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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. Under this scenario Gandara would go overnight from full for 3 years to cheapest server to transfer to. I can see that already.
  2. Soon to be published by game director josh. Or so he said more than a week ago. Hopefully that should be enough entertainment for the whole weekend.
  3. a) there was no reason to promise this if they couldn't deliver it b) any normal person would think they had reasons when they thought and implemented changes for the 28/6 patch. We don't want to suggest they didn't know why they changed some stuff or they did know but the reason had nothing to do with balance do we? It stands to reason that putting thoughts on paper (unless they were already written down, as they should have been) should be extremely quick and easy to do Personally I would be more reassured to have a note from the josh guy that they made personnel changes...
  4. You know, I haven't been killed 1v1 by any thief spec in a long long time in wvw. Even the ones with max stacks of stat boosting sigils. The smart ones usually bail as soon as they get too low, but normally I let them take me to around 50% hp and don't heal so I can bait them to try again, so that I can kill them. That said, I probably play a hard counter and I imagine there are plenty of others who don't think it's acceptable to have a class with permanent stealth which means almost 0 risk if played right. I mean, you won't win every fight, but you sure as hell can disengage and bail from practically every fight with very little trouble, so you can pick you battles unlike virtually every other profession.
  5. I did say on snowcrows discord that putting out that benchmark with 200k overkill damage wasn't going to help anyone, but hey, they said it couldn't be helped. I'm 99.9% sure that bladesworn is going to be one of the specs with the highest performance drop between golem benchmark and actual fights, but we won't see hard evidence of this with some statistical basis because melee and power classes are already at a disadvantage in many fights and nobody took them even before the further nerfs in the 28/6 patch
  6. Your point and the other guy's also is that pre-nerf rifle afk mechanist was doing 20-25k and nobody proved otherwise. Mace was benching 32k afk, do we agree? Mukluk started without boons or food but then he did have them later on, we don't know what build he used, but it's largely irrelevant as it wasn't optimised he was just checking the look and feel more than anything else. If we are taking what you say about the 30/6 nerf, then the difference between mace and rifle should be higher than pre nerf, do you agree? You should agree since you and the other guy have also disputed some stealth buffs that others reported on the engineer forums. Now, please take a valid build for rifle and one for mace (i.e. don't cheat by artificially depressing rifle numbers), go to the golem and show us the difference in dps just by using autoattacks. Then we take the difference, we deduct that number from 32k and we go from there. Since the difference between rifle and mace is higher now than before 30/6, we are actually helping your case. As long as you prove that rifle does 7-12k less dps than mace on AA, I have no problem to concede that you were right claiming that rifle was only doing 20-25k.
  7. Why would you be surprised? Warrior has no party utility, berserker played perfectly benches 32k and bladesworn damage is in a single skill with a long casting time (i.e. if you miss that or the boss phases your dps is going to plummet). And it's a fully melee class, if you discount the cringe longbow condition berserker build. When people said warriors were only taken for banners what did they think would happen once banners were gone?
  8. The week is almost over for you to make good on your promise and post the nonexistent design notes and philosophy behind the June 28 patch. Will you fall at the first hurdle, keep promising change and underdelivering or will you publish something today? I'm thrilled to find out. Meanwhile I will stay uninstalled.
  9. Would you say that comparing mace mech pre and post nerf patch and rifle mech pre and post nerf patch would be reasonable? I would contend the difference is more now, because they have nerfed the damage from procs that on a faster weapon, with virtually no AA delay like the rifle was, would guarantee they'd go off cd every time. If rifle afk build does 12k dps less than mace afk build then @Tails.9372 is right and rifle realistically was doing 20-25k dps pre nerf. I think I've seen comparisons between rifle autos and other weapons/kit and they were a 5k dps drop compared to the bomb kit pre nerf patch. Mace was lower than kit as well...and mace afk mech benched 31,953 before the nerf patch. This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36yojdoGOnY
  10. Bomb kit was at 32k as well, but you see they will tell you rifle was doing 20-25k because it's hard to find an optimised build video right now as it was only possible for a couple of days and everyone knew that mace was still the highest afk dps so they all did videos with that. You know, @Tails.9372 here clearly believes that the drop in dps by going from mace to rifle is anywhere between -12k dps and -7k dps...
  11. Stated policy of Anet re: WvW: having teams as balanced as possible. Try again.
  12. Nope, because Mech was broken (and subsequently nerfed), not rifle, but I don't expect you to understand this. Hence, I never mentioned rifle holos or scrapper. You literally posted a chart with only autoattacks (ie. no mech) in this discussion...just saying.
  13. Nvm, I still can't find the 31k rifle, unfortunately. In the meantime enjoy this 31.6k mace mech afk video thea made at the time. Note that she said that could have been improved with lifesteal food and writ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVQZyZlCnUk
  14. I literally just posted a video where a guy does 29k+ on the golem and you, in your delusion, are still insisting that your take of 25k dps is valid and people don't know what they are talking about. And you talk about learning? Even if I never find the log again, and given the level you and the other guy have displayed I'm very much not inclined to do so anymore, I already proved right here and now that you were completely wrong and you have spouted a bunch of factually inaccurate statements about rifle mechanist as it was nowhere near 24-25k dps. Ah and now we're moving the goalposts. Congrats, you are doing it all. I never talked about engineer in general, I always talked about mechanist and everyone I've engaged with has been talking about mechanist. Move on. Edit: oh I see you are now trying to save face by pointing out I didn't notice that Mukluk's video was edited and at some point he went from unbuffed to buffed? And that should prove that rifle mech was doing 25k and those who said 30k don't know what they are talking about or are lying (your exact words) when I provided evidence already of the contrary?
