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Everything posted by Smoky.5348

  1. Hmm, I think l see what you're saying, but not quite how it refutes my point. Taking out the "look up a guide" aspects should leave the in-game grindiness the same as it was. Counting events before the collection is unlocked wouldn't change the fact a player who already did that event already did it. Removing the timegates won't hurt anyone's enjoyment, it'll let them get on with the collection if they're ready. Like l had said before, the Skyscale treats feel like such a, "Here, now stop whining," band-aid solution from ANET. Couldn't be bothered to actually address the issue, just gave a catch-all option so some players can craft/buy their way through it. Oh, and l suppose l can also say that I don't want to waste my time chipping away at content l don't enjoy, when l can chip away at content l do enjoy.
  2. You clearly didn't catch the point of what l said. Though since you care so much about legal technicality, l should point out how it wouldn't be ANET's decision, it'd be NCSoft's. Regardless, if they pulled the plug, people wouldn't sit and go, "Oh, well, l had a good run." No, there would be a huge outrage despite the players' lack of "ownership". Keeping the trust of their potentially paying customers should be more important than flexing their ability to change earned content. Bold of you to assume I care more about robot bobas than l care about my 12-foot-tall charr. At least I'm basing my arguments off what people say in the thread. But nevermind that, there's a more pressing issue l see in your post. Things change all the time? We were just talking about how few wardrobe changes there actually have been, and that the Watchknight is the most drastic of those changes. Not only that, but by and large GW2's individual content stays the same throughout the years. That's why they dropped the interactive Living World to begin with! And I can't even stop there; we're not talking about changed gameplay content, we're discussing player customization options... Things that have the most reason to stay the same and stay accessible! You're not wrong. This game needs ANET to build a dedicated team to go back and touch up the flaws of core Tyria and previous expansions. But, what we don't need are retcons that they have no reason to put effort into. Why overhaul a model if they're not redrawing all the maps associated with it? The gameplay content needs a touch-up and old bugs need fixing, that's where their efforts need to go.
  3. I take it the "protest with your wallet" technique didn't do jack again? or do we have to wait until the next cycle since ANET is so slow?
  4. How in the world is it not a definite improvement to make it a streamlined quest so you don't have to repeatedly tab between a guide just to know what you're doing?
  5. That argument was invalid before and it is invalid now. If you really were clever enough to know how "owning" a game really works, then you should also know no one refers to their ownership literally. They mean their right to keep what they have because they paid money or effort for it. And, don't act like your knowledge of licenses proves you're above your own emotions if they were to replace something you actually do care about. Y'all sure are good at not reading people's posts. The only people who've brought up the bobas have been people looking for the first strawman they can get or just plain memers cracking a joke.
  6. Perfection is impossible, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it. @Sunchaser.9854 brings up an interesting point, too. The long, rewarding grind for the skyscale is for a mount whose main use is being too lazy to pick the best mount for the job?
  7. Greetings, folks. It would appear a recent patch fixed a few bugs with the Siege Turtle (but of course, it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes). This is ultimately a good thing, for the drought is finally over; even if it is a mere glass of water. But, progress is progress, so let's get down to what's fixed and what's half-fixed: The Floating Slam: Almost fixed! Above ground acts correctly, but the bugged behavior is still the same underwater. Cannot Jump After Slam Unless You Move: Slightly fixed, in the sense that you can now turn to regain control. Both jumping and Alacrity still suffer this equally. Slam's Underwater Cooldown Can Persist Outside of Water: Fully fixed due to a change with Slam's cooldown. It now counts down from 4 seconds above (formerly 4.5) and underwater (formerly 6), but only once the attack lands. This was likely done to prevent getting out another Slam shortly after starting one from high in the air. The rest of the listed bugs are either still present or need more thorough confirmation. This means, however, the mount speed exploit is still just as easy to perform and Jump Jets can appear ineffectual if you don't know the timing.
  8. I feel like the option to skip stuff with an item like that is a, "Here, now stop whining," bandaid solution from ANET, and is a problem in and of itself... But, I do understand your point now. Appreciate it. That sounds good and all, but the fact it took you until the tail end of it to reach that epiphany is what's bad about it. The whole collection ought to give that feeling, not just the final stretch. If it's so important as a journey, it needs to have a more streamlined interface, more clear directions, and less tedious goals so no one has reason to complain at any point during it to begin with. Other people having done it before won't stimy the complaints; the journey actually being a fun thing to do all throughout will.
  9. "There's even a few world bosses in later steps," someone else said. So, how are world bosses compatible with "fully solo"? How is the grind worth it if we don't need it? "We got the skyscale, just do what we did, forehead." Definitely true. Just because MMOs have a reputation of repetitive, lengthy material-farming doesn't mean that was ever a fun idea. Remove the tediousness and make it an actual questline. Lastly, if l were to call a conspiracy theory, I'd think a moderator is merging topics to this one to help discredit further skyscale complaints. But, that'd be silly, right? 😛
  10. You're asking the individual, Roksiel, the question? Hmm, even then l don't understand because they pretty clearly said the wardrobe doesn't feel safe anymore. While the Flamekissed armor is debatable and the other two skins were very minor, Watchknight is a complete model overhaul. As l think l said before, this creates precedent. ANET put no concern toward people who want to keep the original look and failed to separate the models and now it's gone. And when l remember how important Fashion Wars is to some, this is a major blow. However, l get the feeling this Watchknight change was done out of some weird grudge against the original model. I can't figure out a concrete reason as to why, but they just really hate it and want to erase it from existence. As such, I want to suspect that any other major wardrobe changes are indeed safe...but I can't know that for certain, and the worry is now always there. (And even then, this is really bad because why do they have such a grudge that they had to remove it? But now, l'm talking in circles)
  11. That is a moot question based on hyperbole. It is a combat tonic, not one of those skill-stripping ones that can only reasonably be used in towns or when you're doing a pacifist run of hearts. It's a tonic that lets you use your skills mid-combat, so yes, it is highly possible for someone to make a character just to use that tonic as their main look, or even for someone to just use it a lot in general. I've been using the Olmakhan tonic for the last month, for instance, so do not presume that this vast playerbase can't have people who use transformation tonics.
