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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I don't necessarily agree with that assessment. A player can put a lot of work into a charr or sylvari only to have the bulk of their appearance covered by armor/outfits. Charr fur patterns and/or sylvari glow patterns are almost irrelevant because they are pretty much never seen other than at character creation. I think having armor/outfits that help to showcase these patterns isn't an unreasonable request.
  2. You probably would have known this had you used the forums search feature and read the many, many existing threads on the topic.
  3. Ranger forum has been begging for bunny thumper build since HoT. Sadly, this would discourage any new builds for that elite. Was hoping devs would look forward, not backward but it goes to show that perhaps they do listen to the forums.
  4. Please use the forums search feature. This has already been addressed and polled.
  5. This is why I will never do raids. My time online is rather limited due to RL. I'd prefer to enjoy it. So, I will never get legendary gear and I'm ok with that.
  6. I play neither charr nor sylvari; however, I would like to see more armor that shows more skin for all races but not necessarily in a risque manner.
  7. Point being, it's not such a "crazy idea" as the OP portrays. Topic has been discussed quite a bit. This thread hasn't really added anything new to the conversation.
  8. Agree with above. Submit a ticket to support. See what options you might have.
  9. Yet another subscription model thread. (sigh) Hey, OP. You can already pay a sub fee for GW2! Just pay Anet $20 every month. There's your subscription. No need to push that model on the rest of the player base.
  10. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/25587-ideas-“heroes”-system-masteries-for-gw2/?do=findComment&comment=25586 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/60081-heroes/?do=findComment&comment=60080 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/33451-bring-back-gw1-heroes-feature/?do=findComment&comment=33450 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/29209-the-return-of-our-heroes-needed/?do=findComment&comment=29208 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/8036-is-it-possible-for-heroes-to-comeback-to-guild-wars-2/?do=findComment&comment=8035 All of these were found on the first page of searching using the forums search feature.
  11. Already reported in the Bugs forum where such threads should be. 😉 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/100227-the-trading-post-seems-to-be-timing-out-at-the-moment-and-giving-a-lot-of-errors/?do=getNewComment
  12. What do I think? I think that this should be in the stickied QoL thread where we have been told that the devs review. It is far easier for them to check that thread for the latest "unread" items than to browse the entire forum.
  13. Certainly, but my point is that any planning for the expansion has already been done. At this point, nothing new would be added to the planning board. I believe that there is neither time nor resources available to allocate now to anything that didn't make it to the board.
  14. Isn't it a little late to be asking now? I mean, the expansion would have been planned a long time ago. Whatever is in it now is only going to be tweaked. I highly doubt that anything else would be added at this point.
  15. Mercs would probably be just as useful as the NPCs that travel with your hero in certain story instances. Which is to say, not much help at all.
  16. Exactly so. I have ascended weapons and trinkets on my main. No ascended armor at all. I'm more than capable of completing level 80 content with the rest of the gear being exotic. Heck, my other 10 toons may only have ascended trinkets because I have nothing else that I want to spend my laurels on.
  17. I thought you advocated this for the purpose of testing builds with different stats? If so, this can easily be done with the existing exotics since ascended/legendary only adds 5%. And, exotics are easily obtained for a very low cost. An "armory" for exotics isn't needed and would be a waste of development resources in my opinion. To me, your proposal is a solution searching for a problem.
  18. I can attest to this having started SWTOR earlier this summer.
  19. Tomes won't take characters to HoT or PoF or anywhere in core Tyria.
  20. Now, if they would put world completion back we could test these builds in higher level zones without having to work our way to them from LA.
  21. Bugs go here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/99813-virtuoso-bug-thread/
  22. Bugs go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/99813-virtuoso-bug-thread/
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