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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Most professions can run up to 4 condition cleanse(heal + utility's) but they mostly run 1. Something like thief shadow step doesn't count. People run that because it is a port+stunbreak the condition cleanse is just a bonus. So I doubt condition damage is a real problem right now. Just look at ranger. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Healing_Spring Ranger does have an AOE condition cleanse that does cleanse 10 per target over 10 seconds. Both high rated ranger builds on metabattle don't use it. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Untamed_-_LB/GS_Untamed_Marksman https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Core_Valkyrie If you personally struggle with conditions look at your traits/utilities and just slot one more cleanse in.
  2. Pssst. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wegloop's_Air_Mask Dont tell nobody. Edit: I did fact check myself there is indeed no exotic breather on the tp or otherwise. Weird! Im still running around in green breathers. Yeah Anet should get on that!
  3. Obviously😂. Would be pretty pointless otherwise. Such nonsense. Its probably just because some people are selfish and if it isn't a problem for them the problem might as well not exist. I just don't understand why their own self importance blind them on such issues. Lets be honest the main reason is Anet just not giving a damm.
  4. I'm pretty sure you can block mails if you want already. Don't know how as I'm not afraid of internet strangers. While we are at the topic of blocking people. Insulting people per whisper and then blocking them should be punishable per death sentence. If people wanna be a-holes they should at least stay their ground and don't huddle back in the dirt like the cowards they are. That said blocking people should remove you from their friendslist. That does seem like common sense. I don't understand how people could be against that. Little reminder if you don't have a commander tag and your stalkers does, they can kick you out of your own group. And I'm sure there is a bunch of other stuff a lunatic could come up with. Edit: In case someone is confused. If you are in lfg in a group without a commander a stalker can join the group-> Tag up-> kick you. Even without commander tag they can join and instant invite someone random and the group does delist. Happened to a group I joined. Commander had to fiddle for 10 minutes to quickly kick the troll and praying that someone joins in the 5 sec time window we had.
  5. Pro tip: Make 1 legendary rune and get a celestial aqua breather. Underwater weapon set are so wonky and unbalanced 1 head piece with suboptimal stats won't make a difference. But would be nice to finish the set for people who really don't have anything else to put their mats into🙂.
  6. Specter scepter is another class that has projectiles with out finishers. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Bolt it even calls it a projectile. It seems certain that tainted BOLTS are projectiles in line with other ranged non finisher abilities and Anet just kittened up somewhere down the line. It would be pretty weird if Pistol necro is the class that introduces ranged melee to the game. The explode in impact effect probably kittens with their code.
  7. Not best for anet as he promotes mostly free gameplay. In player acquisition his one "why play Guild Wars 2" per year videos dwarfs the effort of the whole marketing department. Even on his gem store guides he makes a point you can convert gold to gems. That is probably the reason he still isn't a partner:). I do like Mukluk as he seems more connected to the average player. Teapot has some good takes. Mostly when he puts up his "whiteboard" and "markers", because then you know the he did put some thought into his statements. His "GW 2 endgame content is easier then other games because GW 2 fundamentals are harder" take is quite agreeable.
  8. This is indeed true. But the person making the wrong claim in the first place did use GW2efficiency as their basis or had no basis at at all. All I did was correct them. My only mistake was citing my sources:). Why do you feel the need to criticize my correction? Instead of the people who not only started using GW2efficiency numbers for their argument, but also made some mistake along the way. The Person I was responding to stated a falsehood. If we give them the benefit of the doubt they still stated an unprovable opinion as fact to win an argument. Edit:https://imgur.com/gallery/MUPVBm7
  9. I'm pretty sure they nerfed it cause of untamed and not DH. Sure probably not a A+ Meta build, but going 3 seconds stealth Multiple times while an unleashed Ai hits you seems pretty degenerate to me.
  10. Well that's not the point of the threat. I'm just posting facts because I don't like it when people lie to others or honestly probably themselves to justify their selfish interest. Like teapot when he convinced himself increasing the gold per hour in Raids is good for the game mode as a whole instead of only being good for him and his friends who have it on farm.
  11. Thief double pistol. Press 3. Trait first critical Strikes for 5% less damage but piercing. Keep pressing 3. That is as low intensity as it can get. I'm serious here. Thief double pistol is so good it invalidates all other weapon choices till 80. Luckily the animation is cool😎.
  12. Because it attracts new player. A Massive multiplayer online Game needs massive numbers. That is directly beneficial to YOU. In time, sooner or later the game will die. All your title and achievements will crumble to dust. All your items will exist only in your memory as the last server shuts down. Delay the inevitable by a couple of years with a steam release or get the next LW season 30% quicker? A simple choice really.
  13. This is a falsehood. https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=aurora Aurora sitting at 13.3% https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=farsight For comparison the "new" Vision sitting at 8.5% https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=refined Raid armor alone sitting at 11.1% And that is just raid armor. These 11% are without PvP and WvW armor. It is fair to assume that these two modes combined make up more then the missing 2.2% between Legendary armor and aurora. Edit:https://imgur.com/gallery/MUPVBm7
  14. Your being stubborn and lacking reading skills isn't my fault. I didn't say it is unfair, i said it is toxic for the game. And that is a Fact. I said you can play almost anything reasonable in gold or lower if you are halve competent. And that is a fact. Having builds that lets noobs beat other noobs by not improving but preying on their short coming isn't healthy for the game. And that is a fact. PvP population is low enough as its is. And that too is a fact. If you don't like facts maybe you should watch the fox new you were talking about earlier. Edit: But you are right this is a waste of time and we should stop.
