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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. They have already said that re-doing S1 would be a complete re-write. I, and many others I'm sure, would prefer that development time to be spent on new content rather than something that has already been done. Sure, it is unfortunate that some players missed out on it when it was live, but to go back now would be a waste of time and resources to placate a very small minority.
  2. Reintegrating S1 should be more of a priority for them IMO. Even as a series of instances. I disagree. This is back-ward thinking. The game needs to move forward to survive, not harken back to old content that has a limited appeal.
  3. I think they're merging them rather than deleting them to keep the forums more tidy? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85965/merged-huge-disappointment-today#latest
  4. You may want to keep an eye on this thread.
  5. Disagreement does not invalidate argument. Just sayin. ;) Anyway, if there is a problem with the current iteration of PvP, then development resources would be better served to improve that mode rather than being spent to force one game mode into another when one already exists.
  6. Did you use the level 80 boost, or did you play the personal story to level 80?
  7. What reasonable business reason would there be for ANet to do this?
  8. Gemstore requests usually go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again#latest
  9. I wish that they would as well if only to stop the PvP in PvE threads. There appears to be a majority of forums-goers who are against the idea, but yet it keeps coming up from a suddenly vocal minority.
  10. But.... people who want to PvP can simply go to that format and do so. This would be an even easier solution. No need for the devs to create on/off tags or to visit the arena guy (not everyone is in a guild either, especially new players?).
  11. Agreed. I am not any good at PvP or WvW which is why I stay out of those arenas. Those play styles are best left where they are, IMO.
  12. I wonder if players like the OP are having trouble finding people to duel in the existing format which is why they're advocating for dueling in open world? If so, perhaps then this says something about the PvP community?
  13. There are times I'm glad for the damage number spam because it is the only way I can tell if I'm hitting the target underneath all of the visual effects.
  14. C'mon. Fashion Wars is about all of the glam and flash! Who wants 'basic' ? /s
  15. The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone.
  16. Thread already exists https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78797/can-the-choya-pinata-be-a-little-more-tankier
  17. This has been requested in the past, more than once. Seems like ANet likes things the way they are, else they would have changed it well before now.
  18. Please don't advocate for restricting other players' fun. Just because you find that mounts allow some players to skip over content does not mean that you must do so as well. One can still explore Core and HoT without mounts if one so chooses. If you don't approve or care for the mechanics that mounts bring to the game, then you needn't use them. HoT and PoF are expansions and not required to play GW2.
  19. Granted, but GW2 is a 250 year jump from GW1. Maybe they've gone instinct (or were eaten by Charr as has already been posited). Regardless, my vote is not to have horses because they wouldn't add anything to the game that the current iteration of mounts don't already cover.
  20. Nowhere does that example prove horses exist. It only proves knowledge of them. Again, it could be that the humans knew about horses before they came to Tyria, which has no horses.
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