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Everything posted by Mistwraithe.3106

  1. That's fascinating that T2 NA feels that bad. It looks great, very balanced K/D ratio and pretty close on VP too. Try T5 NA where my team (Throne of Balthazar) has 0.52 K/D ratio, or T3 NA where Tombs of Drascir has 1.87 K/D ratio (but is still doing poorly in VP because they obviously are fight guilds who are just enjoying massacring their opponents and don't care about PPT).
  2. This seems like a very sensible suggestion. Just make it more obvious that siege is going to expire and if people want it where it is placed then they can refresh it.
  3. Agreed, this seems the most likely issue. That said, 512 being 9 bits is a bit of an unusual limit. There isn't a 9 bit datatype, but maybe they are using 9 bits out of a larger composite datatype (eg 32 bit unsigned int) to store the bank slot.
  4. Buying LW seasons (starting with LWS2) with gold is not something your average player, going through the story and having just finished Core + LWS1, is going to be doing. Even with WV.
  5. Bolt was my first legendary weapon last year (and I've only done one more since). Personally I think it's cool. I'm sure an even cooler lightning skin could be created but I agree that it would need to be a new separate skin because some people will want to keep the current one. I imagine Anet would prefer to spend the time on new stuff rather than remaking skins which are still reasonable.
  6. Umm, wrong thread maybe? There's multiple threads about player housing you could add your comments to.
  7. Ah, my mistake, I knew there was a WvW API but assumed it didn't return K/D or player time because of how GW2Mists wants to gather the player API keys.
  8. GW2 isn't a particular expensive game for what it is BUT I still think LWS2 should be bundled into HoT for free (ie no extra price above buying HoT). It's very jarring for a new player to play through core, then LWS1 (great that you can now), buy the HoT expansion somewhere along the way because they like the game, then run into this wall of not being able to get to HoT without either skipping the story which leads directly into HoT or buying something else (LWS2) that they didn't realise they were going to need to buy. Not sure what you do with LWS3 and LWS4 after that. Ideally they would be bundled into expansions too but, because HoT and PoF are already bundled together and pretty cheap, this might be too much revenue loss for Anet. But at least by the time a player hits LWS3 (assuming they are going through it in order) they have already done HoT (which I think is great) and are hopefully really enjoying the game and don't mind buying LW seasons.
  9. Interesting read. Where does that leave us tho? Maybe hoping Anet have some clever plans in store for how to update scoring?
  10. I think this is the bigger problem. People are playing for two different reasons. The fight guilds just want to fight other guilds and kill players (PPK) and often openly mock the idea of caring about overall score (PPT). Whereas many other players care about both but are probably more motivated by the overall score (tho demotivated by dying frequently if their team is losing all the big fights). It seems like WR has allowed the fight guilds to band together even more (by creating mega guilds) which has exacerbated this problem. It's presumably why on GW2Mists you see quite a few teams who are smashing their opposition in K/D ratio but doing poorly in total score. That exactly matches what you would expect from teams made up primarily of fight guilds. I don't know how feasible it is to have one game mode which caters well to both types of players? WR was largely created to cater to the WvW fight guilds but will it work well for everyone else?
  11. That's really interesting, the increase in K+D, particularly during weekdays. However, I'm assuming you are getting your info from GW2Mists.com? That only has access to K+D info from players who have created a GW2Mists login and added an API Key right? So it's not PVE players. It's probably not even the more casual WvW players - I don't consider myself particularly casual having played WvW pretty solidly every week for the last year and a half but I've never felt a need to create a GW2Mists login for myself (just did one today out of curiosity after reading your post). So your stats will be from the more serious WvW players. It's good to see that they are more engaged than normal. But it's also expected - the change to WR is primarily targeted at guilds which play WvW and they in turn are going to contain more of the serious WvW players. Maybe some of those WvW guilds are now tagging up more during weekdays due to WR which is great. I think the biggest concern about WR isn't the WvW guilds and the more serious WvW players tho. They are likely to be enjoying WR. The concern is that it may not be good for the more casual half of the WvW player base (too early to say tho). And GW2Mists probably has limited visibility on what those players do over the next few weeks because few of them will have GW2Mists logins and API keys.
  12. I was busy when reset happened but gw2mists.com tells me we're at 0.58 K/D ratio already and we are already NA T5 so it's close to confirmed that we are going to get farmed for the next 5 weeks until they relink with new completely new teams... I logged on about 4 hours after reset and no visible tags on any map for us.
  13. I pretty much guarantee they didn’t forget about Legendary Relics and had one on their internal roadmap before SOTO was announced. It is just conceivable that they didn’t consider how people with legendary runes would react to removing the 6th bonus from runes but I think it is much more likely they discussed it internally and hoped the reaction would be manageable (in which case they underestimated). I think they also hoped to avoid giving out free legendary relics but enough of a furor occurred that they decided to change plans.
