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Everything posted by Holgarf.6581

  1. Sadly the GW2 forum is an echo chamber so there's little point in complaining about anything but the most glaring of issues (and even then you'll have people get irritated at you for pointing them out). Real QoL changes like: proper optimisation, bug fixes (older content), colour blind support, customisable UI / cursor, etc have never come to pass (or been completed) for very obvious reasons - more resources are put elsewhere and the usual spaghetti code excuse. Point this out and few will agree because bias will always reign supreme when talking about any passionate undertaking. And I've said it before: fewer WPs to justify mount use just leads to dead spots on the map - with edge of map areas and points further from WPs being the least visited (though this is worst in maze-like maps).
  2. The funny thing is, more waypoints would have made these maps less irritating. Now, newer maps are sparse in waypoints which causes people to operate in fewer, smaller areas, despite having a means to travel there by mount. Echovald for example and New Keineng... I rarely see people on the outskirts, even though there are events - they're tucked out of the way.
  3. The only other possibility, assuming other games don't do it, is a driver issue relative to the game. But remember that many apps these days with graphical UIs are hardware rendered using the GPU (or integrated graphics). So it could be some kind of interaction between your dual monitor setup and Discord or any other app for that matter.
  4. This is true but fans will have a hard time digesting it and they'll likely be offended at the idea that something they have invested time and money into could possibly have flaws. It's offensive to accept something bad is happening with something you love. An amusing example earlier today is when I went back to Seitung because dailies are basically GW2 for me now and I saw hardly anyone - as it has been since release due to the initial map population throttling. Many Living World events were barren. I saw one or two people wandering afar and I said in map chat "why does Seitung feel so dead" (and I've not been the only one to say this). I immediately got a bunch of "lolll EoD isn't dead" responses. I said "Seitung feels that way, I didn't say it was" - I also wasn't referring to EoD as a whole but how this particular map felt. Some people offered some useful insights highlighting the large hilly terrain obstacles and poor event placement and design being a barrier and some events not being worth it (presumably they meant escorts in out of the way places, or going back and forth with a fish... not appealing, not rewarding, but it counts towards a collection!). Typically most people were offended at the idea that Seitung is fairly empty feeling, repetitive and doesn't bring people together (save for the mEtA). The game does have a problem if you view the game as it is, quite repetitive; a new map, a new currency, a new collection, similar events, yet another meta, but some may find this enjoyable and I don't argue with that. I personally do not like the repetitive nature of this design, at least to this extent and that is why after 1 month I have found EoD to be rather boring. It is very similar to what has came before (aside from batteries, ziplines and the bot) and I suspect that unless there are some radical changes in map and event design approach in future, the next expansion will feel very similar. I think another of the problems with Guild Wars 2 is the game map handling design itself. It worked great at a smaller scale in a smaller game but now we have a large number of tiny map slices dividing the game up in a way that I don't feel is healthy and leads to maps becoming sparse when the currency has been hoarded the collections awarded. This has lead to dailies adding relevancy for older content. Too many small maps instead of fewer bigger ones is a major issue going forward, but I don't think Guild Wars 2 can change that now as it wouldn't fit the formula or aesthetic of what has come before. Another issue to me is how over the years every new individual map is basically a list for you to follow. Open the hero panel and there's your job. A list of objectives per map, to tick off one by one with little reason to return to said map. I once saw somebody refer to Guild Wars 2 as a check box MMO and it hit me that that is precisely what it feels like now and that quote will stick with me for the remainder of my time playing Guild Wars 2. I've never had that feeling with any other game because there was exploration and discovery, not a small predictable map, list upon list upon list, an adherence to a wiki page, and a routine, which is precisely what GW2 has devolved into. There is no adventure or discovery in Guild Wars 2 anymore. The story aspects can be done in a few small instances and that's it (though they are very enjoyable). Outside of the main story the map serves as a relatively small cork-board of to-dos. If people enjoy this then I am pleased that they do enjoy it and I can appreciate you don't have to do those repetitive tasks, but when so many maps only offer the same flavour of things, you can't avoid them. And sadly I'm no WvW or PvPer, so this is what I am left with. The more that new maps come out and do the same thing, the more reason people go back to what they were doing before; other maps have done it better already. And what is this madness with every new map having to have a meta event? Why!? Focus on rewarding living world experiences with some variables thrown in or some randomness. Give better rewards outside of collections and achievements and I'm not talking bagception either. Christ. Stop with the insane map-specific items that clog up the inventory and bank space. These are complaints that have been echoed for a long time. Not only this but forcing mount use is actually a major map design problem. More waypoints mean people are more likely to go into places that are out of the way. The fact we can roller beetle a long way to reach said point doesn't mean people will do it, and is precisely why they don't. I am the only one with climbing fatigue with the Skyscale? Waypoints are your friend, they are great for map design. If you want to see improvements, drop some more waypoints - sparingly! Now I will say that I of course still do enjoy Guild Wars 2, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it. I too have invested a lot of time and a fair bit of money into the game over the years. I am not afraid to criticise the repetitive nature of new creations and how after they have been completed they serve almost zero purpose because no offered rewards are unified between maps, unlike gold, karma and crafting materials that came before them. I am of course a big fan of the early Tyria maps, they are exceptional and still hold up now (though not for the monetary rewards). Some people like this stuff and I'm pleased for them. Some people get tired of it and I can see where they are coming from. There is a lot to do in Guild Wars 2, almost too much, and that wouldn't be a problem if there was more unity between things, instead of it playing in tiny pieces like the shrapnel from a hand grenade. (sorry for the long post)
  5. Try disabling Discord overlay and/or iCue. Both can cause instability in a bunch of things, discord especially as it hooks the client.
