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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 12 hours ago, Squid.1704 said:

    Wow thanks for all the support.  I did not intend for this to become a divisive thread.  Was just trying to ask for a longer time frame on this particular event.  If they add 5 to 10 seconds to this particular encounter it will still require some manual dexterity but just eliminate some of the pressure that is caused by it.  Not asking for a pass just a wee bit more time.  Of all games I have never encountered such a vibrant and outgoing Abled body demographic so sensitive to others particular's challenges and it is really awesome )  @ANET thanks again for an awesome expac


    Franckly i doubt they will do any change to this , this is why i proposed the portal trick , i understand why you need this so much as there is a mastery point behind.

    • Like 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

    I've had times when doing new content and being confronted with new mechanics for the first time that I had serious problems doing a mouseover on an icon I hadn't seen before, because boons/conditions being applied and expiring all the time kept the icon dancing around. When you're acquainted with everything that appears, there's no issue, because you recognize every icon, but it can be seriously irritating when something you're trying to read jumps out from under your cursor all the time.

    When i confront that kind of stuff i just spam "print screen" and hope to get a glimpse of it , but yeah those unique effect should be on a separate "boon" line.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 46 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    Nice try. It seems someone touched a nerve there. 🙄

    Nobody was talking about agendas or quota. Just that it's obvious they don't have (m)any disabled people employed who can catch these inaccessibility issues for disabled people. This wasn't about employment inclusivity. This "accessibility quality assurance lead" SoftFootPaws was talking about doesn't even have to be a disabled person. They just need awareness of how disability can impact player experience.

    You can stop pointing out a person's disability but that doesn't make it go away. It will still impact their life. But it's always easy to look away or say it doesn't matter when it doesn't impact you personally. Yes, you don't treat a person any which way based on a disability, but you also don't ignore said disability. It's like the whole "I don't see color" argument. It's unbearably naïve.

    Thats true , i may be a bit overstepped there , but the zero accessibility and the boon + condi buffs bar changing ( while i agree with the colour blind mode lacking ) got me a bit triggered , this boon and condi are a very condensed mechanicbundle all grouped together for easy reading , example confusion is every curse in gw 1 who is like "take x damage when you do Y" .I mean the game in open world is fairly easy , they are some thinks like puzzle jumps who can get tricky for some persons , but what can you do about that ? put a checkpoint every 100 m , anet did this on many puzzle jump , also the game need to keep a fairly nervous combat , cause it gameplays involve that .

    this is why i asked if the people needed help while utilisng all mechanics of the game. For example i had several players in my guild who were literally unable to do mad king puzzle jump , they have no disabilities at all , just unable to do it properly , i gave them the option to share their account and did the puzzle for them , what would be the other solution ? slow down the puzzle green area rising so everyone else experience is baffled ? Some changes can be made , but the whole game cannot just adapt to every disability , but again yeah , i am a bit perplex about the colour blind option lacking in the game as it shouldn't be very difficult to add.

    So ok we can end the subject about inclusive and quotas who was , i admit , not necessary (my bad) and focus on helping , bringing a solution and not blaming anet for being not so "disable" friendly , which i don't agree personnaly.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  4. 22 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

    I’ve never played herald, but vindicator can keep perma quickness, protection, fury, and 25 might pretty easily just by applying from alliance skills and extending the duration with dodge.  

    That's true , playing allaince and shiro allow you to have 2 noticible quickness application , but i just like to play with maintenace cost , feel like i am not utilising the rev. mechanic right if no maintenace cost active, and with herald you just need a -6 maintenace cost active to have 15-17 might + quickness , the rest of the traits just fill up the rest of might and give you fury.

  5. On 9/4/2023 at 8:45 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    unfortunately despite arenanet being a progressive company, i don't feel like they've ever hired many disabled people. there's almost zero accessibility in the game, ranging from simple things like the buffs on your buff bar moving all around constantly, to lack of a colorblind mode.


    they desparately need to hire an accessibility quality assurance lead.

    Maybe the game can make some "disable" person having trouble on precise content , but 0 accesssibility ? really ? the power and condi creep is now like every class who plays to deal damage  do it with +25+30% more efficiency , the hp of all mobs haven't change , proof : just do a kryptis rift in an old map like Orr , and compare the hp of your vet undead vs a normal kryptis , the vet has less hp than the normal kryptis.

    I don't know what you want but the open world combat style is pretty easy enough , you have ofc some classes who aren't suited for open world like berserker ele with sword , but there is a fair enough amount of accessible builds with pretty easy gear to have who require a very low apm , just play power mecha with rifle , the thing burst trough mobs like butter and is freaking easy to play .

    As for having a disabled person in their company , i am for recruiting the most skilled worker , not pushing up a freaking agenda or quotas ... , if you have a guy in a wheelchair but this guy can speak binary and eat net codes for breakfast , well you recruit him because he will be an asset for your company , you do not recruit him because "heh , take him he is in a wheelchair , that will be more 'inclusive' and give our company a good picture" that kind of nonsense is literally utter disrespect to that person to me , because you use a person disability to earn something , you should use his skills instead , stop pointing out the disability and point out that person skills !

