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Everything posted by Holgarf.6581

  1. Since recent GW2 updates, I keep getting crashes as well. This issue is years old and seems to always come back. I really wish they would fix this as I'm getting sick of it.
  2. There's nothing wrong with that. If you want to claw back extra FPS, especially in mega busy areas or meta events, turn the model quantity down to low and set reflections to terrain and sky only.
  3. If it involves anything to do with builds then no. I find it incredibly time consuming and tedious to set up a build and if that gets frequently ruined I'd probably just stop playing tbh.
  4. I often feel that mounts ruined the base Tyria content maps in a certain way. Do "X", hop on mount, go to "Y" jump off, mine/harvest/chop, "mount, go to "Z", etc etc a billion times per day. This isn't so bad but the fact mounts are absolutely everywhere kills it for me. I have all of the expansions and I paid for GW1 and GW2, so I'm not a free player moaning about mounts. But I just feel that everything is mount-bound now and it kinda sucks and it's rather odd to me that everyone gets so giddy and defensive over them. Also, I feel sorry for those doing events where they don't have a mount to use and can't get to events before the mob of mounted players get there first. I feel that there should have been more mountless zones in Tyria and HoT (not forgetting JPs and cordoned-off areas of course), but not excessiely so. Meanwhile I have no objection against the entirety of PoF being mount specific throughout since it was the expansion to introduce such things and the majority of the maps from the expansion have been designed to utilise them.
  5. Only if you want to. If not, dont. Beautiful defence of padding out garbage content. Bias really is amazing.
  6. I like the beetle too but that full endurance charge before boosting reallllly sucks. A full bar on mount is excessive I think but having the bar start at 33% would be reasonable.
  7. Early game bug fixes, including those that affect waypoint unlocks when enemies get stuck in walls (Straits of Devastation for example).An option to change cursor size/colour/glow or confirm for us that we are allowed to use a third party option to change our mouse cursor so it is easier to see in the total screen clusterpoop of massive battles.
  8. A short while ago, before logging on I downloaded a few files through the GW2 launcher before playing. In the space of 5 minutes the game crashed instantly, with no error codes. I launched the game, got my The Longest Glide achievement and a moment after, gone again. CTD. What did you change?
  9. This game needs some sort of optimisation. I have a pretty powerful rig but it sucks having to lower characters on screen for consistent FPS... it feels like MMO-like when Character Model Quantity is set to Medium or Low.
  10. And this is why they will continue to do such things. It's not true RNG. Everything is given a percentage and of course Rare get stupidly low percentages and Super Rare items get percentages so low that that it's almost a null value. Nobody should pay for 100 keys and get nothing decent to show for it... then again, nobody should buy 100 keys. I've seen people do this before and exclaim in map chat how they got nothing. It's a common occurence. I think I've had maybe 20 keys purchases over the last few years. Gambling sucks. I would prefer to buy things outright for reasonable costs personally. One way to remedy this is to guarantee a rare item of some sort with every set number of chests opened - a skin perhaps.
  11. Is this really a thing? Can anyone else varify this as the setup I was looking at is ryzen cpu + nvisia gfx... AMD users that complain FPS issue are using the old gen cpuThe amd old gen cpus are particularly bad when come to IPC performance Not applicable to Ryzen 2000 and upcoming Ryzen 3000Amd has been back in the game for CPU for awhile now, beating intel in salesI was using a 4.4GHz Core i5 2500K and Nvidia GTX 970 before moving to a Ryzen 5 1600X, 16GB of 3200MHz DDR4 with great timings, an a RX 580 and I've been playing GW2 mostly at 60fps at 1080p with everything on High/Ultra besides reflections, which is set to terrain only and Character Models and Quantity at medium. In the busiest of meta events though it does drop to 20fps, but... you know... that's crazy meta. My CPU isn't overclocked manually either so I run on XFR. 2nd Gen and 3rd Gen chips have IPC increases and have better XFR refinements and will be perfectly fine for GW2. Now, back in ye old days, AMD was a no go, especially on the old Phenoms and the lower end FX series, but with Ryzen that is not the case anymore. I hope that people realise this when making their PCs, that Intel aren't king of IPC and that AMD CPUs and GPUs can handle all sorts of things these days. I'm not being biased, I've used both brands for many years and I'm just trying to tell people that you'll get plenty of GW2 performance but a ton of bang for buck if you opt for AMDs platform as well as having a system that is capable of handling lots of modern games and applications really well. Before Ryzen, I'd of recommended Intel, but it seems AMD are back in the game.
