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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. So where is the data that supports that Anet would gain more money with a virtually free rental mount rather than players purchasing the expansion which grants mounts? I'm not asking this from you but as a general question.
  2. What's in it for Anet? Why would they even consider this knowing that it might very well cut into their profits? Where's the upside? These questions would need to have actual data to support the answers instead of "well, more people would play the game".
  3. Gems as drops? I have to ask, what's in it for Anet? Why would they even consider doing this?
  4. Technically, I believe that even buying a game on physical media does not grant ownership. But that's a different topic. 😉
  5. You really should read the User Agreement so that you can better articulate your point.
  6. OP, in which game mode are these changes making things unfair?
  7. That's kinda my point. In core maps, mounts are nothing more than a QoL thing. Anet is forcing players to pay for expansions in order to get them. I believe that Anet would make less money that way, especially if such rentals are obtained with gems due to the ease of gold -> gem conversion. IMO it makes little to no financial sense for Anet to do this.
  8. I disagree @Astralporing.1957 about introductory mounts mainly because the core maps do not require mounts to complete content. Doing the story in order gains mounts at the appropriate story steps, when they are needed.
  9. If people are so willing to give cash to Anet, then they should simply purchase the expansions which would allow them access to all of the mounts. Not sure what zeitgeist has to do with anything?
  10. IMO, rental mounts would disincentivize players from purchasing the expansion to get the other mounts. Not in Anet's best financial interest.
  11. Content in the two expansions was created specifically for gliders and mounts. Players needed those masteries to complete the content. I just can't see housing being something that is required to complete content for an expansion at the level of interest that would attract a large enough audience to justify the expense. For me, it would be a waste of resources.
  12. IMO, housing doesn't add anything to the game. I prefer actual game-play content rather than house building. If I wanted to build houses, then I would play a different game. We have enough complaints about maps being dead. If players flock to housing, maps will become even less populated. Again, my opinion. I would very much prefer that the developers spend their resources on actual game-play content. To each their own.
  13. IMO, sadly this. For me, housing will be when GW2 jumps the shark.
  14. Not really surprising, though, since there were so many who thought that she was cute. I never understood that. Ugliest "dragon" that I've seen in my 30+ years of fantasy gaming. But that's just my opinion.
  15. I don't see the need. I have mine in my shared inventory slots and can easily swap them to whatever character I decide to play. To me, that would be easier than having a bag type that would, as suggested, seem to be character specific?
  16. When I go to account settings, it shows that the feature is not available at this time.
  17. Forums search would yield many previous threads on this topic. @AgentMoore.9453 has the right of it, though.
  18. Your post count seems to indicate that you've not been around here for very long. I used to have a signature line before the switch to the new forums which very much announced my casualness to the world. But, yeah, I don't use it as an excuse. 😉
  19. Adding speed sharing might disincentivize players from getting the other PvE mounts?
  20. A forums search for "console" would probably bring up several threads previously made on this topic.
  21. Please don't paint all of us casual players with such a wide brush. I am extremely casual, have a job, family and other obligations but do not share in this expectation. There are things in GW2 (and in life, really) that I will never obtain due to other constraints and I accept that.
  22. Mounts are not required to complete any content in core PvE. When players arrive at PoF, they can then obtain mounts which become necessary to assist in completing content. The warclaw is not required in PvE at all and does not need any masteries.
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