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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Perhaps that is by design to encourage players to purchase gems for transmutation charges?
  2. I didn't say that it was the same thing. However, the topic of the confused emoji was discussed there, so perhaps some others might like to pop on over there and see what others have said about it.
  3. How could Anet possibly ensure any level of game balance with player-custom stat combinations?
  4. There was a previous discussion on the emojis over here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/95016-about-the-new-forum-emoji-reactions-just-as-bad-as-the-old-thumbs-up-or-thumbs-down-vote/?do=findComment&comment=1356028
  5. GW2 is hosted on AWS throughout the world. Maybe check with your local ISP? What country are you in?
  6. That's usually because many (if not most) suggestions are things that particular players want, but that would affect everyone.
  7. Don't they kind of do that already? They can manipulate the market simply by adding or removing gems from it.
  8. I'm all for improving the existing formats for dueling if it makes business sense for Anet to do so. You'll get no argument from me on that point. I am, however, against adding dueling to formats that don't currently have it. But yeah, absolutely, if Anet has resources to spend on dueling, I would hope (and prefer) that they put those resources toward the formats that already exist.
  9. I'd love to have all of my Central Tyria masteries unlocked for just reaching 80!
  10. Right. There won't be people adding passengers to their roller beetles or skyscales.
  11. See also https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/101216-how-would-you-like-to-see-passenger-mounts-work/?do=getNewComment
  12. Seeing how mounts are technically character transformations, I don't see how passengers could possibly work in the way that things are currently programmed. Anet would have to re-program mounts from scratch or add specific mounts for passenger-ing (which I still don't see as possible given the current setup).
  13. You know nothing about me and what threads I read or don't read. If someone believes me to be "harassing" them, they are free to report me to the moderators. I link threads because it is against the forums CoC to make duplicate threads. Also, many duplicate threads do not offer anything new or relevant to the previous ones, or may even hold the answer to the newer thread's point(s). Again, if this is perceived as an issue, the report button is there. If you wish to continue this diatribe, feel free to PM me.
  14. Right. Anet said that the older back items would have to be re-coded from scratch as they weren't originally designed for dye channels. The decided that the effort wasn't worth the return.
  15. Keep an eye on this thread for news: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment
  16. Same here. Same with several in my very small guild and others I know who aren't. We've all completed content well enough without many or most of these items. /shrug
  17. Don't need to. As long as people post on a public forum, I am free to debate the topic. Disagreement or dissension is not derailing threads. You're perfectly free to argue your point of view as well, or just use the ignore feature that is available. Your choice.
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