  6. So a bit like with the audio? Where you dismount and the dialogue is left behind? I would have thought remounting and dismounting would solve the issue if that were the case but it could be it, but of course it doesn't always happen. I've been on for a couple hours today and it's happened half a dozen times already. Very irritating bug.
  7. Since EoD released there's a high probability of positional AOE attacks being snapped to player's feet - much like the option in the menu can do, only, it's already disabled. If I toggle the option in menus it does not relinquish control. Some unknown combo can reset it, but usually a re-log must occur to fix this problem. In a few hours of gameplay this can happen as many as 5 times. Please sort this out because it massively inconvenient, especially in group events, strikes and metas. Good day. o/ Edit: this problem actually occurs with attack dismounts too.
  8. While I'm hear reading notifications, thought I'd drop by and let it be known: Two crashes. Both of Start-up (character selection screen), infrequent. In Thunderhead Peaks two Order of Whispers agents (or whoever is dressed similarly to them) in the keep glow bright orange, and Olmakhan glow bright yellow. In Lily of The Elon today the floor turned black as if by shadow, not pure black. Aside from these the vast majority of my gameplay on DX11 has been bug free. I would trade in DX11 and keep DX9 for a button to reduce existing particle effects by 75% (behind the not-so-great one we have now) because no matter what map, no matter what meta, the particles and skill effects have gone too far. I can very rarely see anything on screen besides an explosion of what looks like neon paint cans. Also @WeeCapo.7402, I'm not a troll, I just understand that it is not as simple as; low poly MUST EQUAL HIGH FPS! It's never that simple and it is not as simple as changing from one engine to another. Polys aren't the issue anyway, the main thing are people on screen, shadows and the absolutely absurd amount of particle effects.
  9. It's been well established, 16 billion times that the game is heavily reliant on CPU and not the GPU. An ancient video card can max GW2 visuals but the CPU will struggle. You're coming up with nonsense... 500fps lol. Switch to UE4? 😕 Troll? I hope for your sake you didn't buy a 3080 just to play GW2. This game has never been on the Unity Engine. And to answer OP: I do have a slight performance improvement of anywhere between 5-10fps (perhaps a touch more in some areas). Some small group fights like bounties also gives higher FPS. Frame times appear to be more consistent offering a smoother experience. No crashes yet (using the latest Nvidia drivers RTX 2060 mobile and a Ryzen 4800H).
  10. The entire mission is full of bugs. It's as if it had no testing whatsoever. - Awakened see you when they clearly shouldn't, from ranges they shouldn't. - No visible cones of perception (intentional? - if so, why do they appear when they attack you if they're unnecessary?) - Dust Mite / Twister will not attack an enemy it will just come back to you. - Stealth Tree (lol) doesn't work at all. - Teleport by mistake to the EDGE of the boundary, "tehehe oopsie, you went outside the wall! BYE BYE" poof, restart mission. - A barricade that is so mighty that all of the elder dragons combined couldn't put a dent in it. Prevents mission completion on something already long-winded. - Trebuchets can often see you whereever you go, stealthed, tree'd(?) or otherwise, at distance or not. - BLOBZ OF ENEMIES. It's outright broken - the majority of it. It's too far gone for it to be fixed and in spaghetti code land probably can't be as that crap is so deep it's like Cobb finding Saito in Limbo.
  11. I'd not want less loot because most of it is somewhat useful tatter, but I'd rather not have what I call bagception! Why give me a bag, which is full of bags? Sometimes it's bags within bags within bags, just to give me unidentified gear of varying grades. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes.
  12. Well, I have no add-ons and I am getting similar issues. Either it crashes on launch (before the character screen) or after a short time playing in Labyrinthine Cliffs (FoTFW)
  13. There was a mini patch yesterday. Whatever it did, it keeps causing my game to either crash at startup, or, as you've indicated, it crashes at the second half of the treasure hunt (in the water area).
