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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. Was checking the price to craft on GW2 efficiancy

    Currently (or yesterday when I looked)

    It says the price to craft is about 2800 g

    Buying instantly on TP is also about 2800 g

    Buying on buy order is about 2200 g


    Isn't it odd?

    Why even craft it?

    Easier to just buy it 

    No profit on selling it


    Is this because it drops sometimes in open world content?


    Is there a best time to buy these expensive infusions?





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  2. 27 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    GW1 is still online because the server costs are minimal due to how the game was made, however, due to the lack of players, you can't do some competitive stuff and the ones you can do are community made events.
    This may not be the same for GW2 when the time comes.

    It's probably also cheaper because it doesn't have many players, so not a lot of server cost

    Without a GW3 releasing, GW2 would probably be a lot more expensive to keep online

    But IDK, just guessing here

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  3. 2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    This is a significantly smaller expansion. I would not expect to see much external marketing. EoD had the benefit of being a much asked for continent, the end of decade long story arc and the release of Steam, so they went all out.

    There will be some more vids, a big of magazine previewing no doubt and a few blogs. I think we safely say that is it. I would be very surprised to see the same level of hype for something half the size and with (if I am interpreting the latest blog correctly) a self contained side story

    Lets see if they at least take advantage of the steam release with a front page advertisement on launch

    Makes me curious if they had that when GW2 launched on steam in the first place?

  4. Doesn't seem very plausible to me that they would start banning people for using it

    That's a lot of users that would be banned

    Including some of the biggest GW2 content creators

    If they decided to make it not okay to use, we would probably get a warning first 

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  5. Just now, Ashen.2907 said:

    Because if you dont buy the expansion you cannot have the LW episodes. If there is a monetary expenditure prerequisite for having something then it isnt free.

    That's not what you said though

    You said it was included in the price of the expansion

    I also payed for the base game before I bought HoT, but I didn't expect to get HoT for free

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    If getting something for "free" involves having to give the company money first it isnt free. LW was included in the price of an expansion. The EoD strike missioms werent free because we didnt have to pay for them separately.

    Then why did I have to pay for so many episodes individually? 

    Living World is sold seperatly from expansions.

    Getting them for free was just a bonus to active players


    What makes you say it was included in the price of the expansions?

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  7. 8 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

    Eh that's a sweeping overgeneralization. Just because entrepreneurs are constantly trying to optimize production/profit doesn't mean they all have the same opportunities/resources or are using them well. In fact a large part of "success" can just involve managing to convince people to buy a near-identical product for an inflated cost due to branding or outright misinformation.

    I think the implication was that the "free content" came at the cost of huge technical debt and neglect. Yes we got LW for free, but all the resources put into it were diverted away from more robust additions/fixes to the game.

    Then content can never be "free"

    Cuz they could always do something else instead

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  8. On 7/23/2023 at 12:05 PM, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

    i think thay schold charge more for dlc, but put more effor into it, we don't want acidents like secound meta of Gyale Delve to happyn, wher thay put 3 same events in row, map looked 10/10, but events/reward suck, cuz thay undercook it


    i personaly prefer to pay twice as much, but got delivered drizwood map quality

    100% this

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  9. On 7/9/2023 at 3:18 PM, Poormany.4507 said:

    It's cause we got spoiled so much with free LW for the past decade or so, which is extremely generous for the content provided, especially compared to the price of other games. LWS4 could have easily been sold as a full expac for its quality and features (2 new mounts + multiple high quality, repeatable maps (except Kourna)), but instead we got it entirely for free (provided you only logged in and had PoF).

    I know. Worst part is people using it against them.

    "Now we have to PAY for living story episodes"

    Instead of appreciating the generous free content they have gotten

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  10. 9 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I'm not suggesting that they can't. I'm just baffled people can get addicted to gambling in games where there's literally nothing to gain from it. Isn't the point of gambling that you can get something worth more than your investment?

    Many times it's not so much about money

    It doesn't have to makes sense.

    They are chasing the dopamin rush

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  11. 2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    So, should we forbid John from eating a piece of cake because Sarah is diabetic?

    Should all social media, computer games, and the like be banned because some people can become addicted to them?

    Red meat...illegal because some people might choose to eat too much of it?

    Opposing authoriatianism and supporting individual freedom is not defending gambling. As previously mentioned I find gambling in games such as this one to be abhorrent.

    Attempting to deprive most people of self determination is not compassion. Doing so via force of government, which is always backed by men and women with guns, is tyranny. And compassion, the emotion, may not be harmful but actions taken because of compassion often are some of the most harmful. Ask Mao about The Great Leap Forward.


    And what force?

    Guild Wars 2 as a company that can make their own decisions. 

    This is a forum for expressing our feedback

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  12. 2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Older games rated PEGI 12 can keep gambling systems without being reclassified, so, technically, it is perfectly allowed.

    Other than that... addicted to gambling, in a game. Seriously? You can't even get anything out of it other than maybe flashier pixels on your screen.

    If you're suggesting people can't get addicted to gambling in video games, you need to do some research.




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  13. 15 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

    I don’t see a reason to remove it. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. 

    I see many reasons, Sadly not so easy for an addict to "Just stop". They are chasing dopamin hits

    Most addicts don't like what they're doing.

    As it stands, it's sad that I can't reccommend the game to someone with gambling issues.

    It could be an escape for those issues, but as it is now it's the opposite. 

    Other than earning money by using unethical methods, I don't see a reason to keep it 


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  14. On 7/16/2023 at 3:41 AM, Izzy.2951 said:

    Its not conspiracy its not paranoid. Arenanet its officialy working on a new MMORPG with stablished fantasy IP, aka gw3. At the same time we are seeing the low resources arenanet is having to make gw2, even in end of dragons you can see how the quality went down. For not talking about gyala delve/silent surf. Less polish, reuse of assets, low attention to detail, reusing animations and combat stuff. 

    The new expansion is 2 maps with reused assets and stuff that is already made in gw2. A Wizard vault that is like what they introduced in gw1 with zaishen mission, to do old content daily, weekly, quarterly  to keep people entretained. The combat stuff half of it is just removing limitations, the only new stuff is the new weapons they gonna add to classes.

    So they are making a new mmorpg, we know and we see there are low resources for gw2: Eod less quality, gyala delve season 2 living world quality, wvw alliances taking forever, literally 0 content for pvp, not even a single new map, no raids. Do you also think they are not tired with gw2? and that Colin Johanson is back in the company to make more gw2? probably Mike Obrien left cos he didnt wanted to make anymore gw stuff, and his ego was destroyed after ncsoft cancelled projects. Maybe he wanted to make a gw3 back in 2018-2020, but he already left.

    And yes IBS was basically the Guild Wars Beyond of gw2, what happened is that their new projects got cancelled, so they basically had to get back to the only game they have active. While they gain more money and restructure for new projects, which they have already done. Gw2 is not on maintenance mode cos their new projects got cancelled, and this new one that is not "Dune" neither a mobile game, its gw3, and when it launches it will kill gw2 instantly both in content creation and players. You can argue whatever you want, but its the truth.

    I think you make interresting points, but if it's "truth" as you say, then prove it

    No one knows anything with certainty

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