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Everything posted by Marikus.1875

  1. OHHHH now I get it. Thank you ❤️ Is there any other way to get these keys once we complete the level 60 story? Or is it gems only?
  2. LOL I read this and I'm still not 100% clear on what you mean. So let's take me for example. I'm a level 28 ele. I finished my lvl 10 and 20 story...but I only got 1 black trading key which I used to unlock a chest I had. I'm now almost at level 30 for my next storyline phase. When will I get another key? I'm sitting on a chest with no key to opensss ittt...my preciousssss. We wanttssss ittssss.
  3. What are you talking about. I DID play it and it has literally zero class differentiation between each player. Player 1 who plays a blue mages is the exact same as Player 2 who plays a blue mage with respect to class skills. There's no such thing as traits that diversify the way the class plays. Here in GW2, you have build variety. One ele may be spec'd X way with Y weapon while another ele may be a completely different spec.
  4. Still nowhere near as bad as FFXIV where you literally need to go see an ophthalmologist after every raid.
  5. WoW added 3 classes in 17 years (lol). It launched with 9. ESO added 2 classes in 7 years. It launched with 4. GW2 added 1 class in 9 years. It launched with 8. So GW2 has been around for 2 years longer than ESO, but it also launched with literally double the class variety. Additionally, WoW has only 3 more classes than GW2, but has been around for 8 more years.
  6. You do NOT need additional classes to keep an MMO fun and engaging if anything THAT is an unsupported claim. Show me in the data where games that released classes in a regular cadence maintained and grew in popularity because of said content. I'll wait.
  7. FFXIV: Is the literal OUTLIER of your entire selection and possibly the MMO space in general. The reason they are able to deploy classes every expac is because every class plays the exact same. There is ZERO class differentiation between player 1 and player 2 and therefore, balancing is infinitely more streamlined and simple at the cost of build diversity and player agency over their classes. Black Desert Online: LOL. No comment. Blade and Soul: this game was literally on a dying trend, the population has completely stagnated and not grown and if anything its in decline...because they focused on the WRONG things and also P2W. PS02 NGS: A game that took like 8 years to come out in NA? Elsword: what even is this??? You're equating a few cherry picked and bottom of the barrel MMO's (less FFXIV) to industry norms. Yeah, I don't think so.
  8. Completely agree with OP. Although it's nice that they gave us the option to convert gold to gems and buy them that way (unlike ESO who took FOREVER to implement a way to purchase items from loot boxes errrr "crown crates" directly)...it would make it more meaningful if we could earn them in-game. I'm not saying dilute their value for those willing to pay the big bucks, but make it something difficult to obtain for those who really want to go the way of earning them with their own in-game effort rather than swiping a credit card. It's honestly the one thing I appreciate about WoW is that when you see a player on a (non-store) mount or the armor on his character...you know at some level they earned it. Whether they played the content at the time of its release and grinded for it, or farmed it after...they still EARNED it in-game. Cash shops that sell cosmetics always cheapen that.
  9. Do other games really add actual classes? Wow's I didn't know that! You know why I didn't know that? Because arguably (still) the largest MMO in history World of Warcraft hasn't added a new class since 2016, 5 years ago a.k.a 2 expansions ago. Do you know what we got for the Shadowlands latest expansion? 8 new skills and you can ONLY use 2 of them at any given time because it's only 2 per covenant and you can only be in one covenant at a time. Switching covenants was also time gated by like 30 days or something ridiculous like that until players had enough and now they're changing it for 9.1.5. Do you know how many of us pleaded with the devs to just make those 8 skills as talents (which are essentially the equivalent of specializations here)? Some of yall have no idea how spoiled you are and how grateful you should be... Oh and BTW, that game has a $180 + expansion cost price tag for any given year with the mandatory monthly sub. Edit: Another example, ESO hasn't added a new class for two expansions (Greymoor/Blackwood) and in that game, they didn't even add new skills to your existing classes skill trees since the Necromancer release in Elswyr.
  10. Greetings Citizens of Tyria! Wouldn't it be great to have a PvE UI screen and menu button similar to what we have for WvW and PvP? I recently ran into the Raiding Lobby in Lions Arch and couldn't help but feel like hmpf, we should have a PvE tab where we can track all of our progress in Raids/Fractals/Strikes etc. It could be similar to what we already have with the PvP menu tab, but instead of PvP Lobby it would be the Raid Lobby followed by details about our progress and status within those PvE areas. Thoughts?
  11. Plenty of assumptions made but: 1) We don't know what Anet's budget is and unless you're part of the organization and working directly in finance, neither do you. 2) Hiring a team of five dedicated personnel with total comp (both sides) at ~150k/yr would still come in under a million dollar investment not "several millions". 3) I am okay with them making this change, you're right. Having this restriction in place just goes against the spirit of freedom that this game exemplifies. It's rooted in old and outdated design and seeing as they're showing they are more than willing to take a second look at things in the backend such as how WvW is going to play and even infrastructure changes like DX11... I'm okay with them taking a second look at this too.
  12. However long it takes, I'm okay with them dedicating the resources to it. GW2 is already known for having an endgame centric to fashion hence why outside of this community its known as "Fashionwars 2". Makes no sense to have such an artificial restriction in place when what you wear is literally part of endgame playstyle.
  13. This gives me hope for the future then that may they can find some spare time and work towards a solution. I prefer greater player agency in a game rather than the game telling me how to play it. GW2 already does a great job in that sense with many of its systems and open world IMO, the class armor restrictions is where I find myself artificially limited.
