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supa.8593's Achievements

  1. I wish we got some real insight into the banner changes (such as them becoming a kit with no skills, only being able to pick up one at a time, etc), having to sell out so hard for good boon uptime, but here we are. You took away the best unique buff in the game, and gave us so little in return. Sure I can play bladesworn and get that sweet 40k DPS, but I’d like to buff my team up and do OK damage instead, for the greater good of the team. No offense, but I’ll keep saying it; you guys have been talking about reworking banners since before EOD came out, and I don’t see where the 3-4 months of work went. I really hope that over the next couple of patches, you have the team put real thought into how you’re going to make them more useful and fun. signed, Supa, an 1800 hour played warrior main since 2012
  2. With respect to the anet team, They said they've been working on banners since EoD - so they had atleast 3-4 months to figure out what they want to do with them, and completely botched it. You have to sell-out for the boon uptime, can only carry one flag at a time, and cannot use abilities while holding it. Whoever designed this has never played the class, I doubt it was QA tested by anyone familiar with the class, and it's upsetting that the lead devs allowed it to come through the pipeline in it's current state. I have no faith that they will be fixed anytime soon. It will probably take awhile for them to either take them back to their old state, or re-work them yet again.
  3. It would be cool if they kept the current "finish" rewards -especially the 6 mystic coin bags. That would help level their price and would create constant demand for marionette groups., but I wish the lane mobs dropped a little bit of loot too.
  4. Just ran 3 runs with a ~~~mildly organized LFG group. Commander really did try their best. We got to the end but 2-3 either AFKing or being in the wrong lanes ruined it for everyone. 50 man version is much less forgiving for people who did not give the event full attention.
  5. +1. As someone who's been around since 2012, seeing their stance on dyable back pieces evolving has been strange. If it is difficult for them to retroactively add colors to a backpack like ad, here is a solution. Create a new Ad Infinitum with dyable channels, add it to a vendor in Fractals (which would be a 1 for 1 trade for your current Ad Infinitum), and allow players to upgrade to it if they would like. Then they would make this new dyable Ad the new standard for players completing the final mystic forge step of the Ad creation. I don't know their workspace or software they use, but as someone who does 3d modeling and coding for a living, it should be a relatively simple process. They have shown that they're very good at it with newer gem store items 🙂 This system is already in place for account bound / soulbound items such as gathering tools.
  6. If this is still an issue, a recent Nvidia driver update came out that tanked performance. It is patched now, so make sure to update to the latest version. Also if you use D912pxy, make sure to update it.
  7. For me personally, I would have less problems with the balance patches if we got them more often. It seems like we only get a few balance patches a year, with the occasional tweak or hotfix. I know the game isn't focused around the end-game, but end-game and speedrunning guilds do the min-maxing to see how effective each build and class can be. Maybe they should recruit some of the Snowcrows or Discretize or [insert your favorite guild here] people to do beta testing with the developers to help tweak the classes. They could do similar type things with PVP and WVW. Maybe they do already, but them tweaking Soulbeast saying how powerful it is, then essentially buffing cFB, i personally don't think so.
  8. And this is exactly why I have no problem spending 10-20$ a month on gems / BLK's.
  9. A lot of us have been around since the beginning and are pretty much 'caught up' on things to do. Achievement hunting / Skin hunting / Fashion Wars is the real endgame.GW2 is such a sandbox and can be overwhelming for people too, so some people purely play zones to finish achievements before moving on, to give themselves structure.
  10. As someone who decapitates monsters on a daily basis: YES
  11. I think they should optimize the existing engine. As some users previously posted, even $2000+ PC's are unable to run a solid 60fps (god forbid 120+ fps) at max settings. The DX12 mod does help (especially with 1% minimums and quick rotations of the camera) but actually having dx12 built in, and optimizing the existing systems for current hardware would make a huge difference. Then they could work on increasing texture resolution, draw distance, lighting, shaders, and animations to a higher level. I personally really enjoy the art style and don't think it needs drastic changes.
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