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Everything posted by SleepyBat.9034

  1. Elite Specs should be split because each class has about 1 triggering spec. The Specs I hate fighting the most are Cele Berserkers, Power Bladesworns, Power or Cele Bunker Vindicators, Cele Renegades, Condi Druids, Cele Bunker Soulbeasts/Untamed, Power Rifle Deadeye, Cele Hammer Catalyst, and Cele Death Magic Harbingers. Why do I hate fighting them? Because they are stacked specs with access to too much damage, sustain, mobility, and utility. All of these specs/builds have so much defense/sustain they are unkillable to 90% of the other specs/builds while holding onto enough damage to mow you down. My favorite build is a power Holosmith build designed around converting conditions into boons and healing for each condition converted, logically it should be the hard counter for condition or hybrid builds but spoiler, it still melts when I fight any of those builds I listed. I've had to start pre-stacking a Bloodlust Sigil just to have a fighting chance in WvW these days because I cannot deal enough damage to get these builds below 50% (My stats are good for a power build too, between 2300-2500 Power before might and bloodlust, 70% Crit, and 200% Crit Damage.) I just got back from a month-long break from Guild Wars 2 and after a few hours of WvW, I feel ready for another break. For some reason, Anet doesn't seem to care about power creep, so they keep buffing stacked specs, ruining the fun of small-scale WvW. I know some people like to say anet doesn't balance around small-scale WvW but that's not quite true because they have in the past for Catalyst. The fact of the matter is that anet should balance small-scale because it is a large part of WvW and it is easier for new players to get into.
  2. This is a basic condi soulbeast burst combo. Sharpening Stone (10 stacks of your next hit bleeds your target) and Vulture Stance (Your attacks apply poison for 6-9 seconds with a short icd) into Warhorn 4(Hunter's Call) which hits 16x for a minimal amount of power damage but it will proc those other two skills I mentioned. The whole skill will miss if you evade it when they first cast it. They often follow this up with merged smoke assault(5x small hits while evading) which you get when a soul beast merges with their pet Smokescale.
  3. Just revert the last change to Signets of Suffering and we're back in business.
  4. Shouldn't be a problem right? That spellbreaker hasn't lost a fight against a deadeye.
  5. Yeah, I have played it before but I prefer melee power specs to ranged so I didn't enjoy it much.
  6. Deadeye mains trying so hard to downplay how broken their spec is. Gaslighting like their lives depend on it lmao. Classic.
  7. You don't even need to do that to get stealth on deadeye. It's much stronger to just perma kite with Death's Retreat anyway. That skill hits as high as 12k and their "auto attack" hits for 4-5k which means by the time they can even use their ambush you're already half dead. Also, you can run Celerity sigil which lines up perfectly with your burst, it all happens 50% faster, not to mention the damage rotation has no cooldown so your one or two reflect skills won't save you. Just press skill 2 a few times and then ambush, get an initiative refund, and repeat with the occasional dodge or Death's Retreat to keep the distance. You're in danger? Just press Smoke Screen a projectile and perma blind field that lasts 7 seconds. You will run out of defensives very quickly. Maybe you're a noob and you don't have good Initiative management? Just run a stun break that gives you extra Initiative. This is what someone who never fought a good deadeye would say.
  8. Because playing broken specs where you win simply because it's unbalanced isn't fun, duh.
  9. You could also run the Resistance rune and the ascended food that gives -20% condition duration.
  10. Isn't that a bug? Thought it was supposed to be 2.
  11. I do kind of agree, the main hand dagger should almost be reworked into more of a support weapon. I wouldn't want anet to change warhorn because I like the kit as it is, but maybe they could add more support when you trait it.
  12. I don't mind losing the corrupts from Axe and the spite trait line, I've always looked at those as being power damage + boon rip thematically. I didn't like losing the corrupt on dagger 3 and 5 and the trait that goes with it.
  13. I gotta be honest, Guild Wars 2 Engineer is kinda in a rough spot, isn't it? Our new Shortbow is mostly support and lacks damage, making it seem useless in PvP or WvW unless you're into meme builds. And don't even get me started on the weapon master changes – they didn't do us many favors. In competitive modes, our builds are just hanging around bottom-tier, and we're stuck using Grenades or plain Mortar most of the time. Turrets? Yeah, they've been trash from day one. And our Kit weapons? Half of them are so weak, you'd forget they even exist. The most recent patch? Honestly, it might as well have been a no-show for Engineer. The changes were so minor, tweaking stuff that didn't need tweaking without addressing the real issues. Feels like we're stuck in the same old routine.
  14. Why are people so obsessed with melee condi weapon? It's just worse than a ranged condition weapon.
  15. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, it feels like Engineer is in a sad spot. We got a low-energy role-play spec with no competitive potential for soto, our new shortbow is a weak support one-trick weapon that has little synergy with engineer traits, and we got almost no value out of the weapon master changes. At their best, our builds are mid in competitive game modes and we rarely have more than 1 good build at a time. We've been stuck spamming Grenade Kit and Mortar since day 1. Turrets have been complete trash since day 1 the first nerf. Over half our kits are so weak they rarely see use. 2 of our trait lines are outdated. Not to mention the most recent patch might as well have had no changes for engineer considering how low-impact they are, slight improvements and changes to skills and traits that didn't need them without changing anything that was underperforming.
  16. You love to find out the specs you can't kill thanks to their high sustain are bugged and they don't have access to their full sustain.
  17. I'd rather they just revert the necro change. Signets without the passive trait feel weak.
  18. Everyone can agree that the Signets of Suffering change was unnecessary and lame. It removed a unique and interesting interaction you could build around and replaced it with a worse trait outshined by other traits in the same tier. Anet should understand that sometimes you must make exceptions to your balance philosophy like they did by adding some damage back to cc skills. They took their crusade against cooldown reduction traits too far here and made the trait line and class worse because of it.
  19. The only thing I want for necro is for the signet trait change to be reverted. I had a wicked cool spite, death magic, reaper build using greatsword that was super fun to play and it got completely gutted by that change. There's no reason to ever take the new trait because it's just worse than Chill of Death.
  20. Considering that he just wrote a post about how engineer Shortbow is op I'm not sure I buy what he's selling.
  21. It's a utility/ weapon, very strong in competitive game modes. Large AoE which is strong when outnumbered,1200 range non-projectile attacks, fear access which has good trait synergy, condition transfer, some sustain via regeneration, good life force generation when traited, unblockable when traited, can be cast while about faced which is perfect for kiting and running away thanks to the chill application it has, you can cast the fear mark under you to interrupt burst specs.
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