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One more for the road.8950

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Everything posted by One more for the road.8950

  1. + 1 on this. Somewhat If you have a highly skilled enemy blob in your main keep or garri, it's because they went to your keep or garri to get any kind of content. It's not that they want your keep or garri. It's for content or kills. Be it fort farms or just that you want any content that's not PPT. If you have TWO enemy blobs or zergs in your main keep or garri, it's because one is probably higher skilled than the other and it's the only way the other enemy is going to get any kills or not-PPT content without instant wipe or that they're somewhat average but isn't the "agree to meet at the open field" type of people or just drummed up an impulsive voice tag - that might later talk to enemy tag about fights somewhere else. But since the servers are like they are at the moment, even agreed upon open field content and EotM or OS fights can be ruined by randoms from either your own or the enemy server intervening in the fights and one side throwing pepehands before leaving. Yes, the "monster" servers are so stacked they will ruin their own servers content. If you're a guild that want more than PPT stuck on a borderland without content and not able to get into EBG if it's a MU where that's the only content, you go garri to get any kind of content after taking bay or hills or both or you log out. Or you take bay and/or hills and garri without opposition and log out.
  2. You play in a place where all servers are highly populated in prime time? Happy for you. Meanwhile, the last three weeks BEFORE patch I would occasionally log on prime time on different accounts to either to find basicly dead server so no content, a server that killed enemies and capped so fast I didn't get there in time so no content or a server that was an average server but really just one opponent who was so stacked and bored that it was barely possible to get a camp as all of them would hang around waiting. If I didn't, it was good, but I am not gonna play when I either have to hang at camps or one of three spawn exits to get kills or participation or run at five different camps before getting participation. Running sneakily across half a map just to see a camp getting 5 min RI before you get there is not content. If an enemy hits your main keep they should by default already be stronger than you in one way or another (skill, numbers, coverage, organisation, whatever) or do a gamble of not losing their own stuff while getting it. Higher risk, better rewards.
  3. You're talking like fort farms by a 20-30 man group inside someone else's keep against much larger numbers defending hasn't been a thing for ages by now already.
  4. ... obviously. It's why you would have castles and keeps to begin with, as said earlier by someone else. I think what you are totally not able to take in here is that the population differences sometimes (now often) make defending your keep the only content. And we were already at a place where people weren't able to do that pre-patch. And then there is no content. At all. But either way defensive and offensive game play should be different. Offensive game play should be a gamble but better preparation give better rewards if successful. And to be totally honest, if you weren't able to grab a keep already with a squad of 30-40 players, not to mention 50, against a gaggle of pugs and randoms trying to defend before this update, it was probably not your keep to take. Because then it was a skill issue.
  5. People log out because they're not able to defend. Or reclaim what's lost. When they do, the rest logs out because there's no one to fight or anything to cap. The changes yesterday isn't exactly gonna help. If you look at this thread and the last part of the top 5 problems or what it's called, you get the gist about what's happening the last weeks in EU.
  6. The reason hammer guard was suddenly a thing is because it's one of the few dps's that can somewhat bypass skill lag with 111111
  7. You guys seem to confuse "Alliance" and "World Restructure" again.
  8. Or, you know... people log in. And then log back out. So no strategy. Which has already happened for weeks in particular MUs in EU.
  9. If they only color it at night, count yourself lucky.
  10. It's the "MUs with dead servers and/or monster servers"-problem, if you're "lucky" you get one of each in the MU.
  11. Yeah, I have alts and enjoy a wide variety of game play as well, but it's become ridiculous. I said in a post another place in this subforum a couple of days ago that the system is flawed and that in EU those flaws are getting extremely exposed at the moment. And it all gets... boring. Very boring. When you have a couple of hours to relax and game a bit and you log in just to look at the maps and log out again after seeing a few chat lines, it's disheartening. If you're dominating or the dominated, lack of content is lack of content.
  12. If you run arcdps and have an inkling, you can tell what people in your squad run with of gear and traits. If you look at an enemy's boon/effects/condi bar and ingame combat log you can get an idea of what a lone/a few enemies is/are running if you know a bit about builds.
  13. EU the last three weeks two out of five MUs have been ridiculous like that every week.
  14. You can get stuck in both gates and walls, and it might happen due to repairs or a pull. If it's a pull it's usually a result of where you're standing and where it's pulled from, certain places are more buggy than others. Eventually you'll be aware of some areas to avoid or certain places to do a side step. It's been there for years and is probably not something that's going to get fixed. So you got the option of breaking out by wall or gate going down (even though I have seen people still being stuck even after they go down), getting killed by enemies or getting out of combat to waypoint. Make the best out of it, try to dps or support from where you're standing, if you're lucky you're in a spot where you might be hard to hit.