  14. Wait, they actually use this same silly excuse here in GW2? LOL. This was the main reason the developers used in WoW to justify the restrictions. Then when that was eroded because the obvious class breaking cosmetics they released (onesies/covenant gear etc.) it became "cus class lore". No offense, but GW2 isn't the most readable game with all of the flashy effects and just the general direction of the art and graphics. Don't get me wrong, I love the art style of this game...but silhouette reading in PvP is downright impossible.
  15. Greetings, citizens of Tyria (and soon Cantha, I guess?) What do you all think about the devs removing armor restrictions from classes so that we can mog whatever we want on our characters regardless of class? I have been a big proponent against WoW's mog restrictions and removing them but to no avail. There's a bunch of support for it there, I wonder what the sentiment is here? As an Ele, it would be awesome if I could wear/mog heavy armor to create a proper battlemage. Do you like the restrictions? Do you agree that you rather have more freedom in how you build your character?
  16. Well tbh, I think they should keep exploring new unique ways to traverse the maps and change the gameplay up. It's one of the main reasons I truly consider mounts a feature in this game versus just a visual % speed increase like in most MMO's (WOW/ESO/FFXIV). Each mount is special in its own way as you all know and whether or not you want to use them in a viable way, the option is there to change up your gameplay and make it interesting. I'm looking for the turtle to do the same thing and tbh, it's a turtle c'mon... who doesn't want a turtle lol. Same with the skiff mount (I'm just going to go ahead and call it a mount lol). The skiffs opens up a new dimension to the water parts of every single map. The next mount should be something like a snake that can borrow and travel underground and open up a layer of vertical depth to the zones. The type of soil would dictate how fast the snake can borrow and travel. Sand would offer the least resistance while stone/rock etc. would be impassable. IDK, maybe they could design a map random generating script with assets that creates the underground terrain based on the areas soil tag type.
  17. Nah, I get plenty of people trolling me with confused faces on my posts/responses even when it's perfectly clear. People just like using the I'm taking a massive dump that's not coming out face in a cutesy dumb way.
  18. Still seeing a lot of jaded folks complaining that this is more like a "patch" than an expansion for the price. Let me put things into perspective for those few that clearly do not venture outside of this game: Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Expansion Price: $39.99 (digital upgrade) *optional monthly sub - new main storyline - 1 new zone - 1 new core expansion feature: Companions - 1 new trial - new events "oblivion portals" similar to the OG Dolmens *dungeons not included because you have to buy them separately from the expac OR become a monthly sub source: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/updates/chapter/blackwood World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Expansion Price: $39.99 (digital standard) + $14.99 mandatory monthly sub - new main storyline - 5 new zones - 2 new core expansion features: Covenants & Torghast: Tower of the Damned (think roguelite) -1 new raid (which came a month after release) -8 new dungeons source: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/shadowlands Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Price: $29.99 (digital standard) *NO monthly sub - new main storyline - 4 new zones (tentative, we may have more) - 3 new core expansion features: - 1 new specialization per class - War turtle mount - Fishing profession & Skiffs mechanics - 1 new strike mission (tentative, we may have more) Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/end-of-dragons/ WoW launched with mounts included in the base game/sub, Shadowlands had the MOST mounts added out of any expansion. I did NOT include those because every single mount functions the exact same way and most are just recolors. A mount in GW2 on the other hand, is an actual new mechanic that changes gameplay and is therefore, a feature as they advertise it. ESO does not include mounts as they are all tied to the cash shop for extra $$$. Bottom line, for $10 less and arguably more if you play WoW with the extra $15/mo. and ESO+ for the crafting bag, you get VERY comparable value for your money.
  19. To add to this a little it can also create a healthy level of rivalry between guilds/alliances formed to reinvigorate the game mode and add a little more meaning to it.
  20. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but does it not appear that they are refocusing their efforts on GW2? Obviously, something may have happened with the vision a few years back that prompted the headcount reduction which I'm going to assume was driven by a reduced budget. But does it not appear that they are "righting the wrong" and steering back on course? Are we not about to see a significant engine upgrade to DX11? Sure, we're in DX12 now, but DX updates are linear, you need to be at DX11 before you hit DX12...any momentum forward is welcomed IMO. Are they not revamping WvW because they want to reenergize that gamemode and reinforce a core pillar of GW2? Are they not committing to a new expansion pack which expands the world of GW2 by adding new zones? Are they not expanding on professions and adding a new specialization for every class? Are they not adding a new unique mount type and new casual mechanics instead of just throwing in a new story and calling it a day? The point is that if this game was in such a dire state or the development team was so tiny, we wouldn't be getting the amount of content and meaningful changes we're seeing. That they're committed to finally improving performance and upgrading the backend shows they have plans for the future at the minimum. The expansion costs $29.99, that's literally it. How much more content are you expecting for your money? Would you like me to show you what you get for that same price in other large MMO's that may/may not require a mandatory sub?
  21. HERE, HERE! Having just come from a dreadful Gear Treadmill machine, I vote NO to such systems in GW2. Let the game suffer a fiery death should it ever steer the course towards gear obsolescence!!!
  22. And what blows me away is that in addition to what we already know that's coming with EoD, they're completely revamping WvW and how it works arguably making it much, much better and putting more of a guild emphasis. So they're working on catering to BOTH the PvE and PvP crowed which I think is more than generous of them.
  23. You seem to want to pick a fight and I'm not interested in that. I find the fishing and skiffs gameplay engaging from what I have seen and it's miles ahead of anything I have experience in WoW. I don't need to justify anything else beyond that. If you find these two new features so uninteresting than perhaps you should seek entertainment elsewhere. I don't need to have my enjoyments questioned. Thanks.
  24. LOL. Coming from WoW, it absolutely looks like engaging gameplay and 100x better than WoW fishing...I'm not spoiled to casual gameplay elements and if anything, have been deprived from them...coming from WoW...it's a nice change of pace from the "hardcore" crap.
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