    You are free to think what you will , but this is how you sink a company , because your company is now flooded with incompetency because you cared more about having diversity over efficiency.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 4
  6. On 9/5/2023 at 6:10 PM, Jski.6180 said:

    There is an passive +50% that ppl are going to target you allready hehe there also an relic that lets you share ppl dmg taken that maybe better then an taunt.

    Ah yeah Lyhr relic , ty mate , now it will be easy to do my "down" rotation as ele , just have to go trough the collection .

  7. 19 hours ago, Zhaid Zhem.6508 said:

    Elem has taunt ?

    Yep , it's a passiv skill who isn't listed in any traitline , any weapons , nor skills  , it's just inside ele mechanic , why do you think everyone is saying going down is part of ele rotation , ofc this taunt is there to help you achieve going down , because it's hard enough to fall as ele .... ahem.

    • Haha 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    If that's what you think he "assumed", you didn't understand a word of what OP wrote in this thread. Because it's not really some "kill all raid selling" request, it's "at least do it in a tab it's relevant in, instead of allowing it to spread by simple addition of a single word to pretend it belongs in another tab now".

    And then they gonna add "sell X raids" in the raid tab , and another guildmember is gonna add "sell X strike" in the strike tab , don't think it's gonna change anything as everyone who don't care just read "Sell ...." then hovers off the description because not interested , it's just gonna polute another channel , but baseline the Op is rigth the seller should sell their oranges in the fruit tab and not in lettuce one .

    But it is allowed to sell that kind of thing , so you may report for wrong use of lfg system maybe , but don't think it's gonna change anything , the strike tab is where the new content goes , so it's obvious they gonna sell the whole bundle there , basic marketing.

  9. They are "bundles" for weekly clears now , hahaha .

    I am more against ppl paying to have it , can make your own runs ruined cause you think the guy is skilled cause he has "voidwalker" but do not even know how to put agony resistance on his exotic stuff....

    IamNotMatthew is right , there is nothing you can do about , just move on , don't bother.

  10. On 9/3/2023 at 2:07 PM, Vetkin.6041 said:

    Interesting - what do you think about Power Vindicator instead of herald?

    Vindi is strong baseline , but playing with something who can quickly reach 25 might and has permanent access to quickness is too strong vs something who can't , if vindi had 20-25 might generator + access to quickness there is no questioning : i would run vindi with sigil of endurance and jump all over the place wrecking trash kryptis before switching to regular sigil for the boss.

    Also don't forget kryptis are demons , sigil anti demons (+3% strike damage and +7% vs demons) works.

    • Like 1
  11. Had to do it 3 times in order to succeed , and i am kind of a player who like nervous gameplay but i understand this one can be "on the edge" for someone with "shakey" problems , i can give you an advice i don't know if it will work but try (if you have ) the prototype position rewinder (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder) and mark the position you are struggling to reach with it , once you are requested to go to this position use the rewinder to go immediately where you marked it , i don't know if it invalidates the success , but could give it a try . This thing also release easy mode for all puzzle jumps as it can act as a backup save point every 30 secs.

    If it really doesnt go , you can mp me in the game i'll gladly take a mesmer and port you the position who seems to give you trouble with the good old portal strat. Same name as in the forum.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 22 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

    Reaper can easily get fury from spite traitline at the grandmaster where fear effects grant fury, which would give you access to fury from shroud 3, warhorn, and staff. 

    Thats true , but you loose 20% more damage when target under 50% life , it seems to me to be a big trade off , as the goal here is to deal as much damage as you can to quickly finish the rift.

    On 9/3/2023 at 2:48 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    I'd say herald because it has teleports.  The most time-consuming part of T1 rifts isn't killing the elite spawn.  It probably takes longer for the countdown waiting for it to spawn.  The most time-consuming part is hunting down the adds which spawn in 1s and 2s a mile apart.  Herald can use ports to get to them quicker, which probably saves more time than the difference in DPS between any two decent builds.

    Yes , i use it more than i think , but shiro's dash from a 1200 range with a teleport effect who can go trough some cliffs really help cleaning the pre event before the rift boss appears.

  13. I have tested reaper and herald on those .

    They both are amazing at maintaining might and quickness , herald can give it to allies so it's a + , and for crit. chance is stacked a 100% , while reaper with my current build is at 75% without any fury source , but he is able to pull out 25 stacks of vulnérability  which herald cannot , so a bit of a matter of taste .

    I choosed herald because the Gs with quickness is very enjoyable . If they add a relic for fury generation i would probably swicth reaper again , i don't like being a 75% of crit. chance , and ther is no way i will run "curse" instead of "spite" or "soulreaping" just for the sake of some fury and crit. chance , but i guess ppl run decimates defense as reaper.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 9/2/2023 at 9:01 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    ArenaNet has apparently said that the buff applying to allies is a bug that will likely be fixed, so I'd advise holding off on investing in a lot of Mabon relics.

    oh , seriously ... with that bugfix my mabon relic is going to the trash can without any doubt , cannot see the purpose of it (maybe in pvp or wvw for busrt timing) , gaining some damage for 8 secs then loosing maybe 750 power and condis and need to rebuild up the might , really not worth ...

