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Everything posted by Misterbrady.2167

  1. On a case by case basis, I can agree with you. I thought the point of skill trees is to give classes flexibility.
  2. I'd like them to give core specs some love. Most of the core specs have a fun game play loop, but being a little underpowered means they are niche when not outright inferior to the elite specs.
  3. Spears as a land weapon makes sense. Spears are probably one of the most-used weapons in ancient warfare. I have to admit though, that they would probably need a rework of the abilities to reflect a non-aquatic environment. Even if they didn't rework any of the abilities, this is a high fantasy game so I doubt anyone would complain.
  4. I always enjoy customization options. I can't speak to the difficulty for the devs. Just saying that I would enjoy it if it happens.
  5. To me, housing would be like any other cosmetic system in the game. Some would engage with it, and some won't. I believe it would be very successful financially, since it could be used to add a new layer to existing crafting or new crafting skills all together. There could be rare drops and recipes tied to associate with the system. This would add economic incentives to the system, and some players would only do it for the gold. This has been the case in every game I've played that has a customizable housing system. I do think it's also okay if they make a system that adds a new kind of content. Not all players play all kinds of content, and housing would be no different. That said, I wouldn't want a cheap system like wow's garrison system. It would need to be customizable and tied to crafting. Preferably, there would be drops and recipes to get from all content. It might even be able to get more of us into the dungeons.
  6. I would like housing to be like ESO. You can buy housing through in game gold, or use their cash shop. And the decorations are tied to crafting skills, so it's a big deal for their economy.
  7. I'm always a sucker for new classes and especs. But new weapons for our classes (with updates to traits for new weapons) would be very welcome. Also, just allowing us to use aquatic weapons in land (particularly spears) would almost be like getting new weapons (as long as we get traits with it).
  8. As a Necro main, I would say that Necro has less versatile kit than engineer. In terms of numbers, there's nothing Necro does that engineer can't do just as well, except boon corruption/ripping. I just prefer the straightforward nature of Necro gameplay, although mechanist is pretty straightforward too.
  9. A toggle in the options menu might be the answer here.
  10. Something I recommend is to make a class. Once out of the tutorial, go to the pvp lobby. It will allow you to see what it's like at level 80, and you can see how the especs look as well. There are target dummies to test on as well.
  11. I would go engineer. It can do almost anything.
  12. Thanks for the info. The folks in my circles have told me reaper is power only. I've been experimenting with it, and it is quite a breath of fresh air.
  13. I get you, but to each their own. Having better traits in core would help every spec, so I'm down with that.
  14. I would like reaper to have a good condition spec. I know I can build something to 'work', but it seems like it isn't even close to power reaper imo.
  15. The most epic weapon combo in ancient history was the spear and shield. They should try to get that into the game somehow.
  16. Sure. But I thought he was asking how to make core Necro work until he has the points for something else. What I mentioned will work in that capacity.
  17. Core Necro is built around the lifeforce mechanics. Think of it as builder/spender. You build up the lifeforce and F1 to use your shroud. I used a build while leveling that allows necromancer to regenerate health in shroud. That let me exit shroud with almost full health.
  18. I had questions like the op. The best advice I received was to use the pvp lobby. It levels your character to max and unlocks all character options. There are test dummies to experiment on, so you can get a feel for things. On a personal note, I feel reaper (necromancer) is a very fluid spec due to using a lot of instant cast utility skills like shouts. It is almost completely locked to melee to be effective though, and not everyone likes that.
  19. I voted yes. But I would want it to only be optional. I wouldn't want them to start some sort of involuntary phasing to remove players from a layer.
  20. I recommend making all of these. Go to the pvp lobby. There, everything is unlocked and you can test any build you want. There are even golem/target dummies to parse on if that's your thing.
  21. Instead of a fourth trait line, they could add a row of traits to encourage build diversity.
  22. I feel like Dragon Hunter, with trap setup, can bring the dps for about 3-5 seconds. Not sure if that is what you're looking for. Otherwise I'd say Warriors with offhand axe can tear it up. Vindicator can bring it as well.
  23. In my opinion, what makes mechanics interesting, fun, and fair are when there is a 'tell', it can be countered, and is consistent.
  24. When you are logged into a character, you can click on the pvp icon and go to a special staging area. There your whole class is unlocked to level 80 and all abilities unlocked. It's a good place to experiment.
  25. The personal story will give you very important unlocks. As someone else mentioned you will want the Mastery points. You can't craft legendary equipment without the Masteries. Also, the fractal Masteries will be important from a progression point of view as well. Also, map completion gives really good rewards in this game. Exploring and doing the various quests in the map marked with a heart will give you a variety of things including a lot of xp. I can't recommend that enough. Hope you enjoy the game, whatever you choose to do. 👍
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