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Everything posted by RazieL.5684

  1. he is planning to sacrifice some vitality, concentration and all of expertise to gain the offensive stats
  2. can we have that streamed or something? no bashing just actually curious how things turn out...
  3. cele is tanky stats, it fits perfectly in this category you are saying that as if cele was created yesterday and before that all those other obscure stats were used on a daily basis... even now with cele, being this "overpowered powerhouse" for the past 11 years, zerk and marauder/dragons are predominantly used... stuff like "vigilant", "apothecary" or "bringer" are so niche they probably won't see use more than maybe 1 item on 1 person to min max perfectly some percentage exactly, and that's not how it works... as stated several times already it shouldn't be shocking to you that tanky stats absorb damage... and source? i'm thinking it's a tiiiiny bit more than 10%... well yeah nothing would change if a tank changes from one tanky stats to another, i would just go use trailblaizer and still get plebs whispering me about THAT now... i mean even in spvp people cry about bunker builds with exactly the same idea "i can't kill it fast so it's busted" and the "one shot" is just an exaggeration don't get so hung on the word even though my class has 11k base hp and i have been crit for more than that god knows how many times at this point by NOT "meme" builds the point is still the same - glass cries that tanks exist because they actually have to fight something instead of nuking it out of stealth/1200+ range
  4. you might like the new relic that lets every power build have that trait now even though in a bit lower % combined with sigil of blood and food that steals life per hit you can make a pretty solid power build with sustain
  5. should i have called it "bunker"? healers are supposed to survive 1 dps attacking them, not forever ofc, but they shouldn't be insta gibbed by dps otherwise they become a burden to the group cele gear is "tank" gear that tanks less than tanking gear, heals less than healer gear and does more damage than a tanking/healer gear it's literally the perfect balance between offense and defense... there are some cele builds that can kill stuff effectively like harbinger for example, but generally cele builds just out-sustain glass and kill it slowly true, so there's no issue yes, but because they are percentages, the more base stat you have the more bonus damage you get from those modifiers for example berserker has ~1300? power cele has ~600 10% damage of which will be more? no, again if you are going to compare the damage you are comparing one person hitting glass and the other hitting a tank, shocker that toughness and vitality help cele survive for a while... if you are going to argue damage you compare them to 0 toughness targets or just go condi yourself instead of power and nullify the toughness difference and now the cele is just as squishy as you so if, by your words - nothing will change, why are we talking about it?
  6. i am confused about the part in which you said that cele does more dps than zerk
  7. interesting, so the better scaling stats do worse if we lower their stats, how didn't i think of that, if i wanted to win just magically get more stats in my favor... considering you are playing a tank build and not just die but get close to 1shot by a damage build kinda literally makes tanks useless in the game... can't you understand that if a healer or a tank dies easily to 1 dps it makes the whole role useless to exist? if you are in a group you would be better off to bring just 2 more dps instead of a tank and healer, by your logic tank shouldn't do any damage meaning he would represent 0 threat to the enemy team so they would completely ignore him while they go for the squishies, and healer shouldn't be able to survive 1 dps so the one that comes for him and the one that should be fighting the tank but ignores the tank goes for the healer instead, both would insta gib it... do i really need to explain this?... i literally have no idea who you are... but recently i heard there is someone using my name asking for people to get kitten or something so there's that... also what @Trevor Boyer.6524 said is also true, power stats just scale way better than condi stats, ferocity can stack to infinity while expertise only stacks to 100% and then can be easily cleansed but i'll give you that the +45 healing i get on my signet passive really helps beat those thieves that crit me anywhere between 6k and 13k per attack
  8. no, we learned that a tank survives longer than glass 😄 using his own math i checked, just use marauder and it beats cele even with 25 might, only reason zerk loses is because 0 vitality to survive long enough, but if literal glass could always beat tanky stats every time what would the point of a tank be? and not only that, if you beat tanks with zerk what would the point of marauder be? who needs survivability if you just 1shot everyone? logic... all in all these threads are always the same thing, 1shot players cry that hey couldn't 1shot a tank...