  12. Hmmm, I don't think about this too often, but even l accidentally hold space for too long and activate the glider at unexpected times. Could definitely do with this as an option, especially considering you don't need to hold it to keep gliding.
  13. I suppose l have a very different outlook on video game enjoyment, then. I try not to play anything that l won't want to come back to. Only exceptions are visual novels and old games that l want to experience for myself. And even then, l might enjoy an old game so much l wind up wanting to go back and play it again. The original Final Fantasy VII was like this for me; l played it to see what it was all about, and now it's one of my favorites that l like to return to from time to time. And even that lends support to my concern. I can easily go play Gimmick for the NES despite it being decades past its prime, but trying to play a dead service game is highly difficult, if not impossible, even if it's only five years old.
  14. Pfft, l, too, first thought of horses. Seems so strange how much they refuse to add anything too horse-like. (Would the Kirin count as horses, though?)
  15. I'm a little late, but a service-based game isn't the same movies and other games. If a movie goes out of production, you can still watch it if you can find it. If a game's service goes down, it cannot be experienced anymore. It's not something that can be easily archived like other games. Watching a walkthrough on YouTube can't match the experience of actually playing it. This used to be an MMO-only problem, too, but now service-type games are spreading to many other multiplayer genres that have previously been proven to support local play. Your core beliefs are correct; no one can take away your own experiences with the game and they are real. But when a game's services end, you cannot create any more experiences, nor can anyone else start new experiences. That, l feel, is a real problem.
  16. Counter-point: Was there any precedent for Twisted Marionette to change? Other point: The Watchknight model was part of a transformation tonic, thus part of a player's wardrobe; this creates precedent that they will change "minor" things if they so desire. There's no reason to freshen up old models that were just fine when the art team could be doing more important things, like fixing the dozens upon dozens of clipping issues in EoD maps. ANET currently needs to fix things and also bring back Season 1 story, not give models a facelift because they feel like it.
  17. The OP gave out silly reasons for outrage, that's where people got these censorship ideas from. The topic title, however, should be the sole focus of our complaints. ANET is changing existing content that had no business being changed. No one asked for a Twisted Marionette model update. No one wanted Mai Trin's lines to be reworded. If they keep doing this to Season 1, what are they gonna do to core Tyria if they revisit that? Will things in personal story suddenly be changed for no benefit? ANET surely has more important things to focus their "limited resources" on, as others have said.
  18. I haven't seen much evidence that suggests ANET is testing anything they release.
  19. To explain myself, I don't really think the Skyscale itself should be in the gem store. I just think its collection needs to be refined so more people see reason to do it. That story instance idea doesn't sound half bad. Then, l wouldn't have to sit and do nothing until something pops up in LFG or w'ever. And even if the timegating would still be arbitrary, it would at least have a more direct and personal story reasoning. However, l do wonder how compatible it'd be with parties and if it'd give everyone credit who's eligible.
  20. Curious how people feel about the change just now. It feels...a little bit better? But, it's still leaving me feeling like l have to aim too high to click on stuff. They also didn't add a way to increase the contrast if you wiggle the cursor around, so l continue to lose track of my cursor mid-combat because l'm too busy strafing to reach for left-alt in a split second.
  21. I dunno, what if I use the search function and type really fast, then can't see what l know l spelled right? I'm supposed to know to backspace a few times to see if that reveals anything? I'm halfjoking, but people do expect names to be consistent when they're searching for stuff.
  22. They can't revisit weapons to be dyeable, but they can waste their time redesigning the Watchknight or w'ever that no one asked for. *points to head thoughtfully* But, at least this makes sense as an explanation. If only ANET would be more transparent and let things like this slip out more often.
  23. The real problem l see with the city's livelihood is how every time you pass by an NPC, they always say the exact same thing. They have a system for NPCs to walk around and say stuff on their own schedule, so why didn't they use it? Were the designers afraid players would miss the dialogue because they knew they wouldn't hang around the maps for long?
  24. l dunno about physical racetracks, but I just want a GW2 mission workshop.
  25. What are you on about? Newer content has way higher polycounts than old content, otherwise Seitung and New Kaineng wouldn't be as intensive as they are. HoT areas use less resources than EoD areas, so by extension LWS1 areas are even less intensive...finally meaning that even if the original Watchknight model was overtuned in the polygons, it wouldn't make a noticeable impact on the less intensive maps. But, l highly doubt they changed how it looks just for optimization when they can't even be bothered to fix up EoD. And by the by, what do you mean they turned off reflections New Kaineng? I was literally looking at water reflections in that map today.
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