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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. Rifle/staff daredevil lets go! So much stuff to try out.
  2. Where is the moderator option? That is the content i want. Nobody wants to play with a bunch of toxic man children and their army of alts ruining ranked. Also remove duoQ and balance around the whole player base and not only the 10%.
  3. Yeah obviously, but putting it on staff isn't a good idea too. I said it somewhere else too:"where did people think the boons move too, if we remove it from the utilities" Firebrand is the golden child, that is not bound to the normal balancing economy. Bladesworn is a dps. If druid wouldn't be a healer and just could rotate, alac wouldn't be a problem Harbringer is a dps, that is also blessed by generous numbers. If druid had 1.25 alac base it wouldn't be a problem. They did to much at once and druid did fall between the cracks. Go pump alac on a golem with quickness and the optimized set up. You get to the 30 sec alac cap. I guess the devs deemed that sufficient. Unaware of the nuance. The real problem seems to be the reliance on quickness, as that seems to double the alac output.
  4. They did go for 5 new weapon skills per class. With scepter getting unlocked for core, a OH weapon means 6 skills. I get the reasoning, but I am a little salty that necro gets double sword before thief.
  5. The devs just work according to popular demand. I do have sympathy for them. For months the masses screamed to free the utilities, now complaining that the devs delivered, like there are many other options to put boons without breaking the game. I absolutely get your issue, but they have to put the boons somewhere. That is just the state the game evolved to. I feel in the case of druid the real shackle is harrier gear being the meta build. So the devs balance around 90%+ boon duration. People optimize. Alac and quick are too entrenched in the meta to ignore. So the devs have to do something.
  6. Funny. I thought Rifle is a great range option and might generator for my daredevil. Experimenting with the new possibilities will be fun.
  7. And this is where we are fundamentally disagreeing. Balance in PvE was never fixable in an elegant way. Probably not in WvW either, but I don't know enough about WvW to be certain. It was in PvP, but that mode is long death thanks to nepotism so it doesn't matter. Weapon swap, boons all of them, free utilities, the freedom in stats and a nerd player base willing to spend countless hours into the game to optimized it. There never was a chance to "fix" PvE. The current course is the best to reach a playable status quo without destroying the very foundation. GW 2 as an game engine is build for small scale, dynamic encounter. There is no fixing WvW or PvE, because they are too static. Every small advantage balloons into a gigantic difference in these static encounters. I don't agree with everything in the patch, but the general direction is fine.
  8. Isn't that only a numbers issue? 3/4 is quite short but easy to fix. The real problem seems to be that numbers are balanced around full ascended + food and in this special case perma quickness. That is why the boon dps struggle less then the healers in the patch. Because healers are "supposed" to have a lot of concentration. I guess they tested it on an optimized build, then got a heart attack what 1,5 alac can do in perfect situation. Even now with the 3/4 sec alac you pump a lot of alac. With 100% boon duration, perma quickness, uninterrupted, depleting all astral force... I guess they design goal was to give you enough overflow of alac so you can hold avatar for burst damage phases. Maybe they will remember that some peasants don't have full ascended yet.
  9. I get your frustration, but where did people think the boons move? People wanted free utilities.
  10. You are just sad your pet class doesn't get a free raid spot anymore. I don't see what is cool about putting a Warrior in every group because he has a monopoly on free stats. I don't see what you find attractive about that kind of design. You are no longer a slave, be happy. Please tell me what exiting things do you miss? Class stacking? Seeing the same profession every run? Like come on man, did that little advantage you got really hide the fact that we are just monkeys pressing buttons? The game isn't stale because of some balance changes, it is stale because People play it for thousand of hours already. There is a limit what a single game can do.
  11. Rotting in a ditch. The last top player building a team with his 9 alts, playing with himself. Screaming into the void, why nobody plays PvP. Waiting to insult the next noob who wants to try PvP.
  12. What got ruined? Stolen skills got buffed. If you don't want to buff other people why take fire for effect? We have plenty of self might and fury. Please post your very specific build that go "ruined" by this change. I'm sure we can fix it.
  13. Man, What was you favorite part? Doing the same thing 3 times in dragon fall, or the part where you fall in 3 different kind of sand. My favorite part was finding my skyscale in over 10 different location with no narrative significance or through line. If you like watching grass grow good for you, but I do not enjoy repeating the same thing dozen of times, because that is kind of a grind.
  14. What is the big deal? Nothing is unique about seeing the same quickness provider in every group. Does my thief providing quickness change the buttons on other classes somehow? You really want to go back to firebrands War 2?