  14. I'm totally onboard with Anet adding to the pool of WV dailies, ideally adding significantly. But rifts should definitely stay in the mix IMO. Of course if more options are added to the dailies then they will likely come up less often so you still get somewhat what OP wants.
  15. I would be surprised if they haven't thought of this.
  16. I think the big conclusion so far is balance matters and WR has not done a great job of balancing this first linking and matchup. One up / one down weekly adjustments will presumably help a bit but some worlds seem sufficiently short of players/fight guilds/etc that I question whether it will be enough. I suspect our team, Throne of Balthazar on NA T5, is in that category, we're getting stomped by both other teams and we're in the bottom tier already. Our only hope is that in two more weeks both of the teams beating us have moved up and been replaced by weaker teams moving down but even if that dream comes true (and I doubt it will, I'm not convinced any of the T4 teams are weak enough that if they move down to our team then we'll be competitive with them) that would mean that we were waiting 3 weeks to get to a reasonable matchup. So WR needs to do a much better job of the next linking.
  17. Heh. Nice to see that gw2mists is accurate enough to draw some sensible conclusions 🙂 Unfortunately my team, Throne of Balthazar, has quite a lot in common with Abbaddon. There's been a few little victories when I've been on (winning any battle feels like a victory!) but overall it's pretty rough and there are plenty of unhappy people in chat (when you hear anything at all in chat, map chat is active at times but team chat is almost dead).
  18. I get the point but ultimately it's a personal choice (unless Anet decide to make it their choice and they code to block it). I have switched to PvE WV dailies recently (instead of WvW) and had to do the pig iron jumping puzzle which it turned out I have never done before. There was a tag there I could have joined to do it but I enjoy doing them so I did the jumping puzzle. On another day, perhaps with a harder jumping puzzle (that one turned out to be pretty easy), I might just teleport to friend instead.
  19. Agreed, I've been in multiple WvW guilds and the chat while playing was entirely about finding enemy zergs to fight against. There was the most frustration when there wasn't any decent opposition to play again. But then I also saw the chat pre WR when they were making mega guilds and tbh they just didn't seem to be thinking through what they were doing because in every case I saw they were teaming up with some of the biggest potential opponents near to their timezones. This inevitably means they have less chance of actually having decent opponents when they play because they are all in the same mega guild. So I dunno. I don't think it was just an elaborate act when we were playing, I think many of the WvW fight guilds genuinely do want good opposition but perhaps the lure of teaming up with the commanders of the other WvW fight guilds they know (who I guess are to some degree friends or close to) was too much? Or maybe they were just too dumb to think it through...
  20. While I agree that it's very unlikely (near impossible) we can have good balance all the time, from looking at gw2mists it seems like the WR system has done pretty badly on many matchups this time. Looking at my own team, Throne of Balthazar T5 NA, we've only had K/D > 1 for two skirmishes out of the first 58. That's actually two more than I expected, there must be one or two decent guilds that play occasionally and give us very brief periods of dominance, perhaps SEA time or Europe time? But our overall K/D is 0.53 and it feels like it the half dozen times I've tried playing. We've been outnumbered all the time (not necessarily badly enough to have the outnumbered modifier, tho I've seen that on all maps too, including EBG) and I've yet to see a successful defence of a keep when an enemy zerg attacks.
  21. You don't say which T3 NA team you are on. That's a pretty uneven matchup, Abbaddon's Prison are getting absolutely hammered on both score and K/D (so I'm guessing you aren't on that team) while Tombs of Drascir presumably have some serious fight guilds as they are murdering everyone for K/D (1.96 ratio) and Domain of Torment presumably have either some very good PPTers or more likely strong OCX players to recap everything overnight as they are actually winning the score. Would be interesting to get some feedback from all three teams on that matchup as it's a prime example of how poor the team making has been on some matches.
  22. It's a fair point and definitely a factor. But it's also overly simplistic. There is a middle ground where players are losing but it's close enough that they are winning some encounters and even on the ones they lost it felt like they could have won, or if they keep at it (whether attacking or defending) then they could still win. That middle ground is where the sweet spot is where you have a good competition and "content" for both sides. How wide the sweet spot is depends on personality and also camaraderie - people will persist a lot longer in a losing cause if they are doing it as part of a team who are striving together. For many people WR has broken the team part (by splitting their server into many pieces), but as people focus more on picking guilds to play with maybe this part will improve a bit again. The rest of it comes down to the team and match making algorithm doing a good job of making contests close. A quick look at gw2mists.com suggests that hasn't gone particularly well in many tiers this time around, particularly when looking at K/D (and the graphs show this isn't a result of one or two teams giving up over time, the K/D ratios went to roughly where they are very quickly in most cases). Hopefully the one up / one down weekly changes will improve that and their algorithm will do better next time.
  23. I wonder if your matchup is the norm? Certainly our NA alliance is unable to muster an organised Zerg when I play but then I do play out if us time zones (but on my old world this was fine, we had good numbers of players when I play)
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