the boon rip of your personal character shattering and ur one (or how ever many clones u have at the time) then swapping to gs and using gs4. This gets you about 4 boons removed if you just have you and one clone. Keep in mind how the projectile of gs4 needs to land on the target (not the phantasms) to remove the Boons. You can also go gs4 into gs2 f3 f1 (ur normal gs burst)which should be about 4 boons give or take how many clones u have them follow up with ur stun mantra, looking to rupt the heal if u land good burst dmg. I’m not sure off the top of my head which boons each skill prioritizes, and with ur build up top it’ll be hard to strip more than 4 boons on a quick and consistent basis. I see your not looking for build suggestions but I would suggest nullification if ur needed just a little bump in boon removal as Mesmer has a very easy time proccing the flanking strike condition of the sigil.
  17. The reverting of Mesmer mantras actually has me excited. Mantras really did lack a bit when they didn't need to be charged, how ever i feel like pain mantra could benefit from little change. The might isn't worth taking the mantra and the dmg it produces leaves much to be desired in terms of small scale WvW. Give the mantra some boon hate or something that gives me a reason to take it over Daze mantra. Daze mantra just out shines pain mantra from the utility, trait synergy, and sigil synergy. "Time Warp: This skill now also grants superspeed" confused me as well I don't see why a skill that is placed down and remains stationary while pulsing boons and conditions should give super speed. I would much rather see super speed added to mass invis as it makes more sense to me. "Master of Manipulation: This trait no longer reduces the recharge of manipulation skills, and it now grants aegis to nearby allies instead of superspeed." This I would rather of kept the super speed instead of the aegis as Mesmer does struggle with mobility as more mobility focused specializations come out. These are all from the view point of small scale or roaming inside of WvW.
  18. It’s hard to tell from just a screen shot, how ever virtuoso does currently have a distortion bug. If u try to use f4 while casting or shortly after casting blade renewal you will not get additional distort from f4 how ever it will take all of ur stored blades. Again not entirely sure if this is what happened because it’s hard to tell from just the screen shot, how ever this is the only distort bug I know of on virtuoso.
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