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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That's not an expansion. That's an overhaul. That's being pedantic, not a fact. Why wouldn't there be room for new stuff when reworking old stuff?Because that, to me, would go against the definition of "expansion".
  2. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from supporting the work of the devs right now. Just buy gems with cash. Simple.
  3. Carnage Orange and Sand Shark (which oddly isn't the color of the actual sand shark) are two dyes I tend to use a lot. As well as enameled ones.
  4. If I might ask, is that a stack after storage is full or a stack in storage?Full stack in storage. I don't use them, so I have no need to hold any in reserve.
  5. This was me until I got more comfortable with the skyscale. Now, it's the other way around. ;)
  6. Did they? Or did merchants in Australia decide that there was not enough profit for them to re-sell them. I'd like to see proof of your statement.
  7. Please use the forums search feature. The topic of going back to make things dye-able has already been discussed.
  8. If they came out and said, Sorry Alliances is tabled until further notice, then I believe a lot of people would still kitten and moan about it. They simply cannot win for offering more or no communication at this point. Given that, I believe Anet has chosen no communication, lest something be said that some group of posters would then glam on and attack them with.
  9. I shouldn't be forced to make dramatic changes to my video settings which would detract from other aspects of the game. I agree that there ought to be an option to disable other players' effects which would not lessen the video quality of the environment for enjoyment.
  10. I would prefer them to NOT be locked behind story content. There are players who do not want to play out the entire story.
  11. Except, giving an option that is the most optimal way to do something, is like giving a fisherman the option to learn a strategy to catch 20 fish a day, or the option to learn a strategy to catch a thousand fish a day.What about the option for someone who pays the fisherman to catch the fish? Clearly it's less optimal to play a game without waypoints, so people will chose the most optimal path if given the option because it's optimal, even logical way to play a game...Clearly? There aren't MMOs out there without waypoints or similar methods for rapid travel? You, yourself, probably wouldn't use waypoints based on your previous thread. Does that mean that you would actively choose a less optimal path? But just because something is logical and optimal, does not mean it's not bad and unhealthy for the game...Think about how metagames are bad for the community...having the most optimal choices of builds to play the game kills off all the other off-meta builds even if they are even remotely less optimal...would you say that's healthy?I'm not sure what it is you're getting at here. Meta does not equal unhealthy. I've been playing GW2 for over 7 years (and GW1 for a few before) and have never used a meta build. I enjoy playing just fine. Other players who choose to follow meta builds or not do not impact my playing GW2 at all. Or do you think that elitist raiding mentality is healthy...Encouraging the use of waypoints is like supporting that mentality.Oh, so now I see what you're trying to get at. This is not even something that can be remotely compared.
  12. You, and many others may want fast travel but I don't. Been in this franchise for 15 years, and some of us can see how waypoints dilute the experience of actually meeting other people and having meaningful expierences. You know what they call games with waypoints like this? A Theme park MMO. Going from one carnival ride to the next. The option ought to be available, though. If a player wants to zip across the map using waypoints or mounts, then they should have that option. If a player prefers to not use those items, then that player should have that option. Let's not get back on the topic of forcing interactions again.
  13. Agreed, but it's the way that some in the community bashed them over it. That's my point. If we didn't have people calling Anet liars and such, then they might be more willing to engage. I don't know about you, but if I had something that didn't work out and people flamed me and called me a liar without knowing what internal issues might have made the decision, then I wouldn't engage either. We don't know why Alliances has seemingly been shelved. There may be legal and/or industry secret reasons why and that's why no one has said anything. Heck, just admitting those reasons might be a problem. No one here knows, and to continually hammer away at it does no one any service.
  14. Nothing shaking around the zones I've been in lately. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones? Or unlucky ones? /shrug The Taimi thing mentioned above might be neat, but I think I'd get tired of hearing her if these tremors are frequent throughout Tyria.
  15. Having a mobile app would deter people from actually logging in to the game. I'm not sure Anet would want that.
  16. Or maybe the community could put it to rest. Alliances is almost meme-status now.
  17. Again, they have been burned by this community in the past for soft-announcing something like this and when it doesn't come through they've been called a bunch of liars. We only have ourselves to blame. "We" are not a hive mind. I am not responsible for the posts of others nor are they for mine. Lumping the entire community together like this makes no sense. ArenaNet are professionals, they know that, certainly a professional community manager would know it. I think the problem has always been less to do with them announcing something and it not coming out and more to do with them announcing something and then going silent on the matter. If they kept up the communication on these subjects there would be far fewer posts born out of frustration on these forums.Ok, fine. "We". I edited that for you. I thought that it was apparent in the intent, but no one can assume anything anymore. I hope that the edit is clear enough now. Let me know if I need to be more specific and I'll see what I can do. Yet my point remains the same. Just because a few people in that community are kittens that isn't a good enough reason to not talk to the rest of that community.No, but I understand why they wouldn't.Also, you continue to lay the blame at the feet of a section of the community and that's wrong. ArenaNet must share in that blame too. They set up expectations at the start when they posted their plans. Then they went silent and failed to manage those expectations by continuing to talk with and update the community when their plans changed.Did you miss my post directly above yours? @kharmin.7683 said:That's kind of my point. Alliances should never have been announced until it was much closer to actual deployment. People want more communication from Anet, but what are they going to tell us? Anything they say is often considered a "promise" that something will be done, and then when it isn't they're raked over the coals for it.
  18. That's kind of my point. Alliances should never have been announced until it was much closer to actual deployment. People want more communication from Anet, but what are they going to tell us? Anything they say is often considered a "promise" that something will be done, and then when it isn't they're raked over the coals for it.
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