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Everything posted by Horus.8304

  1. I built one and use Grenades and Flamethrower. Grenades just to stack bleading and trigger max explosive temper stacks then switch to flamethrower and AOE everything down. Definitely has been a whole lot of fun.
  2. Also really dig the mace weapon, which is why I was hoping to make something more specialized into it. Sooner or later someone will figure it out. I'm going to run that rotation of yours though, thanks very much.
  3. I think that's actually how it's meant to be. There's a bunch of conflicting info but the consensus here is that the build performs as a great support. I think the idea behind it is that it can heal, barrier, provide alac and dps but because its a jack of all trades its good at none. As opposed to Alac Ren whose either Alac or DPS, he doesn't get another role. That my opinion on it though. Haven't tried the big green giant yet.
  4. See, this is something that annoys me a bit because I am seeing CONSTANT conflict on the statement. I see a lot of people saying the Mech is nearly immortal then others saying as soon as you square off against anything above grunt statues(champions, elites, etc) the Mech gets downed constantly. I can't figure out which it is and there's no youtube vids or anything of solo champion fights yet to confirm or compare.
  5. Is it limited to full ranged or can I pop the mace and shield then replace grenades for bomb kit?
  6. I have no LW access so my main gold and gearing farms is fractal. I had a Scourge but that took a bit of an ugly hit and now I'm thinking of making an alt. Originally I was going for a FB but HFB is still too requested and I honestly have no interest in healing or having people ask "can't you just use HFB instead". Mechanist I liked simply for the design but wanted to know what everyone thinks of its DPS output in a Fractal. Especially when compared to FB and Scourge condis. This is not a "elite rotation/top tier max numbers" type of deal. This is "you, a normal players, feelings on how good of a DPS the Mechanist is for fractals."
  7. Hold on, what do you mean it doesn't work underwater? Like the golem won't spawn? How the hell are you supposed to do underwater combat when the golem doesn't even appear? Even the freaking Necro pets go with you. Anet really rushed this expansion and it shows.
  8. They wanted to compete with FF14 and rushed. Think DC Justice League trying to be the next Avengers.
  9. That's because to "balance" something you have to put in work and thought to it. Where as it's much easier to just destroy it to promote the new content. Don't blame Anet, by the way. They're a company and, as such, money does come first. The blame is solely on the ones who support this. Who will come up with excuses while petting Anet on the head like some dilusional parent with a spoiled child. Fact is, they just basically threw the finger at anyone and everyone who plays solo and who doesn't want to buy the expansion. Yet, nothing will happen because of the brown noses.
  10. I prefer it as: "Play the way you want, as long as you pay first."
  11. I prefer it as: "Play the way you want, as long as you pay first."
  12. Yes they were. Cause if you look at all the bright and shiny new Specs: They all have massive sustain. Some even have TOO much sustain. So, now, if you want that confortable solo experience you were enjoying before then you'll have to fork up the cash and buy the new expansion. It's the classic F2P formula "create demand for the supply".
  13. Could really use a South American currency option. The dollar is 5x my currency, that's ridiculous. Can't buy gems or expansions on that price.
  14. I freakin knew it. There it is, the classic BS from a greedy company. "We're just balancing the game out........ oh but the new classes are all super strong tho, maybe buy that if you miss your sustain" GG
  15. How good are these new specs though? Anyone tried out and tested their sustain? Cause if the new metas for sustain show up and its all the new specs, that's pure greedy BS move.
  16. Evidently the 'shortly' in "Shortly after launch" means "In a freakin decade"
  17. Lets all be real: These nerfs are, at best, a month or two temperary. The new specs are going to appear in meta's or sustain builds, it'll force players to buy the content(blizzard style), then they'll drop another patch which will fix a few, if not most, of the broken classes at least to the point of "sustain is back and you can solo with nearly everyone again". At that point people who can't afford the new expansion, like me, will be so frustrated by how kitten their solo grind has been they'll simply say "OMG Anet is the best, they totally listen and fixed things" having forgotten these 'kittens' with a capital 'C' are the greedy 'kittens' with a capital 'F' who nerfed everyone to the ground to force the new, bland and boring, specs into meta positions.
  18. Don't forget they also gave the middle finger to any build that used it for sustain to solo PVE because they ain't got an option to group up. Anet just proving they hate you for playing alone.
  19. The only issue I have is that I have no LW and my whole gold farm is Fractals followed by PVE solo Open World due to the timezone. I only have about 2 hours to play between work, thats 45/50 minutes on T4(with a good group, which majority are) and the rest on Open World solo content. As a Scourge the Torment rune nerf now means I have to go back to sustain talents alone. Sustain talents, I know, increase my kill times severely and that means less content and less gold per day. The gold to gem ratios are already obscene which means my months of grinding for a LW expansion are now close to impossible and I'd have an easier time working in real life to buy gems then getting gold. This is without adding the part where they nerfed barrier and natural sustain from abilities. Meaning even my current sustain build may not be enough for solo stuff like HoT without a full Affix switch which I now have to grind mats for which is now time off my gold farm. In short: People who have actual kittening jobs, and whose parents don't pay for their kitten so they can basement dwell and play all day, got absolutely kittened by Anet. kitten me for wanting to grind enough gold to buy the content in game rather than spend money I ain't got. Can't even afford the kittenin griffon yet.
  20. Funny enough, the money I had saved for EOD I donated to support Ukraine!!! So I guess that worked out amazing for me.
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