  9. so you get a hit cap of 7k and still get 3shot? interesting point... so what about owp soulbeast that kill you in 1 second with 50 hits that do only 3k per tick? those will be ignored but you die even faster than what your core engi example did... dagger got some buffs yesterday you might want to try that if scepter is too slow for you
  10. i just saw the stream (only ele part) keep in mind he had literally no equipped traits and idk what kind of gear he had for 18k hp probably not marauder so we have no idea how much the abilities scale so don't be too quick to judge on that... all in all i got pissed at the beginning when he said "i know it's not longbow but i hope this can replace it" so they absolutely KNOW what we WANT but we got the kittening kitten pistol anyway... idk how much more of a kick in the balls they can do... other than repeating 1200 range every other sentence as if it's some huge outlier like some other classes i can think of... and as if we don't already have a similar weapon with somewhat similar range that i can think of... and these etchings? i wonder who stepped in the black on deimos... red circles? eles get downed in wvw again i wonder why they just didn't step out of the red... oh wait... they HAVE to make the etchings disappear instantly on casting the flipped 5 skill and not sit the full duration unless you don't cast the flipped skill at all... let me guess the rotation will be something of the sort of fire 5->3->4->2->5 water 5->3->4->2->5 air 5->3->4->2->5 earth 5->3->4->2->5 repeat... the weaver 3 skills are dead skills... just there to fix the issue with weaver by introducing the fresh air trait to all elements... end result - 4/10... not great not terrible, probably as you said another gimmick weapon...
  11. the other day i was trying to ress some dude and i got jumped by a thief from stealth critting me for 13k twilight combo on my omg broken overpowered unkillable cele ele that takes literally 0 damage from anything and can never die... that's about 75% of my health in 1 click of a button... might be fun for him... not fun for me... but you want to make this the standard of gameplay? thanks but no thanks... besides... i'm pretty sure that if you are dying to someone in cele you would also die to them in trailblaizers... if you want to remove cele because of "gEaR hOmOgEnY nObOdY uSeS oThEr StAtS" - remove berserker, marauder and dragon gear as well, that way we will lower somewhat the broken damage of power classes that can nuke you before the connection of your dodge button reaches the game server, and everyone will be happy. i say it pretty much in every cele thread in which i bothered to write - if you have issues with cele just bring some cleanse... you can cleanse condi damage but you can't cleanse power damage so their whole burst can be removed before it even damages you so what's your issue? you couldn't kill someone by spamming heartseaker and now you cry on the forums?
  12. i would like to see the number of mails to be increased... for example in wow every single character has it's own mail list and you can have many characters per account... this game has a single mailbox for all the characters so this is already a huge amount lower mails that you can have in your mailbox... can we please have this amount increased a tad bit? like to 30 maybe?
  13. i am not sure if there is even a single thing that is true from what you have stated so far in this thread... but as i said, i saw your post count so i can't bother explaining...
  14. so i wrote a paragraph, then saw your number of posts... so i deleted the paragraph and decided to go with: i'm not explaining range...
  15. what's with all the people talking about 1000-1200 range weapons O.o stop that! 1500 range is where it's at... only 2 classes have that in the game and it shouldn't be like that!
  16. now now... don't go be changing ele too much or we might get something "balanced" that we won't even want to touch with a 5 foot pole...
  17. Nobody has yet mentioned that reflecting death's judgement at them hits them for 140 damage...
  18. well those will continue to appear until anet fixes their kitten game... right now the new trend is pistols willbender with practically all boons in the game on their own and seemingly infinite mobility but who cares about fixing game balance... it's fun after all isn't it?.............
  19. pistol shows numbers in the benchmarks but that was expected to boost soto sales... the feel... is absolutely the worst thing that exist in the game... i pretty much kinda quit the game altogether at this point anet is just disappointment after disappointment...
  20. even if that would be true it all ends up in the same patch list of changes and if the communication is absolutely 0, which would be below intern level of quality, just skimming through the same patch notes that everyone has should have raised some flags in every single team...
  21. healers never should have existed in this game... it started off well, everyone sustaining themselves and maybe just a bit of support to allies... now you fight someone you get them to 20% and they run back to their support and get insta healed to full or are just a support themselves making them immortal unless several people ganks up on them to CC them to death or just nuke them really fast... remove healers from the game and everything will be fixed...
  22. i mean... i know you tried really hard to sound smart there... but even though you failed miserably, what you actually described would be better than this kitten pistol...
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