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Everything posted by PepeLePewPew.2107

  1. I would not miss rift dailies at all. The least Anet could do is fix the map markers which have been broken since SotS release. It's just one 'feature' that makes me avoid those maps in general and rift hunting altogether. I still do not understand why the player base seems to not care about this.
  2. If you don't need the utility and are only looking at skins, it's your personal taste that matters and nothing else. As you said, there is no other goal in Secrets besides achievement hunting and legendary armor. T2 legendary is only there for sparkles. IMO, if you enjoy playing the maps you're going to end up with the necessary mats and complete the necessary tasks making it not nearly as grindy as it initially seems. If you don't enjoy the maps and already have legendary gear, it's probably not worth it.
  3. I just finished Teq and got a "3" on the world boss icon with no achievement progression (it was my last step). When I relogged, the icon remained with no number (reset to 1?). So, I relogged and got a "3" again on the icon. I did another world boss (Modniir Ulgoth) and got credit. Achievement completed.
  4. My mistake then, I remember older threads where players confirmed the protocol buff being removed when entering any lounge as it does with home instances. I only have Mistlock and use it less because of that.
  5. Be aware that those protocols do not persist in any of the lounges currently. It's an annoyance that they have not fixed since EOD's launch, so don't hold your breath on this request.
  6. The entire instance is poorly mapped. Even before that last battle, the pathway leads you into the red zone. Then, as stated above, during the final battle you have to wait for mobs to approach you as you cannot join the group. The main fight is in a red zone.
  7. Maybe bring this up in the Elementalist section. Nobody really needs celestial gear anyway, amiright?
  8. Really? So much gaslighting in this thread. OP, that pop-up is indeed annoying to many of us. To claim that is does not interfere with immersion is just false, even if you're not that bothered by it. It's unfortunately a 'feature' that seems unlikely to change. But don't fall for the confused emojis. Again, it's just gaslighting. While the pop-ups of course serve a purpose, they are overly hair-triggered and yes, annoying. Your point is valid.
  9. I have a tough time believing no one cares about this. It's not just T1 rifts of course, and the bug is still active. Tangled Depths is on the weekly list and I refuse to bother chasing particles on that map. Logging out and back in sometimes bypasses the bug, but not today. Fix this please.
  10. Stop yourself whenever you think of playing a game as work. Everything devalues over time in these games. It really is all about the journey.
  11. Mad King sez: Bullies can be SO tiresome. Your "community rules" are all in your head. Seriously, chill and just play the game. Ignore solo players as they ignore you. Etiquette.
  12. The Labyrinth is more like an instanced open world event than a meta, so apples and oranges. A better analogy: A guild is doing an open world event when a few solo players join in. The commander and some other guild members then yell at the solo players insisting that they go away or switch servers. This is actually what happens in the Labyrinth, just to put some perspective on who is doing the attacking here. I would argue that the op's solution is simply unnecessary. There is plenty of fun for all and no need to control how others play. Some like to be efficiency experts on loot, some enjoy exploration.
  13. A better solution would be to just chill and let people play the game as they wish. You want the game to be redesigned around a sort of life-hack method of roaming in a group, giving you command of not just the group but of the entire map. Personally, I find it enjoyable to roam alone through the spooky maze running into surprises like Steve now and then. You can easily solo the green doors AS THEY ARE DESIGNED. I'd say it's working as intended and you should stop trying to control other players. I've experienced pauses in door respawns, but for the most part there are plenty to go around for solo players and groups. I prefer a messy wander with occasional group-ups for Steve or purple doors to a regimented group run with no danger. I don't begrudge those groups their fun, let me have mine.
  14. I've posted about the rift map marker bug. The devs seem to not care and players either deny it or reply with a confused emoji. At this point I only do a rift if it's a daily. Considering rift hunting is poised to be the main activity throughout this expansion, I'm beginning to regret having purchased it.
  15. I'd guess that once you have the achievement, you will never want to do that third meta again. The one time I did it everyone complained about how long and repetitive it is, vowing never to return. It is not surprising at all that it is rarely done. The general design could be fun, but the obvious time padding makes it terrible. They should adjust it to make it more attractive.
  16. I just logged in and decided to play a rift or more this Saturday afternoon. I used the scanner in a new map which showed a rift boss that was too far away to get to in time. No big deal, I'll scan for the next one. As is typical, the next scan does not mark the map. I contemplate logging out and back in to counter this bug, instead I decide not to and just log out. Subsequently, I play GW2 less often these days.
  17. What are they supposed to do? Give you items you had only a chance of getting if you'd opened the chest sooner? I'd say it's working as intended and no one was "cheated" or "punished."
  18. It happens in all instances, and Mistlock is an instance. I use it much less than I would otherwise. I agree, I wish they would fix it. Chances are probably very slim since it's been like this since EOD launched.
  19. You are still missing the point, deflecting actually. Rifts do not show on the map consistently regardless of whether or not they've been opened.
  20. You're missing the point. When it's marked on the map, you can port to a nearby waypoint and generally have a more direct, faster route. You can of course always arrive late, but it's much less likely when the rift is marked on the map. Someday, maybe you'll experience a string of unmarked rifts that close before you arrive and you'll realize how discouraging it can be. I've stopped sessions of rift hunting myself several times because of this problem. It's not worth the time in my opinion if this is what's intended.
  21. When you only get a directional hint from the orb, it's less likely you'll make it in time to a T1 rift. This can make rift hunting especially frustrating and unrewarding. I've seen arguments in chat between those who won't acknowledge the problem and those having understandable difficulty with it. Is this on the developers' radar at all? Is it intentional to only mark some active rifts and not others when you use the orb?
  22. Agreed. I logged in this afternoon thinking I'd do some rift hunting and it felt like doing dragon bash in lornar's pass. After arriving too late at more than a few rifts, I gave up. I'm not sure about the cost complaints, but the actual hunts are not fun game play.
  23. It's almost as if this is a game and not a retirement account.
  24. Happy for this reward in the Vault! I wanted an alternate ascended gearset for my elementalist and this just cut my crafting time in half. In general, as with skyscale access, things get easier as an mmo ages. Any experienced gamer knows this. If the journey isn't enjoyable, the reward is usually not worth it. Remember this and you'll be less upset when that rare item you "worked" for becomes easier to obtain. It's just pixels.
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