  15. I'm very lukewarm on axe, but.... I AM HYPED for Rifle/Staff. kitten all the modes that need balance. Rifle and staff will be an absolute blast in OW.
  16. It is how it is. Balancing defensive traitlines is hard because defense in this game is more or less binary, it is either enough or not. Putting a little bit of damage to smooth out the value that acrobatics provides is a necessary action to put it into viability without breaking it. All in all i think we as thief can be happy about the changes. Don't know about specter don't play that spec. In general I wish they could give more damage in form of raw stats. All these modifier get out of hand.
  17. @Trevor Boyer.6524Great example why padding is such a bi problem.
  18. Virtuoso: Exotic Gear version, build that and you can just start blasting. The build almost Crit caps you with 59,24% base + 40% from fury =99,24% Crit. Crit is very important for the build so you always want 100% crit. If you get enough ascended pieces you can swap out some Rampager gear for Viper. If anything is unclear don't be shy about asking. Obviously there is still a "rotation" involved, but with a simplified build like that is just boils down to a priority list. F1 and F2 are stronger then the other F3 and F5 so use them first, when your blades are full. Press dagger 2 and sword 5 as soon as possible. And then, have fun!:) Based on this snowcrow Build. If you get more familiar with instanced content you can look that up. But the build I posted is more then powerful enough for lower fractals.
  19. @Dayra.7405Missing the point buddy. If you want to explain something to a person, don't throw every information you have on them. Don't use lingo. Don't assume knowledge. People just want to be helpful, so I generally don't care, but Min Min calling Op rude just rubbed me the wrong way. Look at the advice you gave. Sure is all true, but look at all the things a new player probably didn't engage with yet. Dagonstorm: instanced meta, on a timer Leyline anomaly: High value event you have to chase after, that cycles through maps(do you still only have a couple of minutes to catch it?) Tequatl: World boss, you probably need to use the LFG to change maps, how do you do that? Event timer: Using a external site to manage all these event. LW: What are DLC? How do you get them? That is a lot of stuff from your comment alone, even if you tried to explain it as best you can. Looking at the threat as a whole someone might as well start to read the wiki from beginning to end. Most of these answers do just open up more questions, not for me, but for a new player. I know what a train is, but OP is right for asking where the train tracks are as train is pretty much a GW2 only term. I hope that did clear up the confusion.
  20. I don't know why you are quoting me? But btw most advice given here suck. Most of you are too detached from a new player to give any helpful advice. Op barely got HP together people start talking about IBS Strikes and kitten(Let's hope OP bought all living worlds). Also everyone has a different takes, wtf should Op think is actually helpful. People started talking about: IBS, Strikes, Trains(btw wtf is at train?), Festivals, dungeons, Raids, daily's, world bosses, Tequatl, Dragonstorm, Ley-line anomaly, Dragons end, getting gold/gear through achievements(?) and on and on.
  21. More free boons-> more Resources you can put into damage. So boon will be provided by dps with so little dps loss, making a distinction between dps and boon dps will be almost meaningless. Quickness harbringer already benches higher then Power daredevil for example. Like man, that is not a hard concept. You clearly a better player then me. I'm scratching my head here how you can not see the obvious. Someone did no read the patch preview? Superspeed is death, it is combo time.
  22. But you have the flexibility? It just comes with a dps cost. A dps price a lot of player can actually pay. Btw your spill over ide would delete boon support and we would run content with 4 real dps and a heal, powercreeping the game even more.
  23. That is an entirely player made problem. That is just the reality of Player optimizing dps, in a game that wasn't meant to be played that way. Some thief player already did the maths for daredevil and figured out what buttons to press, and the patch is not even out. He already can give you a estimate what the benchmarks will look like. Again player made problem in pursuit of DPS. Looking at the snowcrow build, Power quick scrapper runs 2 diviner gear pieces rest berserker and then scholar runes. That seems like plenty of quickness. Like can you explain what more duration of quickness accomplishes? People have plenty of choices and they choose dps.
  24. What are you currently wearing? What stat combination are you looking for? It is an old MMO gear acquisition is a bit convoluted. Some stat combinations like Berserker(the name of the stat combination Power, Precision, ferocity) is really cheap and best bought from the Trading Post. Celestial(the name of the stat combination with every stat) is really expensive and is best acquired by getting gear you can select the stat combination you wish. For example the first map of HoT(verdant Brink) has gearboxes you can buy, that give you gear with selectable stats. So what the best approach is kind of depends on a couple of factors. Gold: You primarily make it by selling materials, Trophies and unidentified gear on the trading Post. Wood, leather, metals, blood, scales, Ecto plasm and so on. A lot is probably in your material storage at the bank right now.
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