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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Good luck with that. Anet reduced the difficulty of HoT to bring players back who left after it's initial release. I don't think that Anet would want to drive players away again.
  2. There are plenty of previous threads on this point that I'm not going to re-hash it here. Exactly this. We really didn't need yet another thread on this topic when it's been discussed time and again.
  3. It reduces the prices for materials on the trading post, which makes gathering almost worthless for the honest player.The overabundance of certain materials prompts ANet to increase the material requirements in new recipes, making them uncraftable without tedious grinding or buying the materials from the bots.The gold generated this way will end up on the black-market, circumventing ANet's gem to gold conversion and their profit share.The resulting account suspensions generate extra work for the support team, which delays other tickets. None of those points address what I said. Also, they seem to be pure conjecture without any supporting facts. And, no, I do not endorse farming or botting. I just don't see it as a problem that prevents players from completing content.
  4. What's the point? If this is a blip and then gone in a flash, how is it affecting your ability to complete content?
  5. A guild can help answer your questions (ideally) and members can come and help you with whatever your are struggling with but that's just that. They can. Doesn't mean they will. A guild consists of people with their own needs and wants and interests who may or may not help you at any given time. It's not a summoning scroll that calls for henchmen to do your bidding. It is an option but not the solution.Then one should find a better guild. No, it's not a summoning scroll (that, IMO is an extreme point) but getting in the right guild would allow for the engagement that was said to be lacking. One might also argue that a larger guild could offer a higher chance of finding other players who have the time and inclination to engage with others.
  6. One could join a guild and engage with a lot of players and work through content together at the same pace.
  7. I don't believe that GW2 was designed in a manner that would allow for henchmen/heroes.
  8. For me, Anet hasn't proven that they can program an AI sufficiently where "heroes" would be helpful for any content. So, no.
  9. If people recall, mounts when released were limited to the PoF maps, which made sense. It was the popularity of them, I believe, which forced Anet's hand into allowing them into other maps.
  10. So, after a mass exodus that happened when HoT was originally released, Anet made changes to those maps. Do you honestly think that it is in Anet's best interest to release an expansion at the level of complexity and difficulty that caused a lot of players to leave the last time that they did so?
  11. I think they left them visible to encourage people to ask about them and then do the content to achieve them. /shrug
  12. Might look at similar threads in the Players Helping Players forum for more ideas
  13. One of the most real posts on the forums. I'd like them to actually focus on the MMO part of the game and stop making GW2 a single player game. I'd guess that their metrics about how players play the game show them something that makes them develop more toward single players in a MMO-style environment.If that is true, it would mean that their whole design direction change between gw1 and gw2 was a complete failure, because gw1 was covering this kind of playstyle much, much betterWhich is very possible. GW2 was a bit more innovative in the MMO arena upon release and, I believe, we continue to see a gradual shift toward a more single-player style of gaming than what was originally intended. Perhaps the financial numbers earlier showed that steering away from a single-player-centric concept was not as profitable? Additionally, the personnel turn-over can dramatically affect the vision and direction, too, and I think we're seeing some of that influence as well.Having said all of that, I wouldn't consider GW2 a failure outside of what might have been the original intent and design. It has been successful enough in its current iteration to continue to make enough profit for the shareholders to keep putting resources back into it. For now.
  14. Please use the forums search feature. This topic has already been discussed. A lot.
  15. Sorry, but you probably won't get an official answer on this.
  16. I didn't go read it but that sounds like it only covers availability but not durability. Quite right.
  17. One of the most real posts on the forums. I'd like them to actually focus on the MMO part of the game and stop making GW2 a single player game. I'd guess that their metrics about how players play the game show them something that makes them develop more toward single players in a MMO-style environment. For me, I'm glad. I don't want to play a game that forces me to team up with people to complete all content. I appreciate the more versatile approach with GW2. I understand others don't. Perhaps, then, GW2 isn't the game for them much like many other MMOs aren't the game for me. /shrug
  18. Nothing in the GW2 User Agreement about Anet's responsibility or liability (or lack thereof) for backups and such. Just parts about interruptions of service, which I don't think mean a complete data center loss.
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