  12. OP... just to state, before anyone says Intel IPC is superior, remember that a computer is more than just a GW2 machine and that while this held very true a couple of years back, it is not really the case anymore. You should opt for a B450 board with decent VRM cooling and a 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen CPU, assuming you don't care about the Intel vs AMD fanboy wars. It is exceptional bang for buck and will be PLENTY for GW2 and other games and for a good number of years (5+ for the CPU, RAM, SSD, etc). Couple this with a good GPU with the savings you will have made and 8GB+ DDR4 (preferably 16GB of RAM) and you have a very powerful machine that costs less. The benefit of AMD is that not only do they have tons of cores, but a ridiculously high amount of cache. I know GW2 is basically dual core, but a 3rd Gen Ryzen is both inexpensive, modern and powerful and will be more than enough for your current needs and any future requirements. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/wDym6s - here is a perfectly capable computer, which I threw together pretty quickly. This also includes a new copy of Windows 10. If you don't need a new OS, that is fine and you can save yourself some money by installing your old OS. It also includes an SSD with plenty of space, so you can put some games on there that require fast load time (map changes and such in GW2) and can serve as a boot drive for Windows to start up quickly and a typical mechanical 1TB drive for a plethora of other games that aren't constantly loading off of the drive, and of course a good place for your typical documents, images and whatnot. The GPU is good and packs a massive 8GB of VRAM, which is necessary these days, even at 1080p. Sadly, the Nvidia GPUs using 6GB are not amazing because some games running Ultra textures can gobble up more than 6GB of VRAM, though it is uncommon, it is best not to limit yourself for the future so that extea 2GB of VRAM will ensure that. The 580 is great up to 1440p gaming at high/ultra settings at 60fps on most games and should serve you for a good few years. If you play on a higher resolution, look for a different GPU. Or if you only intend on playing Guild Wars 2 and only Guild Wars 2, then you can swap that out for a lower end card. I'm sure you can shave a few more $$$ here and there off of that build, but it's a lot of kit for the money. Thanks for your feedback dude ?im all in favour of saving cash!No problem. Also, just to note that the build there uses a 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen, which is still exceptionally good. Picking 3rd Gen parts is allowed on that website but not advisable as there is no pricing currently as they aren't actually released yet but will be very soon. The 3rd Gen Ryzen processors are priced very well from what I have seen, so if that is of any interest to you, be sure to check out some videos for it on Youtube.
  13. OP... just to state, before anyone says Intel IPC is superior, remember that a computer is more than just a GW2 machine and that while this held very true a couple of years back, it is not really the case anymore. You should opt for a B450 board with decent VRM cooling and a 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen CPU, assuming you don't care about the Intel vs AMD fanboy wars. It is exceptional bang for buck and will be PLENTY for GW2 and other games and for a good number of years (5+ for the CPU, RAM, SSD, etc). Couple this with a good GPU with the savings you will have made and 8GB+ DDR4 (preferably 16GB of RAM) and you have a very powerful machine that costs less. The benefit of AMD is that not only do they have tons of cores, but a ridiculously high amount of cache. I know GW2 is basically dual core, but a 3rd Gen Ryzen is both inexpensive, modern and powerful and will be more than enough for your current needs and any future requirements. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/wDym6s - here is a perfectly capable computer, which I threw together pretty quickly. This also includes a new copy of Windows 10. If you don't need a new OS, that is fine and you can save yourself some money by installing your old OS. It also includes an SSD with plenty of space, so you can put some games on there that require fast load time (map changes and such in GW2) and can serve as a boot drive for Windows to start up quickly and a typical mechanical 1TB drive for a plethora of other games that aren't constantly loading off of the drive, and of course a good place for your typical documents, images and whatnot. The GPU is good and packs a massive 8GB of VRAM, which is necessary these days, even at 1080p. Sadly, the Nvidia GPUs using 6GB are not amazing because some games running Ultra textures can gobble up more than 6GB of VRAM, though it is uncommon, it is best not to limit yourself for the future so that extea 2GB of VRAM will ensure that. The 580 is great up to 1440p gaming at high/ultra settings at 60fps on most games and should serve you for a good few years. If you play on a higher resolution, look for a different GPU. Or if you only intend on playing Guild Wars 2 and only Guild Wars 2, then you can swap that out for a lower end card. I'm sure you can shave a few more $$$ here and there off of that build, but it's a lot of kit for the money.
  14. The thing is, I don't think it is fair. A ping of 400 is unfair against the players you are playing against. Personally, I believe in a competitive setting, that pings should not exceed 150ms.
  15. I actually agree with you. I'm from the UK so servers are not an issue for me, but it would be a financially sound investment for ArenaNet to put up a Oceania server to better serve Asian, Australian and New Zealand players. Bit of a head scratcher.
  16. The problem with revealing player statistics is that a lot of people will see a certain number for a given server and decide to not invest if they feel it isn't high enough, out of fear that the game will pancake and they'd have wasted time, money and effort. So basically, it could put new players off from joining the game. Not only that but it may encourage some to venture elsewhere if they feel numbers are falling, which may perpetuate the problem. All in all, as long as you see people roaming the world, you know people are playing. Playing during peak time for the specific region is always best of course and for that reason, it is best to stick to your local regions so you have lots of people to play with during peak hours.
  17. Joke all you want but that doesn't negate the fact that they are going to sell a LOT of R.Pi 4s. AAet are not Raspberry Pi. How many of those getting them are going to invest in GW2?
  18. I think the problem is a lack of definition between classes. This is the issue when ANet wants GW2 to be a any-class-is-viable approach and then tries to achieve things traditional MMOs do well That reminds me, yesterday I was thinking to myself, why does Necro have so much health and shroud, plus crazy damage, while Guardian has the lowest healthpool and half of it's skills are damage mitigation which really serves itself for the sake of keeping itself alive, when outside of fractals and raids it is less useful? Wouldn't it make more sense to have the crazy DPS Necro have slightly less health (because shroud and barrier and life siphon) and guardian have more base health as it does less damage and helps others? Firebrand has great DPS however, as we all know, but that low health borders on ridiculous. It's perfectly playable, but in terms of a team oriented works, that 12K health kinda sucks. I switched from FB to Reapert and was just steamrolling over everything. With FB I'm rallying often. I'm actually pretty good at the whole dodge and damage mitigation thing, but damn it's constant work. I still enjoy it though, but after years of Guardian choosing Necro as my secondary was such a relief. Edit: apparently in the mornings I cannot string a sentence together without a ton of mistakes. Also, when I say less Necro health and more Guardian health, I'm talking about a small reduction of about 2K HP from Necro (down from 20-21k to 18) and Guardian base health up from 11.6 to 13-14k. It's a minor difference that will make Necro not such a stupidly easy class to play without hindering Reaper and Scourge and allow Guardian to use damage mitigation less frequently to actually be useful to itself and others.
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