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Everything posted by Shagie.7612

  1. That match went for like 7 minutes, ultimately. Something that's truly a stomp barely goes over 5. Same for ones where the other team doesn't play. Is saving a couple minutes of time really that big of a deal? Really putting a lot of value on that 2 minutes of life. And in exchange, you give people the option of /ffing every single match at 5 minutes because they're whiny babies who won't play it out and try to win. It's unnecessary at best and damaging at worst. Everyone comparing it to mobas is clueless. Conquest doesn't have towers, minions or other objectives that slow you down and prevent you from running it down mid as easily against an afk team.
  2. In terms of recent MAT wins, I think Rev's been without one for the longest rn, and Ren and Herald are nowhere to be seen in any form of play. That might change this month tho. Ele's not great, Cata isn't horrible or anything though. Class by class basis is hard cause like, power zerk's pretty bad (especially trying to be cool Gun Flame Man) but Spb is still good post-staff nerfs Mechanist isn't very good but Holo's good, don't even think Scrapper's that bad either. Lot of people say power Chrono's bad (I don't really agree but whatever) but in contrast, support Chrono is nuts. That kinda stuff.
  3. if teef players had their way they'd be the meta defining class again just like they were for most of the game's life the team with the better one wins, nothing else matters
  4. the kalla rework literally didn't make it any better and even nerfed it in certain situations (daze spam being able to keep people off yourself, being able to activate marks and traps via summons) no other rework landed so poorly
  5. I think it's hard to give a simple answer. Like, take what are currently meta specs in PvP, and compare them to the bottom of the barrel. It's beyond just number tuning, there's a massive advantage in so many areas that it's hard to bring them closer together without essentially making a bunch of buttons and traits do nothing. Changing up how much damage or healing something does can only go so far when something has three times as many situational buttons to use, or all their skills are multipurpose, y'know? Mobility is the most notable area though, I think. It's gone up dramatically since EoD. As far as warrior maces go, Skull Grinder is still really good, but the rest of the mace skills aren't so hot, while Ranger's is nearly a full elite spec baked in. It's got better control, mobility, and sustain in addition to way stronger damage. Comparing directly across classes isn't the most effective way to look at things, because classes have different traits and utilities and all that , but it's clear that some weapons, some elites, some builds just have objectively more and don't lack in areas to balance it out, while the weak ones have very clear flaws and weaknesses in addition to poor numbers.
  6. I really don't think this is as big of a problem everyone makes it out to be. Yes, if you take a hundred condi skills to the face, you're probably in trouble. You'd also just be dead if it were strike damage. But it's also got plenty of tools to not actually get those condis on you in the first place, for disengaging and escaping while enduring what you facetanked, and sustaining through it. Tree Song is basically better than anything the entire rest of the class has lol. Heck, one half of the Alliance utilities already rivals most of the other legends, let alone having both (that's hyperbole but just barely lol) Don't listen to hammer Vindi players about it Actually don't listen to em period cause hot take: everyone only likes the spec because it's hilariously overloaded, nobody playing GW2 pvp actually cares about GW1 lore
  7. There's a massive difference between good specs and bad ones in terms of how many buttons they have, how many different things their buttons do, and especially post-EoD how mobile they are. Read a Ranger's mace tooltip and then compare it to like, Warrior's regular mace skills lol
  8. It's because it isn't affected by weapon strength like those skills are. Definitely agree it's too much damage but looking at just the coefficients in a vacuum doesn't make for a great comparison. It's gonna be disproportionally high because of it.
  9. i dont understand how you can make a very clear homage to jet stream sam, to gunblades, to the monster hunter longsword (and iaido in general) and it's just not very fun or functional like, all of those things are very, very cool, you could have pulled it off in many different ways, what happened
  10. It was bad for almost all of its lifetime though. Except for like 2 periods, one early on when people got cheesed by something like Mad King + Soulcleave, and just after the Feb 2020 patch. Because it got completely forgotten about during that across the board damage reduction and then they crushed it like 6 months later. They also later changed the way the damage reduction formula works after that and added the 1s ICD on Soulcleave, so a bunch of the things that enabled it to be so dumb aren't even in the game anymore. But yes, weapon master training was a mistake. Reaper getting pistol/torch is the most obvious example.
  11. hey quick question why does vindicator have more damage, more mobility (especially in ability to disengage), more sustain, more condi cleanse, and just generally infinity more buttons to respond to things than any other rev builds where is its weakness relative to the rest of the class, not in numbers necessarily, but in the design of where it excels and where it struggles what happened to power budgets and tickets also applicable to a bunch of other builds both within their class and in comparison in the same roles
  12. GW1 had something similar with the codex arena, in that you had limited build choices. You could do it, though I don't think it'd be a great thing to force upon people. The game desperately needs more match types anyways imo. Stronghold, CTF, Conquest, whatever. The only map that doesn't technically have a second exit from spawn is Foefire, if you're getting spawn camped. Every other one has multiple ways to get out, even Temple. If I'm queueing a match, and I get thrown in with new players, how is it my fault to the point where I deserve to be disabled until I die? I get what you're going for, and NA especially has a few groups of people who 4 or 5 man-stack in unranked to smash unbalanced matches and that's incredibly lame, but I don't think forcing someone who's popping off to take a death is a good way to handle it.