  15. Yeah, I get you, I'm enjoying all sorts of types of content in WvW, from mental stupid drunken kitten for funsies to more serious organized content, small scale and big scale, voice or not, but even if we had unbalanced MUs in the past, it has gotten a lot worse the last year or two, the last year in particular. And the reason for the larger gap between the good servers and not so good servers in WvW (in EU) is a good mix of everything. What the transfer and link system does/enables players to do, the dumbing down of class/profession complexity and skills and skill floor/ceiling, boring metas, bad or non-existing countermetas and the fact that there's just less people and/or guilds that's good or really good, so it's extremely apparent where they are at the moment - which again makes players use the transfer or transfer to link system sometimes as often as every few weeks. So we end up with some basically dead servers and/or links, some entirely overstacked servers and/or links, and some between. What I forgot to even mention in the scenario up there when it comes to the two weaker sides hitting on the stronger, is that sometimes the other weak one in fact might even just be an almost dead one, so basically you're on your own. Whiteside Ridge, just as an example right now this minute, was a monster opponent already, had no link, opened for a week, and had an insane amount of transfers in. So now it's even worse. And then it started in T5 on relink. At some point something will happen on servers like this like a guild or two or just a random gaggle of good people transferring because they get tired of queues or no content, and it shifts for a little a while, until people catch up again and back to square one but new server names. Earlier you could at least roam by yourself, make a small party or squad or hit another border or back cap, defend home or EBG, always content, but now you're in danger of having MUs where not even that is a viable option in the time available for you to play. No, it makes no sense, but it is what it is. I really enjoy links in the way that you get to meet new people and shift the dynamic and I enjoy playing with a variety of people on several servers, but the system is flawed and the flaws are getting extremely exposed these days in EU with their too many servers compared to activity and people and how the game play have changed. Which is one of the reasons I am hoping WR will come sooner rather than later, because if anything, the last couple of years has shown it's not getting better even if there was a little boom during COVID. I enjoy the game mode and I enjoy the people in it, but current situation is that it's a hit or miss if I'm able to enjoy it at all that week, depending on dead servers or monster servers in the MU.
  16. You can't delete siege. It can despawn on the timer or get destroyed. People standing next to siege aren't necessarily aware it is about to despawn or might not even know that siege has timers. If you stopped to see what they were doing, you're just as much at fault for it timing out, .as you have no idea what they were doing or where their attention were. Don't expect others to have the same agenda or focus as you do. Misunderstandings and taking things in the worst possible meaning, be it chat or actions, and blaming people and reporting them without even pausing to see if you might be jumping the gun, doing some self reflection if you might be understanding things wrong or even make sure it's something that anyone in support could actually do anything about might be why the more serious things aren't always taken seriously or take forever. I don't know why some people automatically thinks there's some ulterior motive instead of just something innocent. Maybe they dropped their food on their keyboard, who knows.
  17. Vabbi wouldn't care which one lost of you two, so why would they do anything about it. They were significantly stronger than both of you, you were equally weak compared to them.
  18. And for this, ppl just can't be arsed. When we have MU's like those I mentioned up there, we end up with monster opponents that's hunting for content, which means anyone and anything. You're lucky if you manage to flip a camp at times. Other times, fine. But not with those really unbalanced ones.
  19. I am not sure you get how unbalanced it can actually be. Last week Whiteside Ridge, a server without a link had 76k kills and 21k deaths, k/d 3.6. Their opponents, both linked, had 24k/54k and 22k/50k. Even teaming up against them would be futile. Another one was Fort Ranik that's linked with Gunnar's Hold, where they had 75k/31k against two with 24k/41k and 24k/54k. There wasn't even any time of the day or night when they were not the most people online iirc. When both weaker sides get nowhere, often is spawncamped, people log in just to log back out, people will grab the chance for any action that's not instant death. If monster opponent goes for another team's keep, you also go in to get some action. Because it's the only one you get, other than going into another game mode, another server, or talk nicely to your missus. Edit: Just checked now for current week, half an hour before reset: Whiteside Ridge, moved up a tier. Current kills soon 76k, current deaths 21.5k, their opponents have 19k/43k and 28k/60.5k Fort Ranik and Gunnar's Hold moved up a tier, currently on 62.5k/33.5k, their opponents 24k/27.5k and 21k/49.5k.
  20. There wasn't any teaming up on this one for sure. Even had a thread in this forum that got removed an hour ago or something about how Blacktide and Underworld tried to tank to T2 but failed.
  21. Eh. Servers aren't "teaming up" to beat on a third server, but people see opportunities in game play. If you have one very strong opponent and one lesser strong but still stronger than you, equal to you or weaker than you, there's a chance you'll see the opportunity to get points or kills when the strong one starts moving on someone that's not you. Since MU is three sides, there's only one way that can go. Some of the MUs are so badly balanced that if you try to hit on the strongest opponent while they go for the other one, they'll just come back to whoop your kitten an then go back to the other opponent and continue what they were doing. So a lot of the time you'll see the second team go for the "other side". When it happens against your team people cry about servers teaming up, when you do it yourself it's never mentioned. The short of it is, do you want to get some kills, possibly a tower or two as well as a camp, or do you want to throw yourself against the wall and die to respawn.
  22. As a former GW1 player, perhaps some of what some people are missing is something that people that have played GW1 get. I haven't played the latest new content yet, but I have spent more time than I would like to admit on finding details, information nuggets and references to GW1 content. That has been done brilliantly.
  23. Scrimming and inhouses isn't even the same playstyle or content, I'll just leave the conversation. Happy polling.
  24. None of those seems to fit most of what I do. At best it's a misunderstanding and difference of play in NA/EU, at worst it's a severely based poll that scoffs at certain types of content. There's several types of GvG even, open field GvG and arena GvG. They have different playstyles and meta. Open field squads can be closed which means server based squads (not guilds) with pugs where you have to verify you're on voice and there's proper parties. Open field squads that's open are often semi-voice, sometimes voice only will have parties, other times everyone have parties, or there is no parties. Then you got the same types/versions of squads that's not open field, but more about capping/defending/SMC content. Chatmanding can be done both with proper squad set up or full anarchy, if you got ppl knowing what they do you don't really need voice for easier content. BvB is blob vs blob which is often agreed upon beforehand between commanders. Then you got things like guesting, inhouses, semi-open guild, etc. And yes, they are different types of game content. I gotta run off to work, but I am guessing this poll just was a bit culturally coloured by NA ways of playing, I have heard that things are organized a bit differently there. We can have server commanders that's not even in guilds, but organize content.
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