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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. hmmm... it's almost as if the game is designed for role-playing and/or gathering resources.
  2. I never said "you are wrong." Please don't attribute such statements to me. This comment seems rather snarky to me. As for your dueling, how would you propose to find players against whom you could duel in OW, especially if it is an opt-in system? Please elaborate on how you believe such a system would work.
  3. To me, this seems to be another ill-formed argument by comparison. I don't believe that to be true with regards to dungeons. Fractals, if I recall, were designed to replace dungeons. Raids were released with HoT to bring in the raiding crowd of players. Strike missions were made because people complained about raids. As for the current mode not being good enough, apparently to date Anet disagrees with you.
  4. They don't need to implement dueling in OW because the game was designed with a mode specifically for dueling. You cannot equate dueling with mounts as an argument. Yes, PoF was designed with mounts in mind. I highly doubt that Anet will release any expansion with OW dueling as it's core selling point, especially --again-- since a mode already exists for dueling.
  5. PoF was designed with mounts in mind. GW2 has never been designed with OW Dueling in mind. Not sure the point you're trying to make?
  6. Sorry, but that is not how GW2 is designed. There are many other games out there that allow dueling in open world. You're welcome to play those to get your OW dueling fix.
  7. I was referring to my previous post. I didn't mean any players' perspective. I meant that Anet might not want such things in their game which is why they may not have released any to date.
  8. I agree. Some, though, might find shorts/tshirts to be significantly different than swimsuits with regards to their vision. /shrug
  9. It may be that the outfits being designed/deployed are part of some overall vision of how Anet wants the game to look or to be. It may be that swimsuits for heroes do not fit that vision. Maybe Anet doesn't want a lot of players running around maps in swimsuits.
  10. There is nothing "fundamental" about something that should not have been in the first place. Did you read the reasoning for the change? See below (emphasis mine): QUOTE: This process will clean up many possible broken states in which a skill effect could be present when it should not have been. Some of these states caused duplication of performance-intensive skills such as traps, which degraded server performance for everyone. ENDQUOTE Oh, and it really doesn't seem to be because they are on a budget and can't afford to do anything else as you claim.
  11. How can the game distinguish between a new player or a player with a new, low-level alt?
  12. Suggestion thread is here, conveniently stickied to the top of the forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  13. You might look through this forum for other tips: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/25-players-helping-players/
  14. Yeah, there are plenty of threads on this issue as well as posts in the QoL thread. Apparently, ANet wants to keep things as they are.
  15. Most of my characters are stuck at Battle for Claw Island because I had done it once and didn't see the particular need to do it on other characters.
  16. This is why it is suggested to use the forums search feature before creating a new thread. 😉
  17. Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels in open world? Because open world doesn't need it. There are modes already available outside of open world where dueling is possible. Please use those.
  18. No thank you for the many reasons already stated in the many threads already posted on this topic. Please use the forums search feature to read the previous threads.
  19. Fire Elemental is in a starter zone. Why would you replace it with something like this?
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