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Everything posted by IAmNotMatthew.1058

  1. As soon as I saw the latest special is CO CM I knew I had to prepare popcorn.
  2. Aegis is only ever needed in CM considering there are many blocks that allow you to just not get hit by Mind Crush, Warding Rift being the best example. And just as mentioned above me, you can just run into the bubble, since Deimos is stationary during Mind Crush yet again removing the need for Aegis. If Aegis was mandatory I wouldn't be able to tank using Engi shield. The only time you need Aegis in normal Deimos is when someone is sitting in oil expanding it to cover the middle.
  3. And just like in PvP you might end up with 3 roamers and 2 duelists in one team, because "I want to play this, I'm not swapping". Strikes have public modes functioning the same way as your proposal, I recommend checking out how popular it is.
  4. It's even better. First it was a meta that they whined about. Anet caved in and allowed people to bypass the meta with Imperial Favors. People first complained the egg is too expensive and then complained they have to do a Strike, so now Anet allows you to bypass the Strike and there were complaints that the bypass is also too expensive.
  5. Bring a fresh level 80 person to T4 Fractals and compare that person's skill with the people you usally meet in T4s. Fractal Level and AR ensures that people spend some time in each tier practicing the Fractals.
  6. If you ignore the specific or dedicated roles in Raids then yes, there are no specific or dedicated roles.
  7. "Hey, welcome to GW2! Here's your Raptor trial you can have for 10 hours on your character to make travelling faster, but you won't be able to use it on the map you're most likely going to spend atleast half of that time, because it's a starter zone! Have fun!"
  8. 1. The only mechanic in Raids where you need to jump that I can think of Q2's jumping rope, in Strikes most mechanics where you "need to jump" can also be just.. dodged you know. The rest of your complaints in the first paragraph about Raids also make no sense, so there's that. 2. Strikes vary, because they went from instanced content designed to help people get into Raids and such to actual endgame content with Challenge Mode. Forging Steel is done regurarly, since it can pop up as a Weekly Priority Strike and the weekly chest also needs it cleared. 3. You just complained about what Strikes are and how you consider Forging Steel unpopular, but then go and say that's how it should be. You used 2 examples, 2 of the most boring encounters, Escort is often skipped by getting someone to open an instance with Escort already done, people are literally willing to pay 5 gold for someone to be able to skip it, that's how "good" those kinds of encounters are. OP should be playing GW1, no jumping, missions and end game content mostly resemble Forging Steel.
  9. I love how this perfectly reads one of those ads filled with a bunch of exceptions and clarifications marked with a bunch of * symbols and can be seen in size 2 font at the bottom. Having the Freedom of choice* of choosing who I want to play with and move whenever I want** without Anet deciding it*** is nice. *Freedom depends on how much gems one's willing to spend **Dependent on whether you have the gems to join your friends ***Anet may link your server to another server you don't want to play with
  10. I've been doing Convergences since release and have yet to see Sorrow fail a single time, even though I have only seen DK 7 times so far. I feel sorry for you being unlucky.
  11. I've been playing around EU reset lately a lot, 1am CET, HoT maps are far from populated, except during Tarir or Gerent, which is exactly the same thing you can see with Soto maps, EoD maps, PoF maps. People are not making excuses, they are explaining to people jumping onto the "soto bad" train that what's happening isn't a new thing, Soto managed to hold high population longer so far than PoF and EoD did. GW2 is not built around focusing on the latest release and invalidating old content, seeing people complain that players are spread around content in the game as if that's a bad thing is just stupid. I checked LFG 10 minutes before the meta and saw 3 squads up, that's 2 more than how many I see for ANY PoF map outside Crystal Oasis for example.
  12. Also people need to keep in mind that early into the release of content people will populate the map to finish masteries and achievements. Once Anet releases the next step for the PvE Leggy armor and/or Legendary Relics people will most likely go back to Soto maps. Pretty much like with any content release really.
  13. But, but, Wizard's Vault is less rewarding FOMO filled grindfest! People told me that when Soto was released.
  14. Running in a squad we got a couple of DMs from other worlds about how "unfair"(need to condense the lovely words down into one) it is that we kill a guy dueling someone as a zerg when they're "dueling" on the path leading up from Alpine SC. If you duel off to the side in that area you may not be ran over by a freight train, but someone does it on a road it's an open invitation. It's like buying 10 drinks from McD's, throwing the lids away, putting them down in your car and then going offroading.
  15. Kids after the age of 10 already have enough intelligence to understand the difference between the two kinds of rifts, the fact that one is a Rift for Skyscales "only" added 3+ years ago requiring no aid from other players, while the other is designed to be a Rift done by multiple people and added half a year ago makes it clear why people don't specify which is which, it's not needed. If a person struggles to see the difference between those kinds of rifts chances are they haven't played the game for more than 5 hours yet, considering the game refers to the LWS4 ones as Reality Rifts - in the Skyscale collection as well - and the first Heart of the Obscure Mastery, "Rift Guidance" specifies the other ones as Kryptis Rifts. You can roll your eyes all you want, but you might miss the game specifying things to you and you'll end up here, complaining that "it's the same".
  16. It's kinda hard to confuse Reality Rifts with Kryptis Rifts, even their Masteries describe them as entirely different things, they also look wildly different. It's like looking at an E Class Merc and a 5 Series Beemer and complaining that they are easy to confuse, because both of them are E segment cars.
  17. We're going back to hitting eachother with big sticks while wearing loincloths like cavemen, though, I'm sure someone would complain that big stick is OP.
  18. How else would Evon Gnashblade keep up the infrastructure for same minute delivery, access to the store and trading site interface all over the world, even in the Domain of the Dead while also offering cosmetics - often - at great discounts without the ~15% tax? Not even Amazon has this kind of reliability and system reach.
  19. Just days ago we had people complaining about LFG being way too compacted.
  20. Except WV has done more changes than just changing the number of dailies offered.
  21. In short: "I'm rewarded more for tasks some of which have been around since well before WV and it's bad, because I want to do all" I could complain that I was forced to play PvP in the previous system, it makes just as sense as the start of your rant. People are not forced to do anything, you are rewarded for doing certain tasks, exactly like before. You have a choice to skip a daily, or, you can even skip all of them. I play WvW and PvE, only have tasks from PvE for obvious reasons, but up until about 2 months ago I ran my dailies and weeklies in PvP when I still actively played PvP as well, it's not magically less rewarding, because I play multiple gamemodes, so don't speak on others' behalf. The game is not making decisions for you, you are not told to do dailies and weeklies, you can ignore them all and do whatever you want. If the game telling you waht to do is an issue with the current system then it was an issue with the previous system as well considering the dailies were much more specific there instead of the "eh just salvage some gear" and similiar tasks. The game is still the same, if people liked the game for the "freeform playstyle" they still have the same playstyle. Just like the old dailies, you're recommended to finish the dailies in WV first as well. You logged in and you were greeted with the daily login tab straight away, WV just hovers on the top right. People who equate optional tasks with mandatory quests are bound to have less fun.
  22. If you're talking about mini dungeons it's because there are 4 possible minidungeons, 3 of them are easy, 1 is easy to ignore. If you're talking about JPs I'm going to call BS on you getting the exact same 3 out of 22 on weeklies. You're talking about repetitiveness not even my alt without Soto can experience.
  23. Just because lots of people ask for it it's not guaranteed to be a good idea. People have been asking for fishing, Twisted Marionette, LWS1 and old LA as well.
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