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Everything posted by Apolo.5942

  1. This is a very arbitrary but very telling metric about how the BS was received. Since release, there have only been 6 videos on youtube when you search for "GW2 Bladesworn". That is how little people are playing and showcasing it. Time to go back to the drawing board, i dont remember any other class being rejected this hard since the core game release.
  2. Agree, it feels clunky as f!!! and really under powered. Most my worries from beta materialized. -Dragon Trigger damage and DPS is laughable. -Dragon Trigger is borderline unusable im constantly being interrupted by pve mobs, would not touch this on pvp under any circumstances. -Pistol damage is OK, its healing while TRAITED is ok, pushing you back is ridiculous and needs to GO, we are an on you face melee class, how a mechanic that makes doing your role harder got past design and 2 rounds of beta is beyond me. -Traits are TERRIBLE all around, and are mostly this way because the spec is TERRIBLE all around, Unshakable mountain is a must because NO sustain ON WARRIOR. Unyielding dragon is a must because otherwise Dragon Trigger is useless, and this in pve even worst in pvp. Im borderline just dropping the spec even for pve.
  3. Better embrace reality than fight it.
  4. They are nowhere near the warriors forum, not comparable at all.
  5. I mean, a cursory look on the Warrior forum will reveal that warrior players are lets say, "NOT happy campers", and have not been for a while and to make matters worse, this new spec has been largely rejected by the community.
  6. Lol, thanks for making me laugh this morning. Warrior splay style, get up close and bash him. Berserker play style, get up close and bash him. Spellbreaker play style, get up close and bash him. Bladesworn ... wait for it ... play style, get up close and bash him, more but way more unnecessarily complicated and clunky.
  7. You are playing warrior, you dont get sustain unless in zerg.
  8. That is what i picked it for, they flipped the script not me, and likelly not many other warriors either.
  9. -PVE they can work ok for a dps role. Then again EVERY CLASS CAN DO OK. it has no other roles/options. -PVP trash tier, everything you can do, somebody else can do better and likely more than one thing at a time, which you cant. -WVW, very survivable in zerg thanks to phalanx strength, trash tier everywhere else.
  10. That is cool, yes i undestand i need to make another, my doubt was if i could equip 2, much rather do another conflux than waste 15 weeks trying to get a raid group going and succeding.
  11. I dont feel like wasting 15 weeks doing raids to get the ring, can i get 2 WVW ones instead?. Anybody tried it?.
  12. This is LITERALLY Arena net's "you guys dont have phones?" moment.
  13. That is their problem, all these red flags were up on the previous beta. And lets not pretend there is a ton of development going into this, its may be a couple of animations tops. The rest is reuse from previous content aka engineer.
  14. I mean, feedback is never going to be homogeneous on either direction, but i struggle to remember a feature with these consistent level of rejection being pushed through.
  15. Poll after Poll has spoken and the Bladesworn concept has been rejected again and again. Please do not ship this product, your customers have already rejected it.
  16. Are they actually shipping this Spec as DOA as it is.
  17. Who says there is going to be a next spec?, they cant keep pushing specs every expansion and who says there is to be a next expansion?.
  18. I wish they would scrap the spec, i mean, regardless of whether i personally like it (i dont), i think they should have the profesional emotional detachment to acknowledge that the spec, just was not liked. This is shown on poll after poll after poll.
  19. How do you feel about this class in the different game modes.
  20. Warrior is the squishiest class, except may be thief.
  21. Still sucks, feels awkward and damage is nothing to write home about
  22. Right now i would venture, warrior is the squishiest class except may be for thief.
  23. kitten no, implement proper AI. I dont want to have to micromanage the kittening mech.
  24. The only real advice you can get on warrior, is to not use it on spvp or wvw. It sucks in both game modes and you dont have the tools to compete.
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