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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Twisting the point... The progression in this game ends up as grinding for cosmetics. All the best cosmetics are now being sold and designed for the gem store.Honestly. What is so hard to understand. Blissful ignorance on your part? That is so wrong it's hard to comprehend how you keep trying to make the argument. Grinding for cosmetics in NO WAY furthers the progression of game-play in GW2. Nothing requires anyone to purchase anything from the gem store to progress in playing the game. It seems to me that the underlying current to this argument is the desire to get things for free in GW2. As such, I won't even bother arguing with you anymore on this topic because there is no way that you and I would agree to the common ground on which to base the argument in the first place. Good luck with your crusade.
  2. You are playing a game. Not grocery shopping in real life. Stop trying to justify spending real-life money amounts for clothes on in-game clothes and/or QOL items. Ok, as soon as someone points me to where the game requires me to own those outfits? Just like that poster's example of cereal in an aisle at Wal-Mart, I'm not required to buy any of that either. You see, you don't need that stuff, and it just being there, being for sale, isn't predatory. Remind yourself of the gear progression system in this game, please. There's gear progression in GW2?
  3. Apparently a few users who have posted here do use the Compact button and are quite happy with the change. It would be easier to see that if everyone had put their comments in one thread rather than spreading them out over several.
  4. I think that the intention was to make these options a one-click type of thing. Opening a dialogue box or menu would defeat that purpose, no?
  5. But then why was it removed (I mean, I know why it was removed)If most people weren't interested, why put work into something that doesn't hurt anyone?That is something I will never understand about Anet ... I would think that some metric deep in Anet saw how it might have been abused to allow for faster dungeon runs and more loot per hour or somesuch. There had to be an internal reason. Otherwise, how would this have shown up on their radar as an issue worth "fixing"?
  6. That's a pretty cool idea. Maybe suggest it here where we know the devs periodically review? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas
  7. That could be true, although not everyone works items in the UI in the same manner. Just see the Deposit All/Compact discussion thread. /shrug
  8. I just looked at these. I wonder if their metrics show how often the player base accesses each tab and that they have been re-aligned to reflect that data?
  9. Finally found time to log in and look at this. Like several others, I greatly appreciated when the Compact button was moved away from the Deposit All button in the menu list. With the change, I find that both options are much more convenient. For me, though, rather than opting to remove one or both of the buttons, I would be satisfied with just giving them a bit more space between them to make it less likely for me to click the wrong one. /shrug
  10. this is a very bad idea. The 'top' items would still at the top. Which is now a lot higher. so everything else will get more expensive. At the end you achieved nothing but causing hyperinflation without any means to keep up. Agreed. Seems to me that some think raising the 10k cap (or whatever it is) would auto-magically make those chak things become affordable.
  11. I'm not sure that the two concepts are exclusive. Without manipulation, would there be a need for a price cap? Not trolling, just trying to understand the two. Wouldn’t it be better for all transactions to occur within the TP? Yes, I agree. However, I don't know how Anet can police people trading outside of it.
  12. I'm not sure that the two concepts are exclusive. Without manipulation, would there be a need for a price cap? Not trolling, just trying to understand the two.
  13. I repeat, 25 players have 158 chak egg sacks, average 6 per person. Are you telling me they have so many because they want to have the effect on multiple characters? Or to create artificial scarcity and inflate the price? There are 97 buy orders on the TP for the items, if they really wanted to sell, they would.That the price is inflated does not equate to the actual value of the item. If it were the actual value, then it would be purchased at that price. Yes, I agree that this is an attempt by the seller to get the most profit that they can, but if the item doesn't sell for the price set, then that is not its value.
  14. So apparently you don't play WvW in 3 ways fights. The lag in this game has just gotten worse and worse over time. I would not recommend to new players at this point. Didn't realize that GW2 was only WvW 3 way fights. While I will agree that some modes and content have significant issues, I will argue that the entire game is unplayable.
  15. Right. There are 25 people on gw2efficiency that combined have 158 chak egg sacks, that's 6.32 chak egg sacks on average on those 25 gw2efficiency accounts. So what's "clear" here is not that people feel it's "worth" it as much, but there are some "TP barons" that are hoarding all the chak egg sacks they can find to inflate its price. I'm willing to bet those 97 buy orders are from the same types of people that want to show the world that their investment is worth a lot. See above. Some might be posting items at lower prices, but they are quickly being bought by the rich tp barons and then relisted at higher prices. When an item has such low amounts in circulation it's very easy to be manipulated by bots, TP barons and market manipulators, after all we are talking about a 200$ transaction for an in-game cosmetic item. Ok. What does this have to do with whether the price cap should or shouldn’t be increased/removed? The price that you are calling those are "worth" is a product of market manipulation. Those that are "saying" how much the items are worth are the same people selling them. The supply of those highly expensive items is actually controlled by players, given how there is handful with the entire supply, that can then post anything they want for it.But if the item doesn't sell at such an inflated price, is that truly it's value? I disagree with the price being set by market manipulators. If they want to make a profit, then they have to sell items. Holding items doesn't gain any profit. They can only sell an item to a person who is willing to pay for it. If an item is listed at 10k gems, but doesn't sell then IMO it isn't worth 10k. If someone offers to buy it for 8k and it is sold, then the item was worth only 8k and that price was set by the purchaser, not the seller.At least, that's how I see it working. I'm no economist.
  16. Not that I am, by any stretch of anyone's imagination, indicative of the "casual" player base.
  17. If OP were playing any other MMO, they would be paying that sub fee anyway? So, why not just buy gems monthly as if it were a sub fee and then OP would have the gems to purchase things?
  18. As I often tell my kid, there is a difference between WANT and NEED.
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