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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Also, what would be the point of locking a mount behind raiding? The warclaw is the only mount available for WvW, so it makes sense there. Raids don't really require mounts, do they? And wouldn't a "raid mount" be another variable that might be demanded in LFG?
  2. What are you trying to say? Not caught up with what/whom?
  3. I don't find that to be a good example at all. Guaranteed rare, epic or legendary items makes them less rare, epic or legendary. In my opinion.
  4. Your experience with empty maps may be due to the time that you're online? I spend a LOT of time on core Tyria maps and, no, they're not a populated as new maps when they come out but I haven't really seen any maps that resemble a ghost town. I often call out events and find people who show up for them. Of course, the population will trend toward the maps with the greater rewards, so that might partly influence your experience. The maps that you visit may not have a great enough return for many players. There have been several threads here about adjusting rewards to incentivize players to return to older maps. I'm not sold on that being the solution.
  5. I have no sympathy for new players that show up, level boost to 80 and then don't understand the game or find it too complicated. Yes, the things you mention take time to acquire and that's the point. Those items (mounts/gliders) should be an incentive. Players before them had to learn how to survive and how to properly build their character and learn the mechanics of the game. A level 80 boost does not offer this kind of knowledge. Personally, I think that the level 80 boost was a mistake for new players for pretty much the situation that you describe. Just because a new expansion comes out, or a new map, doesn't mean that a new player has to access that content on day one of release. Heck, core Tyria is all new map for a new player! They should be encouraged to actually play the game from the ground up and not vault to the end and expect to be on par with even the average casual veteran.
  6. Well, some people like stupid prizes. Not me, though.
  7. I didn't want to do it either, but was able to get through it several times with pugs. Being a very casual player, it wasn't so bad. Heck, one time through I got lucky and was with a group who really knew what to do and we just cake-walked through the thing.
  8. Computer players have an advantage in FPS games, so i dont think its that either. Its all down to money and would it make them more money for the issues(That comes with a console release) has. I meant a competitive advantage in GW2 PvP or WvW where such things might matter? I don't really get into those modes so I don't know if this would be a concern or not, but I can imagine if it were that there would be some players who would be disappointed at the edge that console players might have. /shrug
  9. Cool, probably, but then this would impact the number of keys actually purchased I think.
  10. If you've been around since launch, then you would have already known the answer to this proposition.
  11. Well the thing about the Skyscale collection is that while is long and tedious, it can be done over weeks or months. If you're not in a hurry to get the mount, then just take small bites at a time. Got a LW S4 map and get some currency on Monday, on Tuesday pick a different map, etc. 5-10 minutes spent here or there will add up, and will eventually finish the collection. Yep. That's almost exactly how I acquired mine. Took many months, but small steps eventually added up.
  12. Unlimited storage? Wouldn't that encourage hoarding? What, then, would happen to the in-game economy?
  13. You can already subscribe on your own. Spend $20 on gems every month. No need to force others to do so. I am so sick of this argument coming up.
  14. I am a very casual player and only obtained my Skyscale in January of this year.
  15. Well, I pretty much disagree with the entire premise but I'm not going to waste more time arguing in a vacuum.
  16. How does it impact you if players decide to simply play and not focus on continual improvement? And who is to decide what "cool stuff" is gated behind these incentives when it is completely subjective?
  17. (sigh) Is this yet another RNG is gambling thread?
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