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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Your right to voice your opinion in a public forum does not trump the rights of other members of that forum to their own opinions, especially if they disagree with yours. That's all.
  2. Only Anet knows when things cycle in and out of the gem shop. You can watch this thread for announcements though: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  3. And how horribly everything would look, stretched across the lower body. Or sitting on a mount. Egad!
  4. the average staff isn't for actual fighting with them yet the rev does that anyway. Revenant wasn't an original class at release. ANet could change things during its development. How would they change things for replacing a greataxe where current hammer skills are used?
  5. Well, it was on a different character. Maybe that's how?
  6. Well, I haven't seen that statement from Anet nor have I seen any hard facts to support it. Again, I'm not trying to be snarky. I really would like to see these things.
  7. Blade and Soul locks some professions behind race. I didn't really care for it.
  8. The broken spoons were added later, before this change it was possible to get more than one WvW-, fractal- or tequatl-spoon. Right. But I just got my second one last month.
  9. Because GW2 wasn't designed like GW1. Instanced content is probably easier to make varying levels of difficulty and those who wish to engage with higher degrees were able to do so. The open world concept of GW2 probably wouldn't allow for this segregation. Increasing difficulty affects everyone, as was shown with the initial release of HoT. And we all know how well that went. Players, such as myself, aren't making excuses to not have harder content. Instead, we don't see how Anet can provide such with limited resources that would take away from the existing model of the game. True, they made raids, but those were released with an expansion. If players are going to get any additional "harder" content, then it will probably be in instances like raids.
  10. Not sure that's true? I've gotten the Fractal Spoon twice (once on two different characters)
  11. If greataxes aren't used in the same way that hammers are used, wouldn't Anet then have to create all new visuals?
  12. I disagree with the sentiment that no one likes to challenge themselves. Everyone has their own level of skill and some are certainly higher skilled than others. Personally, I challenge myself plenty in GW2. I don't need community-fueled harder content to challenge me. Not everyone likes the same type of content. That's why there a many different games in this genre. If one doesn't suit a player, they are free to try another.
  13. But there is really no reason to come to the forums about it. No one here can do anything. Reporting is the correct method. Moving on? Some can't seem to do that.
  14. Yeah, there are AFKers all over all of the maps and no one is playing the game..... Seriously, though. These farmers in no way impact your ability to play the game. As has been stated numerous times, report and move on. Anet will deal with them if they are truly AFK farming.
  15. The OP wrote 4 lines with the general suggestion of having harder content, probably as a joke, and my point still stands because it was about the overall attitude of people on these forums. No matter how well thought out an idea someone has about adding scaling difficulties, story mode challenge motes, etc. you still see the same kind of people bashing any mention of adding harder difficulty instances. The OP edited the original post. Maybe you didn't see it when it was first posted?
  16. It just looks so horrible and out of place on non-SAB maps. Sadly, that isn't the point.
  17. I've seen several. I haven't liked any of the capes that have been released so far. Maybe a large portion of the player base doesn't like them either, so they haven't been purchased in any real quantity?
  18. Your particular needs and desires do not translate to the entire player base. Anet designed the game with their own vision. If it doesn't meet your needs, then perhaps another game might. Why people continually want to change a game to meet their wants/desires at the cost of detrimental changes to other players is selfish. Play the game as designed or don't.
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