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Everything posted by oatsnjuices.1698

  1. going by what one youtuber said, "celestial is a good tool for new players to learn roaming by being in a fight longer," maybe celestial should only be available until the account reaches gold level, they should have a grasp on the game by then. That would generate revenue also.
  2. I know a ranger that can break 300k in a zerg fight almost every time and never have support.
  3. i die allot. im a thief but many can kill me. go fight anyone in omni, qq, ie, mens, para, and many more. Thieves are not the oppest class, they are just a class that can outrun most, a hammer willy can 1 shot it so fast it wouldnt know what hit it. There are rangers that cant be beat by most players outside their hard counter, thieves cant beat some rangers. There are maybe 10 thieves na that are worth mention, im not one cuz I die allot. But I keep playing my class, and stear clear of the classes I cant seem to grasp. The point is, dont think you can fight a pvp/roamer unless you yourself are immersed in that mode.
  4. I think the misses reveal part would have a much larger impact than you think. I cant say how many times I have seen 3 misses in one single stealth. What you propose would kill thief. But one or the other would do.
  5. A better reveal would be If the thief misses he is revealed.
  6. Kinda like every camp and some other places have no line of sight when npc's or players are clearly open. Just gotta push the I believe button.
  7. well, warrior can arc 10k on a thief, weaver can 1 shot it already, and a ranger can sicum them off their mount and melt them. There are rangers that can not be beaten by a thief, and anyone at the same level can easily deal with them. Just ask any willbender with a hammer, or a good dh, I have been one shot by a virtuoso in the past week. Thiefs die allot, but being that they have mobility they can go alone into roaming territory. I think what you are proposing is that there only be kill squads, and a barrier against anyone roaming alone during peak hours. Thieves are not unkillable, they can however kill non tank classes that don't know how to play. Why not go to any duel spot and watch, how many thieves there are will astound you, not many... I admit there are exceptions, take for instance the celestial deadeye, simply unkillable. But that is celestial after all.
  8. You are complaining about 10 year thieves? Maybe you should just fight Hadi, maybe you will fair better LMAO!
  9. On the part about small group game play, you just need a leader that stays away from the zergs. I follow some people, they only go near zergs sometimes. It's usually to defend the keep or take smc. Other than that we go to the enemy keep or take a camp over and over in ebg, which is the way to stimulate a fight. We are outnumbered allot, but that is the way my group likes it. We don't give up, if a zerg runs the leader over, we simply go to that keep and play there. Its kinda like a switch, don't flip it if you value your pugs or don't want to personally fight us. I am greatful to play with people like that, people that don't give up and thrive when challenged. I undoubtedly die the most, but allot of the time I go the deepest too. I am not trying to brag on my game play because I'm just a noob being carried, but I'm being carried the right way. That is what you and yours should strive for. Be challenged and kill everything until something fun comes out to play. And those pesky thieves, I am one of them most the time. I will say that good players have no problem dealing with me, I am not mainly stealth, but even so, I'm just after duels most the time, without the traditional bow and res. Attack those thieves until you can beat them. Everything counters thief in the right hands, and I mean everything. Have fun, and don't give up. Join the right crew and you will have tons more fun. Just don't complain when you gotta respawn. I sometimes die 5 or 6 times in 30 minutes, but I go back, grit my teeth, and enjoy the best game going.
  10. Well, to this revelation. Ele, in all its forms, is now the most played class in wvw.
  11. Does the reflect while blocking trait still reflect when The bladesworn has alacrity?
  12. Funny the message between the lines! Well played sir!
  13. I think cata is fun to play against. I like it where it is. But the aura tempest is a pest that is overused by op servers. they pretty much negate allot of damage while being notoriously hard to kill. I have beeen beaten by allot of catalyst, but I know others that annihilate those same toons. That simply means that the good ones are just experienced and should win against players that do not know how to counter them. Any more dps nerf and they will be forced to go more tanky, that is no fun for anyone, esp the few catalyst players.
  14. meh, needs the S+ teir aura tempest to work. I mean, i have been beaten by it, but those people are just great players and they won fair. The power version that is. Also, I agree, cele is too tanky with damage. I usually ignore those players because carry is waay too high, or they just out heal and wear the opponent down. outhealing a berzerker gear anything while winning with only landing 25% of attacks is kinda counter fun imo.
  15. I have always wished presence was inside of the structure.
  16. Another thing that I would like to see is one person guild quests to allow for easier guild upgrades. I have a personal guild, but it's almost impossible to get enough questing done by myself. It'd be really cool to have something like that.
  17. It was a power meta, the nerfs brought forth the condi meta.
  18. I totally agree, bring them back to before the 2020 nerfs.
  19. The biggest nerf to wvw was celestial. The groups will calm down, they are just reaping the moment, and the bl's are kinda revived for roaming. So enjoy it.
  20. If I'm invis i cant tell when I'm invis, so it throws me off. There's always the little notification, but I'm not used to looking at my boons, just others. I tested it on my most gaudy character, i can't tell on him either. To me, its too bothersome to wear on stealth classes, esp in wvw where stealth is a defensive mechanic. I just need to know by sight when I am in stealth and when it has ended. For me, it is a no go for those classes, really any class where stealth might come into play. However, if stealth is not important to the player, it looks really cool.
  21. You cant see when you are invis, it is kinda the same hue.
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