  15. 12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Half the skills will have 600 range while most of the rest will have 300 or less. That would make it a mid-range weapon, right? Right?

    As a friend said , there is no logic behind many weapons design (in a bad and in a good way) , you have rev. who can literally throw a whole hammer at 1200 range (and magically rebuild it in 1sec), pistol for warrior who is max 300 range i think , dagger for mesmer who looks more like a minigun shooting knifes , staff who is usually a caster weapon used as a pole weapon or a spear (this one is more logic , i agree) , hammer for ele who is totally hybrid sometimes melee sometimes mid range .

    I wouldn't be surprised to see scepter being a melee weapon next , but it would be quite ridiculous or just funny , make your ennemy drop his weapon by savagely whipping his wrist.

    Think we all know it's gonna be 600-900 range for pistol ele,  ppl are just making fun here because a lot of ele options are being melee while it is caster and in many other mmo caster are backline at long range doing damage , but in gw2 as catalyst it's more of a bruiser frontliner , not a bad design , but which for more long range dps option (way the virtuoso work), i really miss the meteor strike ... who has become "drop soft meatballs shower".

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, UncreativeGreen.2019 said:

    If you’re using that relic of mabon, I’d advise you to test it more. The tooltip is very misleading. It’s “stacks” doesn’t refer to might stacks in the description, it refers to stacking relic buff. So that’s 1 stack every 3s, or 30s to proc an 8s buff you can’t really control going off only to lose the might and start all over. It’s a weird one that I don’t really understand why it’s so weak

    Think mabon relic is designed for healers , cause the +25% might efficiency affects allies in your group (tested few days ago) if you play it as dps i think it's really not worth it , 8 secondes +250 power and condi (if you reach 25 might) , then loose 25 stacks of might ... (your allies don't loose any) as healers you don't care about your own might but increasing all your allies might efficiency , even if it is 8 secondes each +-30 secs( you have to apply might on the spot whehn mabon relic icd is off) is worth it .

    Can see it very powerfull on pulsing might healer like scourge , firebrand and herald.

    • Confused 1
  17. An uncomprehensive nerf , confusion was only good in very few cases , now it's garbage on everything.

    If you look at damage without skill activation , confusion deal even less damage than bleeding and the damage on skill activation is laughable like +-66% damage , not worth running in any content  , no wonder why see no more mirage , 

    • Like 3
  18. Just hope the pistol is not yet gonna be another melee weapon , like bladesworn .

    Tryed cata quickness with som célestial (i don't like playing without quickness , feel too slow), switched full zerk herald , can maintain 25 might , fury and quickness with 0 effort , the energy from cata is a pain to manage and is really not necessary on a 15 sec cooldown skill ....

    • Sad 2
  19. Dude ... take a chill pill seriously , where do you see an insult in Warscythe post ? what kind of person are you posting in a forum ordering things like a queen , like the world owe you everything , you can report me if you want , like i care , but you ask yourself to be maked fun off .

    "I have a question for anet , do you even plan to get the summon back in any way in the game , i personnaly miss my golem , i am a casual chill player and i was used to let it tank for me , chill in the game trough storyline without any trouble , now i admit i have many struggles to get past some points , i just ask if you have the intention to put it back and if it possible to have a +- timing , ty."

    See , no Karen behavior , just a polite sentence you should have sent to anet , you can copy paste if you want ... but in this forum you just look like a fully entitled kid , and i really mean it !

    • Like 6
  20. 2 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

    To the developers, I demand my golem back.


    P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

    I am sorry but it's hard to not make fun of this situation (especially for me) , you refer yourself as story is casual , yet you complain about the difficulty ... of the story ? sorry i don't want to throw myself flowers over my head , but the story ? really ? think many players will say gw 2 story mode is like a no brainer , and it is supposed to be that way , for every kind of player to enjoy.

    You can just change your traitline , i know thief has a solid life steal playstyle with Invigorating Precision , yes you will loose dps , but if you think you can just pew pew trough the game without even moving , well forget it.

    Game requires you some adaptation , yes it will need you to rethink your build a bit , maybe switch some stats , will cost you some money , but every mmo has that kind of stuff , and trust me gw 2 is maybe the only mmo who doesnt need you to rebuild ALL your stuff every expac , and is pretty darn casual friendly (also bug friendly ...)

    Just take your time , read your traits , learn what possibility the thief has ... also i don't know where you gather the fun staying being a tank afar from mobs and kill them without using any evade or any other game mechanics , just the good basic "you tank i deeps" , personnaly i would be bored in 10 minutes...

    Either way i just hope for you they will add those companion again as relics , so you can enjoy your chill play , but i think that not the way to ask ...

    Also with the "any rude reference will be reported blablabla..." your asking yourself for the whip 😆

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