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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Metas aren't all of OW. You see plenty of people just doing stuff on maps. Meta by their nature are just the most visible. Apart from Metas and some farm trains OW rewards aren't that good for gold/hour. Raids do keep their monopoly of ultra skins. If you that scared, your opinion of Raids as content must be pretty low.
  2. Skill ceiling: what a build can do when the person using it, is very skilled. The skill floor (what a build can do when the person using it, is not very skilled), is high(decent damage output). You can't go higher then the ceiling, you can't go lower then the floor. I guess there are other definition of these gamer terms out there, but I did clarify what I meant.
  3. Instanced content? People normally provide boons for you. I'm talking about instanced PvE content here. Hell even in metas a lot of stuff pulses boons your way. No worries I'm quiet competent in math, you on the other hand may benefit from polishing your reading skills.
  4. Normal Damage build: 10k - 36k damage depending on execution, Disruption through mechanics etc. High skill floor damage build: 15k-36k High skill ceiling damage build 10k-42k Numbers are not accurate, but i hope you get the idea.
  5. Which will bring probably more problems then it solves. Balancing a game in the time of the internet is no easy task.
  6. That sounds nice in theory. In Practice not possible. Keeping the boons low has all the balance problems of keeping it at 100%. More so because at 100% you can overshoot a little with no bad effect. Making it less significant, maybe? But that is something people should discuss, when the outrage is over. Don't forget the forum is a subsection, we don't want to break the game because the people on the forum are angry right now.
  7. Golem numbers or actual combat numbers? Golem numbers are pretty pointless for the average player if one build is significant easier to execute and more resilient to disruption the the other.
  8. Somebody forgot that concentration is in the game. All that accomplished is bringing the dps down a little. Healer who already have concentration would also be overtly affected by it. Balancing that for specs, who heal and dps will be a nightmare for no gain. Reducing the power of the buffs themselves might help, but new content is balanced around these buff. The buffs would probably still be meta so the problem isn't even solved. Also that would be a gigantic nerf to player output, I doubt people want that, but could be wrong on that. It will also change the feel of how the class play in instanced content, doubt people will like that much. Really cool idea. But just like might there will be the people who provide enough of it and the people you do not invite to the group. Based take.
  9. Power Staff deatheye 3-3-2. A lot of self-quickness. Base damage on auto is so high, you are not reliant on smashing buttons constantly to do decent dps. No reliance on Utilities. Just a good LI build, with high output and low skill requirements and healthy skill ceiling. Edited to not cause a riot.
  10. Yeah that's the problem with weapon mastery. If it gets too good it will be nerfed anyway. With thief weapons so similar that is very apparent. If scepter does somethin cool, it just a raid friendly version of Pistol/dagger m7, not that exciting. Rifle sure is cool, but it just a better double pistol.
  11. I think people sleep on staff deatheye. Because they are good players, chasing max dps. Staff getting unbounded from bound is great. Staff deatheye is not a bad deatheye, With OiC and BQoBK it is basically a daredevil dps without forced movement and free dodges to use on mechanics instead of dps. With an Quickness build that uses the same cheap gear. Also a good stepping stone into normal deatheye or Daredevil. I hope it catches on and when enough people start playing it in PvE Anet start to fix all the things we can't mark right now. If they fix the initiative gain for scepter I'm sure it does something with m7. I do agree with the rest. Especially Core thief on the power side will get no use out of the weapons. You can't beat all the damage modifier baked into Daredevil and deadeye. Also Pistol and rifle are very similar weapon to begin with.
  12. The people on the forums often act out of self interest and have no concern for general balance. Also their solutions are often times worse then the problem they want to solve. Especially with the grieve avalanche that happens, feedback becomes worse by the second. Example there was someone on the thief forum who skipped math in high school, complaining that deatheye will struggle with quickness. Turns out 1 cantrip on berserker gear is all we need, but that comment was upvoted all the same. Alac on druid was way to tight, good that it gets buffed. The general feedback on druid seems to be: No alac on avatar, No alac on utilities. Great? Staff is of the table thanks to weapon mastery. Where to put it? Every solution I can think up would have an equal number of people complain all the same, or would make druid broken. I get that people need to rant. I too am baffled by a couple of changes. If people just vomit feedback out, don't be surprised that 2 balance guys don't engage with everything.
  13. I'm aware of all that. You seem to not grasp the concept that a minor damage loss is acceptable. Take crit, deathly art and deatheye 3-3-2. Now you have a build that has enough Damage on Auto attack to clear 95% of content. Need projectile reflect? Equip the preparation and smoke utility, no problem the build doesn't crumble suddenly because you can't spawn cantrips. Out of dodge? Just press vault, your dps doesn't die because you are out of ini. You can't mark right now? 15% damage loss does suck, but the build still functions.
  14. Herald with salvation trait line is flat out unfair to the npc who try to damage you. Protection, barrier, damage reduction and heal.
  15. I'm not interested in the quickness of BqobK, but in the 200 power and to a lesser extend 200 precision. I obviously take Oitc with staff. Autos do so much and staff 2 is cheap, so no need for extra malice. That was my Point, staff is so self sufficient you don't have to invest at all to get decent damage out of it. The extra initiative is not needed to perform decently.
  16. Why would you switch to M7 in a group. Be quick or be killed does give free stats. M7 just increases the time you are animation locked with staff 2. Which increases your dps a little, but probably not by much with the strong autos of staff and the missing 200 power.
  17. I think staff deatheye will be the most user friendly build bar none. With a high skill floor and normal skill ceiling. High Auto attack damages means, you can do funny stuff like using extra imitative to use vault as an extra dodge button. Also melee so you still have to move a little, unlike prime mechanist.
  18. I'm a PvE noob so feel free to correct me: Deadeye with staff and Bqobk seems to be the ultimate PvE build for instanced content for the noob to average player. High skill floor, probably low enough ceiling to not attract nerfs. High auto attack damage means initiative can be spend helpful things without much dps loss, like head shot or vault. Cleave damage. Some self quickness in the Staff stealth attack to compensate when quick uptime isn't 100%. Not reliant on malice so you can hold the stealth attack for a break bar. With changing 2 traits and nothing else you can provide quickness. Utilities seem very flexible. Nothing besides assassin signet seem like a major dps loss. All that on cheap berserker gear. Edit: deatheye 3-3-2
  19. Rifle needs unlimited imitative for rifle 3 and malice for judgment if you want to do any damage. You can stealth with Rifle 4-> bound, but Judgment without malice isn't a real skill. Cool stuff, but unlocking Elite weapons seems to be mostly a fun upgrade.
  20. Increase poison duration. Bonus duration per stack 25%.
  21. You can't move during judgment on non deatheye builds.
  22. Isn't that the point? Give the extra sweaty people some spark of gear progression? Them working in WvW isn't perfect i give you that.
  23. I just got my griffon and not that good with it yet so the following suggestion might be of base. The most elegant solution in my head at least seems to be to add another mount ability that gives a very minor speed boost and ignores Leylines and updraft for a couple of seconds. Flavour: You wing flap forward, then thanks to the the push power forward you ignore the draft.
  24. Certainly not. Turtle has a build in height limit. Turtle is closer to skimmer then to flying mounts.
  25. I'm a little confused, they said every account in good standing can participate. Does that mean arena partners? Do they have a list of specific account that can participate? Everyone? Did they blacklisted they a bunch of accounts for exploits or bad feedback? It is a little vague.
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