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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. No, you don't, unless you disconnect it from the internet.
  2. Would it be a nice surprise to learn that one of the major reasons for the perceived lack of content is due to Anet working on a new race and all that comes with that task (the aforementioned armor re-designs, personal story, etc)? If so, and once released, how many complainers would applaud the effort -- or would many still find things to complain about?
  3. Well, whatever. I'm pretty certain that farming and botting weren't in Anet's idea of playing the game (although I understand that there are those who would argue that farming is "playing" the game). I don't condone it or appreciate it, but I understand that there is little I can do about it. When I see it, and suspect it as unattended farming, I report it and move on.
  4. Hmm. Been running GW2 on Windows 10 for some time and haven't yet had stability issues. {shrug}
  5. The heart quest at Bloodfin Lake in Iron Marches can be difficult to complete because the "idle" farmers kill the ghosts too quickly. That's just one example that I've had difficulty with in this regard.
  6. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/70399/game-update-notes-march-5-2019In our last balance update, we made a few changes to Nature's Vengeance to tweak the boons provided by each spirit. In this update, we've applied major changes to the spirits themselves. Active spirit skills are generally not usable due to the high cost of sacrificing the spirit and the localized effect that the sacrifice causes. We are changing these active skills to teleport the spirit to the player's location before the spirit uses their skill. Additionally, we're removing the 100% health sacrifice. In exchange, spirits no longer have preset time durations for how long they can stay alive and instead lose health as they passively enhance allies. This is intended to provide a more dynamic gameplay experience than their current cast-on-recharge functionality. Of course, spirits can still be used in this manner, but proper use of the ranger's healing skills and more powerful active skills to reposition and attack with the spirits will yield stronger results.
  7. Yeah, so thanks for the snark. The rules refer to auto-casting while not actively playing. One can still farm without being active like @kratan.4619 mentioned in their post.
  8. nope. i am quoting from the link u posted, my friend. Where in that quote does it say one has to be actively playing?
  9. Or if its the US military nuclear launch system, probably upgrading to more modern Win95 and 3.5" floppy drives. No, the governments will pay for extra support beyond the end of life date.
  10. Not at your computer is what it says. We already know that one doesn't need to be "actively" playing.
  11. My point is that the outfits aren't coded that way to begin with. I agree with the desire to have things different, but the way that things currently stand, it doesn't seem possible.
  12. Yeah, not against the rules but annoying to regular players depending on where you're doing this. For me, for the most part, I really don't care unless the mobs you're slaying are keeping me from completing an objective like a heart quest. To me, that type of action is selfish. Not speaking specifically to you kratan; just in general. Thanks for not auto-casting, though. ;)
  13. Well, for privacy reasons, ANet does not disclose actions taken against specific players. We don't know if by reporting these "bots" whether or not a GM checked and found them at their keyboard. I do know that I have reported players in Wayfarer Hills that appeared to be botting for kills and later they weren't there. Now, it may be that they were pinged by a GM and decided to move on, or they were disconnected or otherwise removed. {shrug} We'll never know in this case or any other specific cases. Clearly, complaining about it on the forums gets us nowhere.
  14. While I disagree with what these players are doing, if they are not breaking any of these rules then there is nothing we can do about it. When I see them, I report them and let Anet decide if they are breaking the rules or not. Yes, it makes it difficult to complete tasks, but ultimately it is Anet's decision.
  15. yes, i know this, but why? i want to why specifically we cant have a toggle for shoulders. simply because they dont want us to be able to toggle shoulders and gloves? it simply doesnt make sense. if they can give us a headpiece toggle, they can give us a shoulder/glove toggle. nobody is asking to have the ability to use armor in its place, simply toggle them off. like we can headpieces Because it is more expensive and time consuming for them to create armor skins rather than outfits https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914 "Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs." - Mike O'Brien not asking for them to be turned into armor sets! giving a toggle option cant be that hard, they did it for headpieces! we dont want outfits turned into armor sets. giving a toggle for shoulders and gloves doesnt have anything to with weight classes, nothing at allI'm sorry that you're not understanding how outfits are made. They cannot make the change that you are suggesting.
  16. I appreciate the consideration and not jumping to conclusions. If only more posters would act so. ;)
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