  15. Alright it seems he changed the settings halfway through the video
  16. I mean I literally said only thief safe stomp, smh. l.i.t.e.r.a.l.l.y. All the rest requires you to blow cds which you need to keep yourself alive or to get the enemies down in the first place. Most of the other examples you brought are literally trade-offs, which I'm fine with and it's really telling of the general ignorance, not just yours, on this topic. As a Spellbreaker you can definitely take the banner instead of rampage as a roamer, the result would be that...you probably get killed on a +1 fight unless you are fighting complete scrubs on pve builds. You can still get interrupted. Same in a zerg, where you'd give up winds for banner, which is also pointless. All types of invulnerable are fine, some classes can move while in downed state which may negate that and you blowing that cd to stomp will increase the likelihood the second guy or the new arrivals are going to get you, especially if you use it and the enemy moves. It's not a right it's a necessity. Let's just say Gandara has been locked for over 2 years, permanently outnumbered and without a link for almost a year straight (like 3 links in 2 years). My friends can't join because we're never open for transfers and nobody can help because there is nobody. So yes this is all because it's not Realm v Realm, but Realm+Realm v Realm, which is the precise reason why they need to remove this in outnumbered situations and leave it when things are balanced. In pvp it works just fine and nobody complains.
  17. Ok we have another uninformed propaganda bot. Mukluk's video is still up, the reddit post with the log is also still up. Do your due diligence.
  18. Hahaha, misinformation? You need to educate yourself before you talk. The 31.5k was an Arcdps log from reddit. Mukluk has a video where he casually tried rifle to check the autoattacks right after the patch and you can see the game itself reporting between 24k-25k dps with rifle, unbuffed, with no food. You're welcome. As for the 32k for berserker, that is the current SnowCrows benchmark, so until they can do better it is what it is and you can check for updates on their discord page if you don't believe me. You're welcome x2.
  19. By safe stomping I mean...no thief. Blowing you cds and going invulnerable, using stab etc of course that's fine. Better? Note I'm not asking to post all the times you get destroyed and buried while trying to accomplish this, I'm just asking to show some examples of how it's done since you and the other guy seem to think it's just a matter of being skilled enough to stomp.
  20. Whatever the case, it hasn't been nerfed enough to make it comparable with alternatives, so it hasn't been balanced. And I didn't say they got buffed I said they were buffed but that they are more OP. There is a difference between the 2. You can nerf FB by 10% output and it still can be more OP than it was before if you remove all viable alternatives. Right now, there is no way support is going to be anything other than FB or Mech for the foreseeable future. Specialisation distribution statistics already show that beyond any reasonable doubt. What about aegis coming back. What about untouched stability and reflects? Most classes have personal stab for a few seconds, guardian has syg for longer, consecration, the elite mantra skill plus all the stab from Tome 3. Let's say guardian has no aegis anymore other than shield 4 (no more tome aegis either and certainly no come back to aegis on healing skill), syg is reduced to 2 seconds with protection, consecration does not provide pulsating stab anymore and you are left with elite plus tome 3. Then reduce the quickness provided by FB on healing mantra so that you must have fmw to maintain 100% quickness. Now guardian is suddenly more in line with every other support profession in that it does not have a monopoly on key defensive skills (aegis and stability) and there is an actual trade off (stab elite vs quickness elite). There problem solved: no need to rework another 5 or 6 support builds.
  21. Yes a larger group already has many advantages, so why should they keep also this advantage? And no 2v3 on a deserted map will not get you the outnumbered little red icon of sorrow, but 2 v 8 will Perfect argument to remove down state irrespective of outnumber if I ever saw one Why would you run immortal tanky builds (like many do now) when a glass cannon getting 1 kill will always favour the larger group? Example 50 v 20 all glass cannons. 20 die on each side, how many are left? Note that after that the remaining 30 can leisurely resurrect everyone. There is no way to make an outnumbered fight fair with similar skill among all players. So barring giving tangible artificial advantages to whoever is outnumbered the only other option is removing some advantages from the group with larger numbers. And this thing would be dynamic, i.e. sometimes you are outnumbered and sometimes you are outnumbering. Well that's not entirely true actually, as some of us are always outnumbered because Anet refuses to balance teams as they are supposed to.
  22. lol ok, delusion is delusion. Please post a video of how to fight 1 v 4 people and getting stomps (other than safe stomping), so you can show us how it's done. You are loudly preaching that advantages for people outnumbering others should be maintained because it's just a matter of skill, let's just see it.
  23. Yes and by fixing surely you mean nerfing, not making it mind even more OP (firebrand and mechanist) like it happened for the last 5 months. Otherwise you can take your stuff and move to a different department (not marketing and PR, because you have done enough dmg in that area also).
  24. lol come on mate. There are logs for the 0.4 APM rifle mech doing 31.5k. 24-25k was unbuffed, like literally no buffs, no debuffs on the boss (which also increases mech damage) and no food. This is not debatable, it was the situation after the patch. Berserker on the dps build now benches 32k and nobody really cares what it was benching as BS 3 weeks ago before the patch. Bladesworn 38.6k is also a perfect example of why people who do not understand benchmarks should not talk about benchmarks, as I have explained elsewhere. The 38.6k log shows the player below 37k (and dropping throughout the log) until he hits the last dragon slash which does nearly 200k overkill damage. So he took 108 seconds to kill the golem whereas any other build at 38.6k would take 103 seconds. Even then, there is the issue of how poorly that 37k or 38k benchmark on a stationary golem will translate to an actual bossfight unlike most condi builds and also ranged builds (rifle mech).
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