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Everything posted by Dusty.6084

  1. When there is a 250 pt lead I think afk is okay. Before that no, afk is grieving and should be ban.
  2. Trading CDs is fun but not really balanced. Invoke the spirits buffed to a 60s CD in WoW is more powercreep than anything in GW2 has.
  3. I'd play WoW arena if it had soloQ. Not fun waiting over an hour for an RBG or arena you may not win in. It's one thing to have PTSD from soloQ they tried in the past but they just removed it and were like "okay, that's good," and now WoW arena is dead.
  4. You auto lose vs 5 man team as soloQ. So soloQ didnt exist for people wanting plat. Spending hours teambuilding did. Arguably duoQ is way too strong. I think my soloQ winrate is like 51%, 40% winrate solo against duoQ, and duoq maybe 65%. It doesn't help you can duoQ with a silver for placements and get 10 wins. There are AT now for 5 man so nobody cares.
  5. As eod goes on, i'd likem to nerf base stats/cooldowns of golem and buff its active skill strength.
  6. >A Vind. I main trapper druid and everybody is spamming power rev which I hard counter. I get that it's busted in tourny but it's overrated in soloQ, although it's still nutty. Mechanist. Right now it has crazy base stats. I think as people learn how to minmax mech it will become a stat check kitten side noder. >B Willbender. Mobility is cool, confirming kills is good. It's going to be B tier at EOD launch because your team died while you were in your kiting rotation to 20k burst. Specter. Nerfs to deception hurt the class more than spec strengths. I have a lot of fun playing spec, but thief in general is not going to be a noteworthy sidenoder this season. It would be S tier chronomancer tier kitten if it still had pre nerf deception, but it doesn't. Virtouso. Basically fresh air rn. Very greedy and usually zerker DH provides more team utility, but can pump numbers if not respected. >C Catalyst. I mean, take the condi weaver sidenoder and uh, make it worse at chasing and chain cc? Who cares how good it stat checks, it's a mobility meta and catalyst has no mobility. Pretty bad. >F Harbinger. Fresh air except you can't kite nearly as well. Want to know a really cool sidenode build that doesn't immediately die to 2v1 pressure? Any other necro build. Untamed. OMFG a 40 second cooldown blink and all it requires is a utility slot? I sure hope the enemy has no defensives once every 40 seconds so that I can do things! When you land your full burst combo and still lose 1v1 to every class you might not be viable. Warrior. Warrior is garbage. The fact people think warrior anything is better than anything is laughable. Power rev meta which hard counters war. Like with ranger, people just want to work 7x as hard to try and force war into meta even though its bad.
  7. Lol people think War was played for warhammer + GS? That was just stalling until rampage was off cooldown.
  8. I'm surprised people struggle with thief. You can't kill them but you automatically win point and cant be killed so it doesn't matter. I'd say trapper guard and trapper druid are much more annoying because they have their entire class kit on top of invis disjoints which certain classes cant deal with. Soulbeast is trash, you can literally see when sic em is active and just iframe spam its not even hard. The buff is active on their HUD when they use it. Trapper druid is much worse. I think people are playing core guard healer as a bunker when it's not a bunker, its just a healer, and they insta lose a lot of duels for no reason.
  9. I rarely actually lose duels to the player that fed on my team because I pick something I know can just farm them so I can win easilly.
  10. The mobility seemed like a meme to me. DH already runs double blink and maybe rune of the trapper just with their heal and ring of blades - their F2 also is a long range jump. I felt less mobile.
  11. yeah the core is really weak but they can do some tweaks. I'd like to have them buff the willbender skilltree before buffing the class. I think the idea of sacrifices is interesting. After buffing the skilltree then visit the class and fix whats left.
  12. Duo is already free top 250. If you can get a 5 man together play ATs. Devs like blizzard have this insane delusion that balancing a game around 5 stacks means people are going to go out of their way to play in a five stack instead of soloQing, so at the end of the day all it does it kill the game for soloQ (90% of the playerbase)
  13. Virtuouso at least brings power mes back onto the table. They just run power block and then build tanky and try to burst.
  14. lolol. To be fair only mes is okay. Harbinger can be tunneled bad, guard is way worse than dh
  15. Berzerker reaper with spite and lich form when you are duo-Q with a really good support DH or something who will res you and keep you alive. IMO blood is a little overrated in such a bursty meta.
  16. I'm going to skip Path of Fire as that's the only expansion I really missed. Honorable mentions: Pre nerf power Shiro: Dodging nerfs for years, and having lots of anti thief mobility and burst, power shiro was always meta despite not having crazy stats due to its ability to simply kite until a massive burst window showed up. Now Shiro's reign of terror has been ended as Shiro has been nerfed into ash, and people play renegade because renegade was SO BAD at launch that after years of other classes being nerfed renegade shortbow wasn't even touched. D/P: Once again dodging nerfs for years, thief has always been a massive part of the game's meta. It wasn't as obvious until mesmers got utterly dumpstered, at which point thief was a requirement of any good team. 5. Post POF Condi revenent After years of nerfs, Condi revenant, which were a joke before having negligible damage and cc, arose to be basically immortal after nobody could punch through rabid amulet + auramancer healing with their nerfed damage. It not only got massive direct nerfs of up to 50% of it's resistance being taken away, but torment itself got massively nerfed, and will never be played again. 4. Pre-HOTS Celestial ele On launch, warrior was a useless melee creep that just dropped burst until rampage was off cooldown and mesmer, likewise, just kited until their burst was off cooldown. The only build that was trully kitten, however, was called celestial elementalist, which despite running the lulzy celestial amulet, was utterly brainless. You have to remember that launch damage and burst rotations werent that big and revenent wasnt even in the game. Further ele had blind spam on their damage build. They had everything; teamfight, aoe cleave, aoe heal, 1v1, cross CC, mobility, et cetera. Teams ran two of them because they werent allowed to run more. You could just pick up cele ele and outperform other classes in ranked by facerolling through your spells. This one could be considered a contender for number 1. I remember forum posts saying "just don't walk through the fire." The fire was some zero setup, 12 second cooldown strip of fire that hit for like 4,000 damage every time you stepped over it and blinded. You literally had to just not fight the ele every 16 seconds or die immediately. 3. HOTS launch Chronomancer How about you start a """duel,""" with 30 seconds of chained Iframes and aoe cc and two full burst rotations. Lets throw down the strongest CC in the game, MOA in there for good measure, if you don't feel like running double gravity well. Did I mention it was almost as mobile as thief and effortlessly won that 1v1 matchup? Had to be overpowered to deal with launch dragonhunter and dodged way too many nerfs, and simply replaced pre-nerf d/p in tournaments for years. 2. Pre nerf scourge/spellbreaker (path of fire) Again I skipped this expac but it was very clear scourge was going to be brainlet territory on launch. Massive AOE burst burning and healing without even having to be on point. Spellbreaker and scourge were both so overpowered that even after their spells were adjusted to do 1 damage, they were still meta support units. 1. Launch HOTS dragonhunter Auto attacks with 1800 range dealing 6,000 damage with the rune of air and fire, longbow 2 dealing 10,000 damage. Ring of blades hit for 6,000 damage, and silenced, and crippled for like 16 seconds or something. I remember seeing 4+ dragonhunters in ranked matches, and I personally don't hold in high esteem anybody who was top 250 this season. If you saw ring of blades on the ground you used a defensive cooldown to LOS or you died. Funnily enough people thought this was balanced and nerfed both druid and warrior, dramatically weaker classes, before dragonhunter was even touched. Even with years of nerfs it is still a top duelist class and even played as a support.
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