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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. It's not an odd request to ask for supporting data or evidence that actually correlates to your statement; however, since you admit that your statement is really opinion, and not fact, the rest of your argument falls away as moot. Using the metrics from this poll is laughable. I don't need to prove anything. You're the one making unfounded claims. The burden of proof is on you.
  2. Now you're just being obtuse. Good luck with your request.
  3. No I mean marketing data to support your claim that "There's no doubt swimsuits would sell well on the Gemstore." If you can show this, then Anet might listen. Otherwise, it is just an opinion statement.
  4. Where is your marketing data to support such claims?
  5. Because some people are too lazy to use the forums search feature.
  6. That's the problem with polls. The data is highly subjective.
  7. Then they could simply read the existing thread.
  8. Yeah, I DC'd at the end of the Balthazar fight (twice in a row) and also Eater of Souls. It happens and it is frustrating. 😞
  9. You do realize that the forums are such a small sampling of the player base that any data you obtain from your poll would be inconsequential and irrelevant, right?
  10. Sitting here, waiting for that one poster to suggest the OP git gud
  11. Well, hope springs eternal. Good luck, but I really don't see that anything will change. To me, it is clear that Anet doesn't see this as enough of a problem or that it doesn't have enough of an adverse effect on their bottom line. I don't think 5 more years of threads will change it at this point.
  12. Probably because doing so is an attempt to support an ill-informed argument.
  13. Have you ever done a search in the forums on this topic? The number of individual threads is astonishing and many of those threads are several pages long. Repeatedly bringing this particular topic up over the years has had no visible impact and no policy changes.
  14. The only profession (class) that has been added has been the revenant. The rest are just elite builds of existing professions.
  15. You can toggle the helm of an outfit on/off already. You cannot add a head armor slot item. This is because of the way that outfits and armor sets are created. Sorry, but this will not happen.
  16. Probably the same chance as dropping the entire OW PvP topic, since it's been beaten to death in so many threads already.
  17. If you are truly curious, then I suggest that you use the forums search function to read all of the previous threads on this topic. There are many. Enjoy.
  18. Pay to win? Wait, what is it about mounts that cause players to lose GW2? How does one win the game?
  19. I would rather trust Anet to decide what effort is required to implement various things as well as what will generate sufficient revenue than a bunch of players on the forum.
  20. If this were to ever be implemented, it ought to be opt-in, not opt-out.
  21. Yes, but for the health of the game not just for the sake of change. Mounts provided a relatively new way to explore Tyria. OW dueling probably wouldn't. Also, why implement such a change when dueling modes already exist? That's not really a change, in my opinion.
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