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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I don't use backpacks. Some of my toons use quivers and some use capes. I haven't experience this "bug" with either of those items equipped. /shrug
  2. Just like court man,Has this happened with other people? Nope.Verdict not happen. In video games,Has this happened in video games? Nope.Not happening. Oh sure, there is .000001 chance that this will be the first time it happens outta 32478324 cases.Oh sure, in video games, this could be the first game where you gotta pay for a DPS check outta 4357438573 games. Why you making it sound so bad. Think about positives for once.Whatever. I'm just warning to be careful what one wishes for. The template system ended up being monetized and not what players envisioned or wanted. There is precedent, at least in GW2.
  3. I wouldn't define the template system as being P2W. Some might deem a monetized DPS meter to be. That was kinda my point. It could also be wrong. How would a dps meter be p2w?(I don't think they should add it because I don't see a reason for that, but in the end I actually don't even care if they add it or not. Just asking because I'm curious about the meter being somehow "p2w") Hypothetically, in order to be actively included in end-game content, players would have to buy the DPS meter. That's what I meant. Buy the DPS METER?Name me a popular game where the DPS meter has to be bought to be used. Do you have to buy tab targeting. Do you have to buy squad chat, do you have to buy using enlarged map?Shouldn't worry about having to buy a DPS meter.Ease up there chief. Did you not see my previous post? I was warning that if Anet implemented their own DPS meter that it might be monetized in which case some might consider it to be P2W.
  4. Jesus Christ, that's why I hate PoF's open world. The exploration of the maps are uninteresting and full of tedious chores; it's 100% worst than core maps because of that.And there are probably many players who really enjoy them. In my opinion, this gives players the (almost) best of both worlds. Heart quests can be repeatable (which they can't in core) but aren't mandatory once done. On the other hand, Core maps had many interesting places, hidden puzzles that don't take forever to finish, interesting events to stumble on, etc. It's up to Arenanet, but if that's the direction they want to take the game, gw2 will lose what made it enjoyable in the first place.In my opinion, there are many interesting places in PoF, too, it's just that they're not easy to find due to the large aggro radius of the mobs. /shrug The only thing that saved PoF was the quality of the story production, but aside from that, the open-world of PoF was uninteresting, full of chores to do, and hardly many people go back as result of that.And yet, many people do return to those maps. It's a difficult balancing act for Anet when they make content. They can't satisfy every type of player or preference.
  5. I wouldn't define the template system as being P2W. Some might deem a monetized DPS meter to be. That was kinda my point. It could also be wrong. How would a dps meter be p2w?(I don't think they should add it because I don't see a reason for that, but in the end I actually don't even care if they add it or not. Just asking because I'm curious about the meter being somehow "p2w")Hypothetically, in order to be actively included in end-game content, players would have to buy the DPS meter. That's what I meant.
  6. Yes, mounts are huge QoL improvement as they allow players different (arguably better) ways to access content throughout all of Tyria. Player housing would not.
  7. You might want to look through the Players Helping Players forum for similar threads which may have even more advice/answers.
  8. Maybe not deserving so but a simple sample mount may entice one to get a non-simple sample mount. Let's call this a free account for potential buyers thread instead of a mounts thread. Things that free accounts should get as the game matures and gets new things grafted on. Maybe one free season or one episode from each season. Maybe one free elite specialization to sort of stay competitive. Or just a more encompassing taste of what the game has to fully offer.. There is a lot of game to offer for free. I don't think that it would be in ANet's best financial interest to offer more free things. If they did, then they would have to make up the difference elsewhere by increasing costs for expansions or raising prices in the gem store. I also don't think it is right to give things free to new accounts when players who have been playing for 7+ years have had to pay for them. For me, I plan to put my faith in Anet's team as they have the information and statistics to know what value should be placed on what content in order to satisfy their shareholders and keep the game financially stable enough to continue.
  9. I would rather development resources be spent elsewhere.
  10. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/108023/new-accounts-and-mount-availability-solutionI disagree with the premise in the OP. I don't believe giving free mounts wound entice anyone to purchase the expansion. Why would they when they could just use a free mount? Also, the game is already free. New, potential customers do not "deserve" more free stuff.
  11. I want Oozes to be a new race. Think how cool they'd look on a mount!
  12. You couldn't comprehend how 179,887 is 71.4% of 251,852?Here I'll show you how to figure it out:179887 is X251852 is 100So with this we got: X = 179887 * 100 / 251852, if you use a common calculator, you'll get the magic 71.425678 or 71.4%I hope I made it clear and you now comprehend it. It's not nuclear physics. Other than math, you'd know what was meant if you took the time to read the previous part of the post which was rather clear what I was referring to:No need to be so defensive.So, your statistics are limited to accounts logged in to GW2efficiency and not ALL GW2 accounts. That's what I was trying to make clear. I now understand the baseline for the claims that you are making. Your nitpicking not only was false, not only did it attribute false impressions on my post but at the same time confused so many other posters as well. It all took a bit of very simple math to figure out the numbers,This wasn't my post, so please don't attribute this quote to me. Again, no need to be so defensive.
  13. I wasn't nitpicking so much as not comprehending how you come to saying this:
  14. How can you come to these conclusions? Not every account is connected to GW2efficiency.
  15. I have one! It's called guild hall. :) Not everyone has modify access. It's his own guild hall, you'd be surprised how many people out there have a private guild hall If many people doing this, they need to make housing then.It shows how many people interested in this, so make an official housing, make it good.Attracts players from other MMORPGs to come here. People play MMORPGs for niche things, like they love to craft, they love to do housing, etc. People outside GW2, they don't see housing.A good MMORPG has a good outside view, as in people who don't play the game, they look at it and see what it has.They see no housing in this game.Frankly, Guild Hall is too big too. Has no outside view, still not enough creativity.I don't want all these NPCs, I don't want this cannot remove object over here. Thats a guild hall.We want creatable housing.Not create a guild hall.Right. "If". Anet has the metrics to know how many players are doing this in guild halls. I'm sure that is factoring into their decision whether or not to implement housing.
  16. I wouldn't define the template system as being P2W. Some might deem a monetized DPS meter to be. That was kinda my point. It could also be wrong.
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