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Everything posted by TallBarr.2184

  1. yEah because allowing full premade against randoms wont kill whats left of the playerbase.. lul.
  2. Queued for a ranked match this morning, i am very high rating so my queue times are usually 15-20 minutes. I kitten around in wvw meanwhile on my wvw guard. Queue pop and i'm still on my wvw guard. I look on my other monitor for abit waiting for the match to start and just as it is about to start i realise i'm on the wrong guard. I'm still on my wvw guard, with a spec i never pvp with. Unable to switch character to my pvp char i leave the game so my teammates dont lose rating. Meanwhile i lose 23 rating, 23 rating i had accumulated the previous 4 high rated game wins because i am unable to switch character. Yeah, i should have been looking at my game realising i'm on the wrong spec, but i didnt. And this has happeneed to me and surely others before. Allowing char switch just 30 sec or 1 min into the game would not affect the game and would prevent this from happening.
  3. Thank you! They are all my accounts so wasnt very hard to organize. The hardest part was getting the crimson greatsword skin, i suck at jumping :p
  4. 1800+ rating in pvp, legendary badge
  5. Because I (and 4 other people) spent a long time forming a group and playing through the tournament matches? It feels cheesy that the best way to get rewards from tournaments is to join them at off times. I've earned 10, 15+g at times from random, all-welcome tournaments at off-hours. Fun fact, tournaments cap out at 100 teams in them. Are you saying only 32% of the teams deserve a reward compensatory of their time-investment? I am aware that the number of teams maybe have been closer to 50, but I digress. Like I said, maybe toss me 10 measly gold? It's not even just the time-waste and all, it's that we had to get 100 qualifying points just to get in the door, too.> You already earned more than 10 gold for getting those 100 qualifying points. The monthly is supposed to be more competitive. I don't understand why you think you're entitled to a reward in a performance-based tournament just because you invested time into it. Use it as a learning experience to do better the next time. Now that you've seen the level of play at the higher end, I'd consider it a win rather than a waste of time. Regardless, if you don't think it was worth it, and your only motivation for doing the tournament was gold rather than to get better, then I'd say don't do the MAT again if you're this discouraged and discontent. Besides, there are already people that multibox ATs to get free gold. Giving them more free gold just by AFKing the monthly and losing every match wouldn't be very smart. But anyways, that's just my opinion. I don't think people who lose every round, multibox, etc. should win anything. So there should be a minimum win threshold or placement to get rewarded.Multiboxing is not allowed in pvp tournaments
  6. This is what EOTM map looks like any given time of the day http://prntscr.com/rlqez5 its deserted. Even 1 of the objectives has been captured and remain neutral with only 17 minutes left on a 3 hour matchup. Why am i not allowed to do my dailies or just run around and have fun on a map that is deserted with em and my alternative accounts. If anything whatever opposition is on the map will be happy there is something to recapture. There are legitimate ways you cna multibox in without being useless or give an unfair advantage yet its flat out forbidden with no exceptions. My feeling is wvw got caught in the decision to forbid multiboxing in pvp in the recent policy update regarding multiboxing. You cant possibly play preoperly in pvp against 5 other players other then to farm loot. But this is not the case for wvw, in wvw you can capture structures, its different then fighting other players that will destroy you in a fight. My proposal is to allow multiboxing in wvw if: All accounts are on the same server - this way you cant grive the opposing team ro give u unfair advantages.All accounts must be active, either fight or scout.Guideliens for other gamemodes remain - must be responsive, all accounts controlled seperately etc.
  7. Wont happen when the pvp devs only listens to the very vocal minority of streamers that wants duoq to remain. Majority of players are solo players if they split queues the teamquers or duos would cry cuz their queues would be extremely long or very unbalanced fights. Theres a reason why they removed teamq to begin with, too few people played it.
  8. Being duos in 5v5 conquest and especially 2v2 gives you an hefty advantage. By having this advantage over the opposing team you should be punished if you lose a matchup where the other team is soloq. A duoq can customize their setup to their liking before queuing, soloqs cant do that because their teammate/s are random. Duoqs could also be on voicecom which gives them an advantage to synchronize their skill chains. Thoughts?
  9. The multiboxing guidelines had not been updated last time 2v2s were around, this was 1-2 years ago. Multiboxing in pvp was not forbidden at that time. This was the era when people would join tournaments with multiple characters and just stand afk in base for participation rewards.
  10. It makes sense why multiboxing in 5 v 5 or conquest is forbidden, its impossible to play the game properly unless you queue up for rewards. But in 2 v 2 you dont play for nodes or score, you play to beat the other 2 players, I am confident in my pvp skills to try and beat the opposing team 1 v 2. 1 strategy would be to try and beat the opposing team 1 v 2, if i get downed or defeated i would run out with my second account that is still in the "base".`his way i wouldnt have to queue up with someone else that would have to be okay with me trying to fight 1 v 2. A year ago or so when they ran this 2 v 2 tournament for the first time i actually won numerous fights this way and it was an enjoyable experience. Thoughts?