  13. Don't think it'd be very surprising if they nerf the damage on Hammer 4. 1.8 coefficient on something that can hit 5 targets, gives you a projectile blocker and an aegis stack (and lifesteal projectiles if you attack since guaranteed finishers on hammer 1) on a 1200 range, fairly short CD is pretty crazy. Sometimes its tracking is really whack though. Same goes for the auto now that it's significantly more usable. Hammer's meant to be a bursty weapon so it's always gonna hit pretty hard in short windows, but Vindi has the extra damage to supplement it through Death Drop and Archemorus where the other legends and elites don't do it nearly as effectively. Very much enjoying all the shocked pikachu faces of all the hammer vindi players now that they're on the chopping block tho lol And rightfully so. Dodging offensively for damage is silly. A small hit to remove aegis or blind or (in extremely niche cases) to kill someone who's low is interesting and fine. It's not so much that warriors throw out dodges offensively, they're not exactly a real attack, but it serves a purpose.
  14. I've only been playing Mallyx/Kalla so far this season, mostly because I like the yoink leap on Mallyx. My favorite legend of them all just cause it's fun to hop hop hop. It's... mostly not so good, sometimes it can feel pretty cool, like you throw a SB4, Citadel Bombardment on a point, then pull everyone and drop Icerazor/Razorclaw (and then get yourself the heck outta there). It doesn't work that often but if it does, you've done a ton of damage and an aoe pull, if your team does any damage you should more or less win that fight. I just don't see how, in the current form, it's ever really supposed to compete with meta builds. Renegade traits just aren't that great and Kalla doesn't have very good abilities. I'm still having fun, it's just really frustrating sometimes trying to fight actual good stuff that beats you even when they've clearly facetanked everything of yours and you've dodged a ton of theirs.
  15. It's not like, impossible or anything. You can get there almost solely based on map rotation and macro level play. But whether it's as condi or power you're not gonna have a very fun time doing it, and it'll be significantly harder, relative to virtually any other builds, both rev and non-rev.
  16. getting hit by a knockback and popped up into the air so hard the police show up at my door to arrest me for hackering the z-axis you'll never catch me arenanet, my jump key breaks your detector bots
  17. It's not wrong though, lol Not entirely incorrect here. So do it. And tell me you had a good time doing it as Kalla.
  18. What do YOU mean lol Herald sees very little play in high(er) level PvP and when it does, Vindi would be a superior pick anyways and it's people playing it because they like it or comfort. It also sees virtually no MAT presence and hasn't for quite some time. Yeah, I got that. Alongside all the other WvW players saying the exact same thing lol 600 range summons are asking to get yourself murdered anyways, on a legend and whole build that has almost zero stab access. Between that, proj hate, resists, cleanses, blocks, dodges, and whatever else, I don't think it's as effective as you think it is against any decent players. Go ahead. Go queue up. Play in plat with it then. Tell me it's effective or feels good. I'm more than willing to accept it if you do. I doubt there's anyone on NA or EU actively playing Kalla at a higher rating than I am. And I'm not even that high, lol.
  19. Yes, they're 0.5s cast times but they have anywhere from a 1.0 to 1.5s delay on top of that before they go off. It's a 1.5s immob, expertise doesn't exist in pvp either. If you wait to confirm the immob hits, it's short enough that Razorclaw won't go off, if you throw them both at the same time you're created an even more obvious telegraphed "dodge this lol" moment. It is not effective against anyone who isn't a blind moron. Any zerg that doesn't have infinite cleanses and resistance is a joke and hardly worth caring about too tbh lol. If you're actively escaping them with that then you'd also be actively escaping them by w keying in the opposite direction. Anyways the entire point of the rework was to make it playable in STRUCTURED PVP, WvW is an even bigger balance joke, but they're the only people left playing rev because spvpers all gave up on anything but Vindi about 2 years ago so nobody else is around to comment. Go try it in spvp, tell me your rating, tell me how effective it is.
  20. partially matchmaking, but i think the bigger part is that everyone gets around the map way faster now so kills can snowball a lot harder than they ever used to
  21. Okay, but why not 3 stacks of immobilize? So it's actually got some duration for anyone who gets hit, instead of so little time that anyone with superspeed can walk out before a follow-up Razorclaw or Darkrazor pops. Or that they have a significant amount of extra time to dodge the most valuable part of the skill. The chill being 3 stacks is great, I'm not complaining about it at all. I'm complaining that Icerazor is weak and does a poor job of allowing you to either peel off yourself or set up any combo damage.
  22. game already has a level of new player protection in terms of matchmaking, fresh accounts get prioritized for a while with other new players anyways, removing unranked rewards isn't gonna stop the people who queue as a group that wanna crush pugs and lower skilled players you're shooting everyone else, including yourself, in the face to mildly annoy people who aren't doing it for that seems like a good idea i get where you're coming from, it's annoying to queue into 5-stacks when you're learning or just trying to goof around or whatever, but this won't do anything but drive away casuals even more (because why would they queue up at all at that point?)
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