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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That's by design. If the chances were disclosed, I'm sure that there would be less people engaging in the activity.
  2. Armor sets can take up to 9 months to create. Outfits, much less time. I think it's more about making profits than desire to work on armor sets. 😉
  3. No. Please use the forums search for "heroes" as this has been discussed.
  4. Welcome back! There are several other threads from other players who have returned much the same as you. You might check them out for some suggestions. You can find them here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/25-players-helping-players/
  5. I only use that to see if an account is new or not before donating a new player with a few gold coins.
  6. No, the better solution is L2P. Granting other classes better access to skills to clear movement impairing effects pretty much invalidates those very effects.
  7. Why not then just play mario kart? Seriously, Anet/GW2 doesn't need to incorporate things from each and every video game in existence.
  8. I don't go there anymore either, and I didn't even try for a legendary. Or the siege turtle.
  9. List of what? Active players? Players who are more inclined to sign up for give-aways?
  10. I don't think that the newsletter sign up is necessarily in the players' best interest. What will Anet do with that list? You can't see them selling it, can you?
  11. Weren't ranger pets nerfed back in the day for just this reason?
  12. Catch up? Catch up to whom or what, exactly? AP is a personal gauge, not a competition or a race.
  13. I see what you did there. But, no, coming from the OP it's not quality.
  14. It's free advertising for Anet. They hope that players will see other players minis, backpacks or whatever, then want them, and then spend money/gems to get them, too. I highly doubt that they would allow players to cancel them.
  15. As a very casual player, I have never had an ascended drop. So, this method gate-keeps players like me from really gaining any research notes.
  16. As a ranger main, this irks me. Players ought to have a basic knowledge of their attack skills and understand how they can impact other players. Knocking an enemy away from a pack of melee fighters, especially when that enemy isn't even threatening the ranger, is just ignorance (and I don't mean ignorance as an insult; rather ignorance as lack of knowledge).
  17. Bart Simpson Pee Wee Herman Barney
  18. Um... then what did you mean by.... So with ten accounts, which now we understand are not filled, what's the big deal with rolling up a new character then?
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