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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. Otherwise I'm probably going to have to write a very negative review for this game. Despite having played it since launch day, I am growing increasingly unsatisfied with how neglected this game mode is and how the developers continue to ignore it for months at a time, sometimes years. Where's the new maps? Fresh game modes or mechanics? The population keeps dwindling and so does the match quality. Why has it been allowed to become so stale? I'm frustrated with it. And it's starting to make me hate this game that I once loved.
  2. I don't understand this logic at all. Current PvPers are already afking. If new players are only there for the Gold, why would they just afk when it takes significantly longer to earn gold when you lose? If anything; having some fresh players will dilute the current pool of jaded players who are the majority when it comes to afking. You know, the self proclaimed pro players that go "ur all bad. afk"
  3. All of the above. And additionally; Increase Gold rewards in Ranked play. Include it as news in a blog update to entice PvE/WvW players to want to give Ranked a try. Maybe they'll enjoy it more than they expected and stick around for further seasons. More population for this mode can only be a good thing at this point.
  4. I'm an old returning player and it's pretty bad. Getting matched with the same opponents who beat you multiple times in a row, so I can just keep getting beaten again and again. So I have to leave and come back later. I wish I could have completely different opponents and team mates for every match but this isn't the case. Likely due to low population. There are also just too many 1-hit-kill mega builds out there with very limited tells. And some really abused abilities that do hard CC on top of high damage. So you basically explode the moment you get focused by one of these guys in a fight and you are left wondering, wth happened? I think lot of it's problems could be resolved with higher population. I made a suggestion thread a few weeks back suggesting we should increase Gold rewards in ranked PvP. But most of the responses I got were negative, stating that it will bring more bots or more "farmers" to the mode. To that response I say; if the mode gets a ton of new players who are only playing for the gold, then it's just more meat for the grinder for the dedicated PvPers who want to win. Since the rate at which you earn gold when losing is much slower, I don't see how increasing Gold rewards is an issue. Boost the amount of Gold earned in ranked to reward the very few dedicated PvPers we DO have, and bring in some new plebs at the same time. Some of them might even find they like the mode and stick around for off seasons. But we'll never know the true result of these changes if we don't try it, and shut down any suggestions to make change.
  5. Just because the writers decided to include that in there, doesn't make it anymore believable 😒
  6. I hope it is.. To be honest,when Aurene appeared in the story and it became obvious that she was being used as a means create sympathy for the dragons I didn't like it at all. Dragon's always have been an eternal enemy to mortals and they are completely selfish creatures! So why would I care about Aurene, and why would she care about us? It made no sense. I was really very unsatisfied when she came back from the dead after that one cliffhanger episode.. Anyway, is it really End of Dragons now after the expansion? Because if Aurene continues to interject herself in future story then it really isn't the End of Dragons, is it ? Maybe ArenaNet mean't to say "End of Bad Dragons" (lol)
  7. Once upon a time, many years ago, I had a dream. The Warrior was a real force on the battleground. The influence of his banners spread far and wide, inspiring the whole army. And then I woke up. ps: this dream really happened im not lying
  8. the ones that do like 30k dps on you, CC you from full health to death, drop 100 conditions on you. You clear them, then they drop another condi bomb on you. Some of them have so much mobility it is impossible to disengage from a losing team fight. so much cheap cheesy things going on everywhere.. it's hard to be specific. It's all of it really!
  9. I just played a ranked game, my entire team got fed at mid over and over again by a DH with traps. That DH carried the entire game for their team. And at the end had all the top stats. DH is really oppressive when in the right hands.
  10. Druid to this day is my favorite ranger spec but I can't seem to enjoy it particularly in PvP modes. It's just subpar as a support. The skills need work or something.. I don't what it is. I'm able to be somewhat effective but it takes a lot of effort. But I'm constantly oppressed by the "meta classes" who just bully me constantly and it's not fun. I really wish as a Druid I still had some presence in a team like in the HoT times. I like Soulbeast as well but it's an entirely different thing. And Untamed is terrible. And I don't enjoy Longbow anymore. Back in the earliest PvP seasons (1-3) My placement was around Gold 3/Plat 1 most of the time. Nowdays I'm stuck in Silver 3/Gold 1 no matter how much I try to carry my own weight and support my team and play objectives. I'm very skilled as a Druid and I'm very knowledgeable about all it's workings but it seems I can't make a difference about my situation.