  14. I'm tired of seeing this poor excuse so I had to log in just to reply and say... be realistic please. Yes Anet should do better and rename it. I've been caught out by it a long time ago. It isn't difficult for them to make it clearer but they don't do it because they're a business and catching people unaware is a part of their game. Then again, how many businesses are so forthcoming these days? Practically zero.
  15. Do you happen to have a file called d3d9.dll in your guildwars2/bin64 folder?If so update or remove that. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Czokalapik/Other I don't have that in my bin64 folder.
  16. I'm getting the same, since today. Crash crash crash. It's actually only happening once it tries to load after clicking Play on the launcher.
  17. Oh, well, turn any hardware accelerated overlays off. Run the game in fullscreen mode. You may think your laptop is relatively cool but have you actually monitered your temps with HWInfo64? When gaming your laptop probably gets fairly warm and I would not at all be surprised if your CPU is throttling. Sorry but Laptops are meh. Highest FoV is not going to help (also fisheye sucks), as it just makes more of the environment present and that will have to be rendered. Make sure your laptop power settings are set to balanced. The main problem with newer maps is the donuts at Anet thought it'd be mighty funny to go bananas on particle effects... an option that is missing in settings. You cannot turn particle effects down, sadly. I have a Ryzen 3700X and a OC'd RX 580 and in certain maps the FPS is lower than it should be because of that overzealous use of particles (hello grothmar, dragonfall, etc). Turn animations to medium. Make sure reflections are set to off. Shadows, believe it or not are one of the most demanding settings of all (regardless of Medium, High or Ultra, they are not GPU rendered), so pick Low or Off. Really you should be getting better performance but that GPU is going to be weak as all hell and won't be the equivalent of a desktop 1050 version. Any sort of abundance of particles is going to tank FPS which may explain why WvW offers more performance compared to other content. Oh and others have pointed out, make sure your GPU is being used and not the integrated graphics on the Intel chip (check the Nvidia control panel to ensure GW2.exe is using the dedicated GPU).
  18. Today I have been getting this. When I click Play after logging in, it immediately crashes. Launch. Crash. Launch. Crash. Launch. Crash. I suspect a small hotfix file that was downloaded recently could be the cause of this. Whatever it was, please undo it. The game has been playable for me for years, up until now... apparently.
  19. If I recall, HoT was made more difficult because some folks felt the core Tyrian content was too easy... so Anet went the other extreme by making HoT pretty tough for a lot of class types (but not all). By the time PoF rolled around they got the balance for the second expansion just right which kind of works out when you go back to HoT... it still offers a challenge but isn't as brutal as it was going from Tyria to HoT.
  20. It's 36 soulbound, unsalvageable rares. I'd rather not have 28+ slots taking up bank space. I do like some of the skins but my Elementalist with the priory can only use so many weapon types and wear one set of light armour. :cry: - I've got an exotic set already so I'll probably transmute. Oh well, the lesson is to be more careful in future. Still sucks they can't be salvaged or thrown into the forge. :disappointed: Yep, Rares. @Danikat.8537.
  21. I'm rather broke in GW2, but I've made a fair bit in the last few days helping others complete events in metas on certain maps. Sadly, I made the terrible mistake of buying all of the Priory gear from the vendor near the Durmand Priory. It gives you static stats, which is fine if that is what you want, but it's soulbound, cannot be salvaged, cannot be sold and cannot be thrown into the forge and it nets you an unselectable stat ascended amulet. I just wasted 100g and none of that stuff cannot be used on any other classes that I have. :anguished: Sad times.
  22. I made some changes but I'm keeping the runes and not changing the weapon stats or trinkets. I've made some reforms; Marauder's armour, same Monk runes, same trinkets and weapons. I've changed some traits and skills around am now using Scepter instead. Less HP, less Conctration but I hit harder and do more crits (previously I had 5% crit chance). This seems a bit better for mixing PVE and Fractals compared to the previous build. Without a sword a different runes however I'll still hit like a wet fish but this is better somewhat. Oh that reminds me! I best go test the Scepter on Icy Tuna!
  23. I get your points, I do. I did think I was doing too many things at once. Lol, as it currently stands I can't even kill a icy tuna before it jumps in water xD. The reason I'm running Mace is because Maces are cool and I'm tired of the GS / Sword / Scepter boringness but this main build was mostly supposed to be used in fractals so I guess that's why it sucks transitioning to PVE. I'm tired of stat-changing. Any wrong build requires tons of effort to change. Yes I can throw the armour in the forge but stat changing for trinkets is a pain. I think I'll just leave this build for Fractals, maybe change the armour to something else but leave the trinkets. If I had to leave the trinkets and weapons the same, would would good choice for fractals? I just wanted a healy boony type of Guardian for fractals but consecrations seems like a no-go.
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