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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. i would only do it if they invest into the game not into something else What else would they invest it in other than the game?they developed 3 games simultainisly.i don't want investment in black lion shop more than into content for the smaller game modesAs consumers, we do not have the right to demand how a company invests their capital. The company has their own metrics and financial numbers to know what will bring in the most profit for their shareholders. Now, if you become a shareholder in the company, then you might have a voice. Good luck. He has not demanded anything.I don't think launching a sub fee with the only purpose being to fund PVP content is exactly a great idea. Then the PVP community would complain that they have to pay extra to get content, etc ..But as a consumer on a forum for feedback, he has every right to voice his opinion on how they should spent their resourses in the game differently, except if Arena Net has said that we can't, but I don't remember ever reading that?. And you have the right to disagree with his opinion ofcNever said he was demanding anything. Never said he didn't have a right to voice his opinion.
  2. i would only do it if they invest into the game not into something else What else would they invest it in other than the game?they developed 3 games simultainisly.i don't want investment in black lion shop more than into content for the smaller game modesAs consumers, we do not have the right to demand how a company invests their capital. The company has their own metrics and financial numbers to know what will bring in the most profit for their shareholders.Now, if you become a shareholder in the company, then you might have a voice. Good luck.
  3. So glad that this is optional content! I hate it. haha!!
  4. i would only do it if they invest into the game not into something else What else would they invest it in other than the game?
  5. Yep. It's the standard answer to those who want to force a subscription model on the rest of us. NO THANK YOU. If you want to do YOUR OWN subscription, there is literally nothing stopping you from paying Anet a set amount every month with the added benefit of getting gems. Or, you can pay them an annual lump-sum of money. The rest of us who don't want GW2 to mandate a subscription can continue playing as we are now, and buying gems when we want rather than being forced to do so.
  6. I have never needed to swap between mounts so quickly that I would require something like this. I have my mounts bound to keys and is quite simple for me.
  7. I really hope not. I hate this. Someone is not a fan of bunny thumpers huh?Nope.
  8. Because the only way to get BLS is from BLC for which one needs BLK. Granted, many players key farm but I'd wager more purchase their keys. This is the pattern that I don't believe Anet is willing to change.
  9. Not going to happen I'm afraid. The items sold by the Black Lion Merchant are items that are not in the Black Lion Chest, so I don't see how that would cut into their finances. Unless there are people who specifically buy Keys for BLS. Then again, one of my suggestions is to sell BLS on the gemstore, or sell the items sold by the Black Lion Merchant on the gemstore. This way they will still receive money for it. Black Lion Statuettes come from BLC. This 'gambling' is why (IMO) Anet will not offer BLS elsewhere; there are probably many players who spend a lot of money on keys for BLC. The statuettes are just a bonus or, as some have speculated, their way of getting around BLC being 100% RNG. I just don't see Anet changing this formula. But I've been wrong before. /shrug
  10. Purchasing BLC keys is probably one of Anet's biggest resources for getting money. I can't think that they would make getting them easier as it would cut into their finances. Maybe appeal to your legislature and have the law changed so that you can buy them again?
  11. I think as opposed to fractals, strikes and raids.
  12. Hard pass on any Open World PvP. There already exists formats in GW2 for PvP. Use those. If they don't satisfy, then ask for changes in those formats.
  13. I'm just not coordinated enough to pull off the dive and gain altitude trick.
  14. You might want to watch this thread for announcements: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  15. Well, there is no easy way to determine if one has "completed" a map a second time as all of the PoI, Vistas, etc are unlocked. Personally, I don't see there being any real benefit to doing map completion more than once on a character without some tangible reward and I don't believe that GW2 should offer such. /shrug
  16. Well, I think by "dead content" it is meant that it is content that no longer has any developer attention.
  17. Only Anet knows. We'll just have to wait and see.
  18. You need a lot more than 1000 in a "good" sample size
  19. I have all of my mounts bound to Shift+1 through Shift+8 (Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Griffon, Skyscale, Beetle, Warclaw) and can easily toggle whichever one I need at the time. My default is Skyscale so that when I'm tumbling to my death, it is quick to access. That works for me.
  20. The mount icon in the skill bar will show you your currently selected mount. It takes 2 clicks to change your currently selected mount. This is absolutely trivial comped to emptying your bags or checking your equipment templates.Or use hot-keys, which is even faster. @uberkingkong.8041 said:I aint want any negativity in this thread.This is a glass half full thread.Sorry, that is not how a public forum works.
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