  15. Stop whining. Like i said i´m sure any halve competent person could get PP to gold 1 if they wanted. So your argument=invalid. You are just sad noob stomper build get reign in and you have to actually learn the game.
  16. Now you are just grieving. What is the weakest profession right now? Warrior? And even that can kick my kitten if played by someone competent. Heavily out shined right now by other profession but still not death, YET. Such a shame that pressing 3 isn't meta. Thief has more then enough options anyway. And even then i´m sure i or any other halve competent player could get to gold 1 with throwing around my PP set. Well if you would have payed attention silver 2 is below average. So yes i decided that is a reasonable point to not expect extreme investment to not be killed by someone pressing 111111111111111 because they play something degenerate. And what a great introduction it is! You want to gatekeep the game mode you take apparently so much pride in, go ahead. I won´t convince you otherwise anyway. You can go play with yourself then.
  17. And that point shouldn't be silver 2. And the reason should be other players being better not the game fighting them. It is more our problem then theirs. I at least am tiered of seeing the same guys over and over again in my games. Or being matched against top 10 players while being gold3/plat1.
  18. Stop talking about nerfed into uselessness. Below plat you can basically play anything reasonable and succeed. Heck I got top 250 with some meme build you wont find on any metabattle side. Take your own advise, stop whining and adapt. Silver noob 1 losing to silver noob 2 because noob 2 presses 1 on flamethrower and doing plat levels of dps is not the fault of noob 1. It is the game punishing noob 1 for playing something not degenerate while learning the game. Noob 2 gonna rank up to a point where he has two choices. Keep playing at a level where he fluctuates between stomping and being stomped, as a noobstomper builds go from very strong to bad real quick. Or take a 10+ lose streak to rank down to his actual skill level(and then going to the forums complaining about match making:D). Or of course stop playing altogether. Their is a bunch of toxic builds where there is no natural progression to learn how to counter them. Sure you could put hours into research what exactly kills you(death screen is still useless) and some extra hours dueling in PvP to polish your mechanics. Or just not play PvP. And that is clearly what most people choose to do.
  19. Yeah we are in agreement here. It is a noob stomper build. I called that toxic for the game mode. But we are on the same page here. But it was a problem for low ranked player. Not because there weren't any counters, but because the mechanic itself was something average play cant deal with. All the noob stomper builds have counter. That's why they stop being good real fast at high rank. My whole point is that a new or average player cant deal with them. The fact that some high APM meta build counters Dh mean nothing to someone in silver. The build wasn´t toxic because it was op or didn't have a counter. The build was toxic because preys on the weakness of new and average players. How long are you playing that you cant understand that?
  20. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Plat 3 division each. We don´t count legendary as that has like 5 guys in it. Makes 12 divisions. Bronze + Silver + Gold 1 + gold 2 = 8. Next step: 8/12 = 66.66%. But ranking system work like a bell curve. So most people are in Silver 2/3 and gold 1/2. So its probably like 80-90%. Maybe just 80 who know the exact numbers. So at least 66% are noobs by your own definition. And a maximum of 33.33% are only decent or better. You have to realize you are a good gamer who plays the game probably for years. Its like you expect a preschooler to solve a equations or lift 40 Kilos. Just because it is easy for you with your accumulated growth doesn't mean it is for someone starting to PvP. I only see the pattern that you dont understand what a silver player really is. I´m sure that and the rest of your post makes sense if the majority of the PvP base would play on plat Level. But they simply don´t.
  21. https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=season of dragon 12,3% of a self selected group who tends into the more hardcore category have the free legendary. And that include people like me who meets all the PvP requirements for the PvP one but choose to go the season of dragon route.
  22. Well well everyone besides the top 10% are noobs now?. If something is bad for around 90% of the PvP player base it seems fair to reign it in. Especially with the steam release on the horizon it is the right move to tone down such "toxic" builds. Sure we could say f the noobs but then we sit here in a year with 5 people in matchmaking.
  23. Well many points. You got me in LS1. That is indeed an investment they do but should have done years ago. As someone who started after pof not having LW1 and 2 just kills the story completely as you are missing all context. And if they want to keep any new customer with the steam release they have to fix that. Speaking of steam release. How long is that in the works now? 2 Years? longer? Apparently delayed because of the expansion. Could they have delayed the expansion without losing a sizeable portion of the player base over time? I think not. Remember ibs should have been the expansion like LW season. Even got a cool name and all. Of course they develop content they have to, it is an mmo. They just don't develop any piece of content they aren't forced to develop. They indeed try a little to expand with the stream release, but even then it seems like they are dragging their feet doing it.
  24. They don't make a language pack not because they may or may not be profitable. They don't make them because anet is not interested in investing or expanding in general.
  25. PvP rots. WvW somewhat of a selling feature is in maintance. New spec while cool looking are uninspired at best. Strikes the new hip group content is just reused story assets. Even OW it is the same events just with with new paint. In case of dragon end, literally. Of course they work on something otherwise the game dies in a couple of months. Could they stop developing LW seasons without closing the company? No. Could they stop doing the occasional balance patches without a big portion of the player base leaving? No. They do the bare minimum so they don't have to shut down the game altogether while making more then enough money to invest in SOMETHING. But they don´t. Is there anything they do they don't have to do to keep the company running?
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