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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I have made a few ascended weapons and picked up trinkets here and there. Those are more than sufficient for me to complete content.
  2. Why not try to change the meta events into something people want to do regardless of rewards? Something that doesn't drag on as they do at least. I agree, but it seems that rewards are what really drives the player population so ...
  3. Other games do it without content suffering, not sure why GW2 wouldn't be able to accomplish it when it sounds like it'd help resolve so many issues ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It seems to be a common theme on threads here - people making up reasons why things can't get better or making up excuses for as to why things have not already improved. No one is making up excuses. The devs have specifically stated this issue of code being a significant problem. And GW2 is not like "other games". Even the business model is different.
  4. Re-doing the code would be starting from scratch. Not sure you guys would want no work on GW2 for the next 2-4 years. Anet would probably go out of business with no revenue during that time.
  5. You're welcome @Veprovina.4876 . Glad to have a little more jackal-ing going on around Tyria!
  6. Lucky for you. I have never seen a gem card in any store around me.
  7. Not really useful as the responses are in no way indicative of any significant portion of the player base.
  8. I can't find anything in the Guild Wars 2 Official Forums: Code of Conduct that should prevent me or others from answering this question by discussing publicly available NCSoft quarterly financial reports, nor how directly answering a question could be considered "off-topic" while posing it is fine, but alas, I just will have to refer you to those.But just for the record, as otherwise it's fairly difficult to have an open and honest discussion with just one side of an argument being suppressed, this was addressed by multiple people in detail. Thanks. I did see those posts. Sorry that they were actioned. I wasn't trying to argue the point, though. I was just curious on what basis that statement was made. I accept your previous response.
  9. They have a hard enough time balancing what we have now. Why add more variables?
  10. You can always ask when you run into a player who might be attempting to solo a vet/champ. "Want some help?"
  11. Wasn't it said somewhere when the griffon was released that the devs intention was to not allow for full flight as they thought that players would simply skip past content in maps? That having to land, at some point, was the original idea? If so, I cannot see them changing their philosophy now.
  12. Funnily enough, the threads you linked came after this thread. If it's a problem that new people decide to chime in on the topic using another thread, why don't you ask the threads to be merged? Or would you rather new posters not be able to participate in old discussions?They are not after this thread. They are from past years. And I do ask for threads to be merged. It doesn't always happen. I shouldn't have to ask, though. People should simply use the forums search function.
  13. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/117814/tengu-could-be-a-useable-races-on-eodhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101886/if-tengu-becomes-playablehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105085/playable-tengu-ideahttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105334/chance-of-tengu-playable-race-in-the-new-expansion
  14. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/115180/player-house-instanceshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/105417/should-there-be-player-housing-in-gw2https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100263/in-game-housinghttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93607/yet-another-housing-topichttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85408/if-housing-was-a-thing-on-a-future-expansionhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89875/optional-premium-and-housinghttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/92048/if-instanced-housing-gets-added-would-you-all-be-ok-with-them-selling-bigger-instances-for-gemshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/74565/anet-please-give-us-in-game-housing-with-expansion-3https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77588/what-if-housing-had-its-own-masteryhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78204/player-housing-like-the-movie-fantastic-beastshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52008/player-housing-as-expa-3-new-featurehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53764/why-is-there-no-personal-housing-in-gw2-yet
  15. You can blame the crowd that completes content as fast as possible and then complains about there being nothing to do.Is that really the cause. Because other mmorpgs don't have this problem.How many of those others are free to play models with no sub, optional or otherwise? How many of those other MMOs have a more significant, and regular, revenue stream to allow for a constant flow of content? EDIT: and how many of those have the same horizontal progression model that GW2 has? Sure, it's easy to always have something to do in other MMOs when players have to constantly replace/upgrade gear.
  16. @kharmin.7683I'm more skilled player that can solo bounty or hard contentbut i prefer play much in group, in casual maps i can't get that experience, as i feel that i force someone to play with mewhile in hot, most ppl was open up to play togheter, as game bit forced to it, is it was not fun? definilty not, for first time we even made small exploration team wher i was frontlaner tanking mobs, some elementalist was shot from back, and ranger was rooting mobs so i tanked less of them, we got even revenant that kinda did alot aoe and buffed team with -50% dmg for 5s And yes we was new/casual players That experience i got while i was new, now i can just pass as scrapper witchout problem cuz i'm geared, but still i got fun backing to that maps I want interaction with other players i know thers like meta trains with over 30-50ppl, but it's not same like wher you play with 2-5ppl and caring for others, checking did someone unlocked mastery or got hero point or even talking in party chat about life or other topics for me it's what mmo is, but i also respect your opinion as diferent ppl will want diferent aspects Then join a guild. You can play and run around with a few or a mob of guildies and still not force others to group up. /shrug
  17. I disagree. In HoT, people don't necessarily want to group up; rather, in many cases they are FORCED to group up. For a game that is mostly casual, with a "play as you want" style, I detest being forced to group with people. GW2 as an MMO is, IMO, different in that players have the option to choose whether or not to group up with others. PoF did a better job of being more aligned with this principle (like Core).
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