  11. I've been trying to enjoy the PvP this season but I continuously keep running into oppressive specs over and over again and I'm unable to enjoy. I play Druid and have been since HoT. I know what you're going to say, "thats not meta, that's why it's difficult" so I'm not allowed to play a spec that I personally find enjoyable? so I'm not allowed to have fun and I only exist as canon fodder for the elite specs. Ok. Fun game mode.. not.
  12. I've done that and I've even successfully teleported to my target that was on the other side of a wall completely out of sight. Then the next minute, I pop it off on a target directly in my line of sight and.. nothing. They should rename this skill to Unreliable Teleport!
  13. Level of rewards shouldn't be tied to how high rank you are (we already have faster pip gain from wins vs losing). Just increase gold rewards. For example Byzantium increase the gold from 1.50 to 2.00 at the very least, and the final reward from 20 to 30 gold. I'm not suggesting making it the go-to method of becoming a millionaire. Just make it pay a bit better.
  14. I'm not saying rewards should be increased just to pull in more players. Please read my original post. I'm simply responding to people who are saying that a reward increase would bring in more players.. which is somehow a bad thing (I disagree). Like I said, it's just more meat for the grinder. Rewards should be increased for the dedicated PvP players to make our favorite game mode more rewarding. I think you missed my main point.
  15. But I don't see how having low rewards for everyone else is a good solution. If we're using that line of thinking.. let's remove all gold altogether. Ta'kitten! No more bots in PvP. There has to be better ways to combat the issue of bots than basically deterring people from giving PvP a try.
  16. Not sure what this means. How does having higher Gold rewards for players make PvP more dysfunctional? If it's because it might bring more players to the mode who aren't dedicated to PvP and only want the Gold, well that's still a good thing, isn't it? More meat for the grinder.
  17. So with Untamed I'm supposed to ambush unsuspecting prey. I understand that's the premise of this spec. But how can I do that when 8 out of 10 times this skill doesn't function correctly when I pop it off? Many times I've had a clear line of sight of a target directly in front of me. I pop this skill, and just nothing happens???!?! The skill is broken. It needs to get fixed because right now I can't play the spec correctly. It's frustrating because I am being robbed on good ambushes which is what Untamed is supposed to specialize in. If it continues to not work I might have to consider going back to Druid or Soulbeast, which I don't want to do. Not because I don't like those specs, I love them both. But Untamed just feels fresh right now and I enjoy doing combo's with the hammer. But the unreliability of this skill is making it difficult. Or is this some kind of Ambush RNG?
  18. Just play untamed instead. Don't bother with BS.
  19. I play equal amounts of PvE and PvP. I'm not sure you would consider me dedicated to PvP mode only but I do have over 6k rated games played. I wouldn't treat it as another gold/hour thing.. I enjoy PvP for the competition but I still think gold should be increased I think we deserve it.
  20. I'm not someone who plays PvP for farming Gold but I do feel as though as it is currently is rather low. Please reward the dedicated PvP's better with an increase to Gold rewards. Yes theres some that will bot/farm but they shouldn't ruin rewards for the rest of us. I just feel for time spent in a niche game mode we need better rewards.
  21. I'm not sure how long this has been bugged for but I've just used my Slingshot Shortbow Skin and realized it has no weapon sound. I checked on the wiki and found the bug listed there; https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slingshot_Skin Anet plz fix my slingshot 😞
  22. Can I get a quick rundown on what the spirit rework entails? Or a link to a page that details it. Ive seen this mentioned before on this board but I actually know nothing about it.
  23. I was wondering what everyone else is using for Untamed - Open World content. I realize with the skill Perilous Gift that healing power is practically useless. I'm thinking about going either Rabid stats or Berserker. Anyone else?
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