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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I still want my giant slayer title for killing 1000 giants prior to PoF.
  2. Rarely do I use outfits. I only have a few. There really aren't many at all that I find appealing. At least, not appealing enough to use on a regular basis. I mainly use outfits when leveling up a new character.
  3. Whoa! Spoiler, much? You might want to block that out for those who haven't gotten that far into the story. ;)
  4. I've tried a few low-level fractals and a strike mission. Not my preferred type of content, so I haven't gone back to them. I have no interest in raids, mainly because I'm no META player and don't want to spend the time to learn specific rotations to please a select few. I know, create my own group, but I don't really have time or desire to do that, either.
  5. Don't force it onto everyone, let people choose for themselves. I'm not forcing anything, I'm suggesting as the title says. As for now I'm the one being forced to use the actual menu. On a side note, shortcuts are nice until you have none left or too annoyingly far to reach. I'll check out the add-on. @kharmin.7683 I tried to search this section but couldn't find it, even when using the search bar. You mean like how the deposit all and compact button change wasent forced upon everyone?Dont kid yourself if anet implement this it will be forced on everyone.EditAnd your not forced to use it use the third party app that some kind soul did to do just this. I never heard of 3rd party apps until quite recently and have never looked into them. I do not want to risk my account. Is there a list of A-Net approved 3rd party apps? If not - I will wait for the devs. You will wait a while. The devs won't respond to this thread. Unfortunately that does not answer the question if 3rd party apps are allowed? Is there an approved list? I have no desire to risk my account using 3rd party addons. There is no approved list. Anet will not produce one. However, certain things are permitted. You can review them here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65547/policy-third-party-programs
  6. Why should this be something just for the veterans players?
  7. Even the busiest of players can find time to purchase gems.
  8. And when the new raid doesn't hit in March, then what? Sorry. Rhetorical question.
  9. This is why Anet doesn't engage with us. The forums cry and whine for a roadmap and when it's finally released, it isn't good enough. :::facepalm:::
  10. More money usually means more opportunity. This is complete speculation of course but lets say we gazed into the future and with a sub meant alliances happened and I guess most of the wish lists people have been aching for for the past couple of years. It might have been worth it. Perhaps for those invested in the alliances concept. Most opinions that I recall on the forums here when sub fees are suggested are opposed to them. Granted, the forums is not a fair representation of the entire player base. /shrug EDIT: also, sub fees for GW2 would run counter to the original concept of F2P that Anet instilled from the start, IIRC
  11. Zero if the ones buying it aint converting those gems to gold. But, once these gems are used they go into the gem pool which adds supply, no? There should be some effect.
  12. Don't force it onto everyone, let people choose for themselves. I'm not forcing anything, I'm suggesting as the title says. As for now I'm the one being forced to use the actual menu. On a side note, shortcuts are nice until you have none left or too annoyingly far to reach. I'll check out the add-on. @kharmin.7683 I tried to search this section but couldn't find it, even when using the search bar. You mean like how the deposit all and compact button change wasent forced upon everyone?Dont kid yourself if anet implement this it will be forced on everyone.EditAnd your not forced to use it use the third party app that some kind soul did to do just this. I never heard of 3rd party apps until quite recently and have never looked into them. I do not want to risk my account. Is there a list of A-Net approved 3rd party apps? If not - I will wait for the devs.You will wait a while. The devs won't respond to this thread.
  13. Arenanet isn't a company that does it like it is supposed to be done. They have never been that way. If you've been with us for longer you should have known that. It started a long time ago with the gw1 campaigns that went to an expansion and gw2 and the ongoing changes to the living world.Arenanet isn't using proofed business models like other bigger companies. They do it their own way. The result is a game that has been refreshing and renewing the genre. It was Arenanet that started the titles and achievement system. The first without monthly fees and still presented a big game where you can spent a lifetime online. The first to say goodbye to the trinity. Etc.To be innovative you need trial and error. It means they constantly try to improve the release schedule. All that Chaos theory though, as we've seen usually delivers mixed results. Doing things on the back of a whim isn't always the most organized of professional business models. I do wonder if you were to give us a vote if we would pick the path more commonly treaded if it meant subscriptions, trinity gameplay, but also meant 25 more fractals, 10 more raid wings, 30 more legendaries, ongoing dungeons and 5 more expansions meaning 5 more elites per profession by now and nobody needing to be fired in 2019. I confess the latter seems appealing...But then GW2 would be very similar to every other MMO on the market. If that's what people want, then they should simply pony up their sub fees on those games and play them. Personally, I would quit GW2 if it moved to a sub model and I know a lot of others who would as well. Even if it meant a content stream that you suggest.
  14. Yes, this is a common pattern that can be seen over the years with a lot of things in GW2.Actually, I'm pretty sure that Anet has the internal metrics and knows what content players are actually playing. It may not be a "dislike" of content, but rather content that is preferred or more rewarding.Yes, they do have such metrics. The history has shown however, that they are capable of making the most rudimentary mistakes when interpreting said metrics. Like it happened in the infamous Twilight Armor Forward Up path case (and, later Twilight Assault one). Basically, the metrics can show them the trends, but there's nothing in there telling them the reasons behind those trends.I agree. I was arguing the point that it was because of the "first sign of dislike" since we can't know that.
  15. Speculation is that we might see this in the expansion. Also, this has been requested a lot. Please use the forums search feature.
  16. EDIT: I did a search on MOUNT WHEEL and these were on the first page of results:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1317196#Comment_1317196https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77694/out-of-keybinds-need-a-better-mount-ui
  17. Yes, this is a common pattern that can be seen over the years with a lot of things in GW2.Actually, I'm pretty sure that Anet has the internal metrics and knows what content players are actually playing. It may not be a "dislike" of content, but rather content that is preferred or more rewarding. Strikes were introduced as a stepping-stone to raids, to get more new players into raiding. I think that failed. And I also think it was/is a failure how Anet tried to push/force players, that do not like this kind of content, into Strikes.Agreed. I think it was an incorrect assumption that including raids/strikes would pull players in from other games. From what I've read/heard, these content types weren't received very well. I think that it was a mistake for Anet to make GW2 into something it's not. IMO, they should have stuck with what worked and put resources into making that content better.
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