  11. The only things that appear are;The big ice chest which is auto opened if you have auto loot on (once a day)The 3 chests with the coloured bubbles require t2 of your mastery before you can open manually The big icy chest is lootable if you come on a different character
  12. You can play as many accounts as you please as long you abide with the rules you can find on the official forum. Gw2 launchbuddy does not affect your game and it wont get you banned for using it. Most important thing is you need to see your chatbox if anets gms send you any messages, thats how they see if you are at the pc or not. I play 6 accounts.
  13. Just give us team q and solo q and see which one Will Bode better. Spoiler, solo q Will beacuse majority of players are solo. Make seperate q or give us solo q Only.
  14. Allowing multiboxing in wvw, I reached maximum rank a year or so back and have had no incentive to continue playing the gamemode after that. Allowing multiboxing if the accounts are on the same server would give me incentive to command again, but til then i will stay in pve.
  15. Hello Bought the Raven mantle shoulder skin from the gemstore today and it seems if you have the phospholuminescent infusion equipped the shoulder skin gets the effect aswell. Normally the effect would only affect your skin and hair and not your items but the shoulders get it also, see screenshot https://prnt.sc/nzb5p5 Anyone else get this result or is this a bug on my end. Pretty disappointing.
  16. Is this a bug or intended https://prnt.sc/ny31l0 https://prnt.sc/ny2zxe The preview window does not have exotic weapons in it or rare unid gear
  17. Scouting for your own server does provide a (mostly slightly) unfair advantage. If your server cannot provide you scouts, then that is a server issue. How is it an unfair advantage if its available to everyone, anyone who invests in a second account can do it. All advantages are unfair then, some builds from hot and pof are better than core, does that mean those players get unfair advantage also? they invested in expansion -> better builds
  18. Gaile, was the reason for flat out not allowing multiboxing in wvw beaquse of people grieving with alt accounts, pulling enemy tactivators. There was legitimate ways to multibox in www also, scouting for your own server for example. How was the decision made to not allow it at all rather than handle each case individually. If grieving was the problem why not forbid multiboxing in wvw if the alts are not on the same server. Also while you are here, what is anets interpretation on the word "actively" its used alot in the policies so i would like you to help clarify it. Thanks
  19. You're right that I don't know Anet's reason. It could very well be different from mine. However, I used to work in a game company, competed nationally in video games, and helped to set up tournaments in the past. The points I made were based on my knowledge and experience in these areas and odds are, Anet's reasoning will be fairly well aligned with my reasonings. But in the absence of Anet's official response, all I can do is share the info I have based on my experience, and my info should be accurate enough. There's not a single tournament in the world I've been involved in where multi-boxing, of any kind, would be allowed. And while regular matches are not tournaments, they still affect other players negatively. You're also right that you're free to voice your opinions on this matter. I'm not saying you can't, it was just getting annoying dealing with more players trying to justify what is not allowed. I apologize if my post was too aggressive. If Anet allowed multi-boxing in the past and you were only doing what Anet allowed, I can understand your frustration that the money you spent on alt accounts is now wasted. As for raid selling, as I mentioned, this is probably because raid selling is not a competition and does not affect other players. Different modes have different functions so a global rule cannot be applied to everything. As for it involving RMT, the problem is RMT, not the raid selling itself. Punishing raid selling itself would just be making a scapegoat out of it when the real problem is RMT. For example, if some criminal thinks it's OK to run over people with cars, attack with kitchen knives, etc. banning cars and kitchen knives is not the right solution. There have never been any seperate guidelines or rules for pvp or wvw, should people be allowed to bring 5 alts or more and register for pvp tournaments - of course not. Should people who intentionally grief their enemy servers with smurf accounts pulling their tactivators or people spying on the enemy server be punished? Of course, but my point is there are still legitimate ways to multibox in wvw that is in line with the previous policy and this one (excluding the NO to all wvw multiboxing). No matter what gamemode i believe all cases should be handled independently, to flat out say no to legitimate players so you dont have to investigate each case is just lazy. They could easily just change the policy to:1) all alts must be on the same world2) alts cant just stand afk in spawn3) you must be responsive, like everywhere else in the game where you may be subject to GM messaging you This would stop griefers and people spying on their enemies. These policies are nothing different then the ones in pve. You and others argue that this is an unfair advantage, and cheating. Does scouting on 1-3 alts give you an advantage? sure, but the rewards and the advantage is miniscule, not all commanders use voicecoms, not everyone have microphones or for other reasons use voicecom. I would argue its investing in something that is available to everyone playing this game if they wanted to. Mostly commanders would benefit from this, there are only limited amount of shared participation spots and the commander have control over them. The commander wouldnt need to rely on other to scout, they would get some extra rewards to fund the siege. Just beacuse raids are not competetive why should they be treated differently, if they forbid it raid sellers would have to advertise their possible RMT service elsewhere, why should Anet be okay with people advertising possible RMT in their game, and when they have proof of it happening alot. While it doesnt effect people in a competetive setting it absolutely effects standard players who have to scroll that lfg seeing majority of the posts being advertisements, people say all the time how annoyed and how discouraged they are to try raids when the lfg is filled with advertisement clutter.
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